What to give to uncle? Original Uncle's Anniversary Gift

It is good when the relatives communicate closely. Everyone loves and respects each other. Celebrate together holidays and anniversaries. But everywhere there are underwater pebbles. What if, say, uncle invited him to his anniversary or another holiday? What to give to your beloved uncle? I want to please him. I want the gift to deliver many pleasant moments to the donee. The present is needed so that the donor (donor) would not be ashamed, proudly and joyfully saying "Happy birthday, uncle!", To present a gift. And notice at this moment sparks of joy in his eyes. It doesn’t matter how old your uncle is; he is respected and loved for you. Otherwise, you, as an invited relative, would not now be tormented by the question of what to give to uncle.

Choose a gift from the heart

Gift Boxes

Right now in the article we will give an overview of gifts suitable for giving to a close relative - uncle. Perhaps not all presentations will turn out to be original to the extent that the donor desired. But no doubt - all of them are able to please the hero of the occasion. Of course, we will try so that you can choose the most original gift to uncle. But it is worth remembering the age of the donee and his hobbies. It is also necessary to recall that suddenly an uncle once mentioned a couple of words about any desire or dream, and you have the opportunity to fulfill it.

Happy birthday uncle!

Let's start with the smallest donors - children. Beloved little nephews wholeheartedly want to please their uncle. Just look at how they try to create a gift for their uncle with their own hands. These gifts, in fact, are the most expensive. No one will ever again sincerely present the hero of the day, as little children do. They draw pictures, craft something from the designer, glue applications. Such gifts can be moved to tears (which, in fact, they do). Children are able to show miracles of perseverance when they do what they give to their uncle. This confirms their respect and love for the donee.

Giving memories

From photos
  • If uncle is an elderly man, you can give him memories of his youth and the sensations he experienced in his younger years. Find (secretly from him) the old photos. Perhaps the photos will be black and white and already pretty battered by life. Restore the found photos and paste them into the photo album. An elderly relative will be pleased to see in the photographs the faces that mean so much to him. But in no case do not throw away the old photos from which copies were made! People become attached to things that are dear to them as a memory, and a sudden parting with them can cause very tragic consequences.
  • The second method requires more technical knowledge, time and, accordingly, finance. The same old photos must be restored (return the originals to the owner). Then you need to find the tunes of those years during which photographs were taken. It’ll be nice (excellent) if you find out in every possible way about which singer he liked (and still likes). In principle, hits of those times will do. Now from the photo you need to make a video sequence. Perhaps each relative will record his congratulations on video. Even those who live far away will be able to record videos with their own words. And how much joy this will bring to uncle! Show the movie right during the gala dinner.

The benefits of souvenirs

Something useful will be a good present. Men are usually very practical, and even souvenirs must have their purpose and fulfill it. For each beloved uncle you can find your own present. It is enough to carefully look at the person and take into account his hobbies, desires and life status.

He has everything

What to give uncle on the anniversary, if he has everything? This question is sometimes asked by nephews who want to bring to their relative a gift that will delight and remind themselves. You can always find what is useful in the life and work of the hero of the day.

Does my uncle work in an office and is in a good position? Does he keep a certain number of people under his command and does it well? He devotes a lot of time to his work and status things are important for him? Having answered in the affirmative to one or several questions, you can decide what to present to your uncle from the list below.

Status gifts from a nephew

Pen and diary

Present a good corporate pen for the anniversary. Uncle will definitely use it and each time remember how caring his nephew (niece) is with taste.

An expensive leather business card wallet will have the same effect. Uncle, most likely, will be pleased with him and grateful to his donor.

Dear leather-bound diaries. Every person needs a diary. Uncle will make the necessary notes in it.

You can give modern gadgets. But you need to do this only if you are confident in your ability to choose such things correctly. If you do not have such talent, it is better not to spend money on something that will be ruthlessly thrown out right there.

Travelers and fishermen

What to give to an uncle who loves fishing or likes to travel a lot? Get a good quality tent. Fishing tackle (nets, spinning rods, etc.). Any fisherman who likes to sit quietly by the river with a spinning rod or fishing rod will be delighted with a special fishing chair. Fans of ice fishing will appreciate thermal underwear, a thermos, warm socks. All sorts of special devices for winter fishing will also please Uncle. You can give a quality boat. Good for hunters and fishermen will be a barbecue and a pot for a fire.

Give a traveler a travel organizer (suitcase), a camera or a compass.

Document Holder

A document holder, in which uncle will put tickets, boarding passes and much more, is also useful.


Car navigator

What to give to an uncle-motorist? Pay attention to seat covers (consider brand and size). You can also present the navigator, making sure first that your relative does not already have such a gadget. A car pump or a modern alarm system is unlikely to be superfluous. And sometimes you can please the driver’s uncle by filling the tank of his car to the “full” mark, and a cake, to make it even more pleasant.


Ties and Cufflinks

Also, answering the question about what to give to uncle, we recall some more presentations:

  • Wrist Watch;
  • tie and cufflinks;
  • good leather belt;
  • a bathrobe of nominal good quality;
  • his beloved and dear perfume;
  • flask;
  • set for cognac;
  • chess (for those who are fond of this game);
  • gift books - for book lovers (specify what kind of book in a gift cover your uncle would like to have in his library);
  • permits to the sanatorium (it is better to present two, probably your relative will be pleased to go there with his wife).

These are not all gift ideas that can be presented at the anniversary of your relative. But now your fantasy itself will begin to help in choosing a presentation for a respected uncle.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6416/

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