Enterprise Marketing Policy

The marketing policy of the enterprise implies a price, commodity, sales sphere, and in addition - a set of actions to promote products on the market. The general scheme of the marketing policy is as follows: a product is selected - the object of trade, its price is determined based on costs and the established level of profitability, a method of marketing is determined and the product is promoted, introduced on the market, profit from sales is increased.

The first thing that is included in the concept of a companyโ€™s marketing policy is a product policy. Engaged in it, marketers, based on market analysis and research, establish a program according to which the organization should work in the production sector, predict which of the products will become the most popular, compare it with similar competitors' products and determine what will be the advantage of acquiring this particular item, etc. d.

A product is, first of all, an object intended for sale and consumption - either final, or as raw materials or means of production. If you take the marketing essence, then it will be slightly different. What is generally called a product in marketing is called a product. A product is a narrower concept. This is the essence of the product, that for which it was purchased. For example, this is chocolate itself, located at the confectionery shop, still without a name, not delivered to the store, not laid out on shelves and unpacked. A product becomes a product after it is exposed to marketing tools - design, advertising, sales, gaining popularity among customers. Marketing tools and their impact are called product support.

Marketing is very dependent on the consumer - real and potential, so the product strategy of enterprises should change, giving customers new objects, offering new services. A new product is a good marketing move when , when a customer sees a bright inscription about a new product for the company, the buyer hurries to purchase it. However, it is impossible to call absolutely anything that came to mind a novelty in order to increase profits. Novelty can be called goods that meet one of the following requirements:

  • A completely new product on the market, which has no analogues, which practically represents a scientific achievement. Such can be called copying machines, cellular communication services, etc. that once appeared on sale.
  • A product that has an analogue, but is qualitatively different from it. For example, floppy disks with a large amount of memory and at the same time smaller.
  • A product that is new to a particular market โ€” for example, in a state. In the early 90s, dishwashers began to be sold in Russia, which was not here before, but they were popular in the West.
  • A product that was previously on the market, but now it has found a new use, and it is again popular.

Marketing policy, no matter how it is established, is still a rather risky business in relation to a new product. In order for everything to go without loss and bring good material results, the marketing service should work in a coordinated and efficient manner. First, a clear idea is developed for the planned production. This is done on the basis of the work of scientists or even with the help of buyers who want to buy a product that is not yet present in a particular market. At this stage, you need to be able to listen, because a disadvantageous idea may be the lack of competitors' products. It is advisable to create a sample of a new product and carefully monitor its features and demand for it. Minor errors that go unnoticed at this time will subsequently bring significant losses. It should be decided on the place and time of release of the goods, it would be advisable to coincide with the beginning of the implementation of new items to any event - holiday, fair.

To keep up with the times, to make a profit all year round and not to stand idle, a marketing policy must work effectively. While one product is being successfully sold, another should be at the development stage, and the generation of ideas should not stop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6420/

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