Liposuction of the knees: types of liposuction, purpose, preparation, algorithm of the procedure, reviews with photos before and after

Every woman dreams of having a slim and fit body. In pursuit of their beauty, the fair sexes not only sit on various diets and perform heavy physical exercises, but also carry out various procedures. Every overweight woman knows how hard it is to get rid of fat accumulations in the knees. It is this area that loses weight last, and not always. However, the incredible desire to have slim, beautiful legs leads women to perform procedures such as liposuction of the knees. This article will consider what types of liposuction exist, how they are carried out. Also in the article you can see photos of knee liposuction. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

A few words about fat in the knee joint

As you know, fat in the human body is deposited in the most unpredictable way. This is due to metabolic processes in the body, as well as the presence of certain types of diseases. Fat in the knees accumulates differently in all people. And it depends on what condition the knee cartilage is in.

knee liposuction photo

Fat deposits around the knees spoil the aesthetic appearance of the legs. Therefore, the fair sex so fervently wants to get rid of them, using even such a procedure as liposuction of the knees. Since this part of the body is physically very difficult to train, a large amount of body fat accumulates on it, even if the remaining parts of the body are slender and fit.

What is knee liposuction?

Photos after the procedure can simply astound, since the appearance of the lower extremities changes beyond recognition. If you still want to improve the appearance of the knees and are ready for liposuction, you should familiarize yourself with what this operation is.

Liposuction of the knees is a surgical procedure aimed at eliminating fat reserves in the desired area. Carrying out such a procedure is considered safe, and very rarely leads to injury. The bottom line is that in one of its conduct will be removed only a small amount of fat accumulation. However, despite the simplicity of this method, you still need to be very responsible for finding a qualified health care provider who will perform this manipulation, since the operation will be carried out in a place where vital nerves and blood vessels pass.

Usually this procedure is carried out using the perfect medical equipment in aesthetic clinics. Since the operation itself is not complicated, the patient recovers very quickly after it, and can continue to live a familiar life.

As you know, the bulk of fat is accumulated precisely on the front and back of the knee, as well as above the calyx; therefore, most often liposuction of the knees is carried out simultaneously with the adjustment of the hips, as fat also goes away unwillingly in this zone. However, note that the procedure will be effective only if the patient does not have obesity.

The benefits of liposuction

Liposuction of the knees, the before and after photos of which is simply amazing, is a method that has a very large number of advantages. Consider what they are:

  • this method is very simple and safe, and at the same time very rarely leads to any consequences;
  • after the procedure, the recovery period proceeds very quickly, so the patient can immediately begin to conduct his usual affairs;
liposuction before and after photos
  • the operation does not leave a noticeable scar behind it, which is its clear advantage;
  • when it is carried out, local anesthesia is performed, which does not negatively affect the general health of a person;
  • if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle and monitors his appearance, then fat deposits in this area that is so unpleasant will no longer bother him;
  • a woman acquires beautiful slender legs, and becomes more confident in herself and her strength.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the fact that liposuction of the knees (photos “before” and “after” you can see in this article) is considered a fairly simple procedure, there are still some contraindications to its implementation. So, people need to refuse surgery in such cases:

  • In the presence of severe obesity, as well as in such a dangerous disease as diabetes.
  • In no case do not carry out the procedure if at the moment you are suffering from any infectious and inflammatory pathologies.
  • Refuse the procedure if you have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Also, liposuction of the knees is prohibited for persons under the age of twenty-two years
  • You should not take risks if you have skin diseases in the areas of your knees.

Types of operations

Liposuction of the knees (you can read the "before" and "after" reviews in this article) is carried out by several methods, each of which has its own characteristics.

The very first and most common way is to carry out the procedure using a vacuum. This method consists in the introduction of a special substance that can soften body fat. Then, after a certain period of time, a special tube is inserted under the skin, which rotates and destroys fat cells. Further, the already softened fat takes the form of a special emulsion, which is removed from the required area using a special vacuum mechanism.

non-surgical knee liposuction

Liposuction of the knees can also be performed using the ultrasound method. In this case, the fat will be destroyed by ultrasound, after which it will be removed from the body with the help of small probes that have an effect due to the high-frequency current. This method has many advantages, since it can be used to speed up the metabolism and strengthen the skin.

To date, the laser method of liposuction over the knees is very popular. For its implementation, in the required place, several small punctures are made through which electrodes are inserted that conduct laser beams. Fat deposits are destroyed using a laser, and then removed from the body using the vacuum method, or thanks to the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

There is another method of liposuction called cryolipolysis. In fact, this method is not very often used to remove excess fat, but with its help you can perfectly adjust the knee area. When using this method, special cooling techniques are used that can destroy adipose tissue. Further, the decay products will be excreted from the body naturally using the lymphatic system.

Features of preparation for the procedure

Before laser liposuction of the knees, as well as other methods of this procedure, it is very important to go through all the stages of preparation, which will eliminate all kinds of risks and confirm that this operation will be appropriate.

And so, what is the preparation?

  • The first thing you need is to visit a surgeon for a consultation. He will choose the type of procedure that can be right for you, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body, and, in particular, the skin.
  • It will also be very important to visit a therapist in order to determine the presence of various contraindications. He will direct you to take tests of urine, blood, hormones, as well as the presence of infectious processes in the body. The procedure can only be carried out if the therapist gives you the go-ahead.
  • Next, you will have to visit an anesthetist to select the most optimal method of anesthesia for you.
knee liposuction
  • Two weeks before the operation, you need to abandon the use of all medications. This is especially true for hormonal-based products (not all patients can do this, so do not risk your health). Also stop drinking alcohol and tobacco.
  • Eight hours before the intervention, you can not drink water, as well as eat.

Features of the procedure

Liposuction of the knees (reviews, photos "before" and "after" the operation cannot but surprise) is carried out according to one general scheme, all depending on the method of the procedure. Each method is different from the other only in some subtle details, but the meaning remains the same. And so, how is this manipulation carried out:

  • first, the surgeon on the patient’s body points with the marker the zones that need to be adjusted;
  • then treats the skin with an antibacterial substance and anesthetizes the patient;
  • if the vacuum method is used, a special substance is introduced under the skin that can soften fatty tissue;
  • then holes are made through which fat will be removed;
before and after knee liposuction reviews
  • at the end of the operation, small seams are superimposed on these holes, and drainage is also established, with the help of which the secret is displayed.

After the procedure, special underwear will be put on the patient’s legs, which has a sedative effect. This will help damaged tissues recover as quickly as possible. Usually, the operation takes no more than one to two hours.

Features of the recovery period

If non-surgical liposuction of the knees is successful, the patient can leave the clinic on the same day. However, if necessary, the doctor can recommend the patient to stay in the hospital for a couple of days until the condition is completely normalized. In the first three days after the procedure, it is very important to observe bed rest, and only after that you can begin to make light motor activity. However, it should be prepared for the fact that during this period the patient will be accompanied by pain, swelling and fever. In order to stop these symptoms, you can take painkillers, as well as antipyretic drugs. After a week, the condition will begin to return to normal.

Important Tips

In the first month after the procedure, it is very important to follow some recommendations. Let's consider which ones:

  • be sure to wear compression underwear;
  • In no case do not lie in the bathroom, and do not visit the sauna and bathhouse. Also during this period, refuse to visit the pool;
  • do not sunbathe, and also take care of yourself when lifting heavy weights. It is also contraindicated during this period to perform intense physical exercises.

Reviews of knee liposuction indicate that this procedure is able to permanently get rid of fat deposits. However, this is only possible if you carefully monitor your weight and normalize your diet. If the weight of your body begins to grow, then the likelihood that the knees will get their previous appearance is not excluded.

liposuction over the knees

Please note that this procedure is best carried out while the street is cold. After all, after it you will have to wear compression underwear, and in the heat it will bring you a lot of inconvenience.

Are complications possible?

In order to understand how effective this procedure is, look at the "before" and "after" photos. Liposuction of the knees, of course, is considered an easy and safe manipulation, but despite this, it is still considered an surgical intervention, after which some complications may arise. Which ones, we will consider further:

  • the occurrence of seromas and hematomas, which can occur as a result of damage to blood vessels and lymph nodes;
  • skin wounds can be infected, and this will entail a lot of trouble;
  • the inexperience of the doctor can lead to the appearance of a phenomenon such as necrosis of the skin;
  • if the fat has been unevenly removed, the occurrence of irregularities of the skin that cannot be smoothed out is not so simple;
  • if adipose tissue gets into the bloodstream, this can lead to fat embolism, which is a very dangerous consequence.

Patient Reviews

In fact, many women turn to aesthetic surgeons for a procedure like liposuction. With its help, you can remove fat accumulations even in hard-to-reach places such as knees. The operation itself is carried out under local anesthesia, after which there is no long "waste", which according to patients is a very big advantage. Thanks to anesthesia, this manipulation is painless, but may be accompanied by severe pain during the recovery period.

After the procedure, the legs acquire a very beautiful shape, which can not but rejoice both the women themselves and their partners. Almost all women are satisfied with the results after liposuction.


Liposuction of the knees is an excellent solution for those who can not get rid of the hated fat in this area. This procedure is quite simple, but at the same time it can be fraught with many dangers. Therefore, before carrying out it, be sure to consult an experienced doctor.

knee liposuction before and after reviews

Liposuction can really lead to excellent results, but if you do not change your lifestyle, then everything will be wasted, and excess fat will return, as if nothing had happened. You need to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. Take care of yourself and be healthy!


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