Suction on the neck - eroticism in the open

There are many symbols of love and sexuality in modern society. Someone wears a pendant, divided in two. Another makes a tattoo with the name of a loved one. And there are those who, without hesitation, puts suction on the neck. Weโ€™ll talk about this love tag.

what does it mean suction on the neck

So what is a hickey?

Our body is penetrated by microscopic vessels - capillaries. And if their integrity is violated, then the blood will accumulate under the skin or directly in it. So there is a hematoma. If the vessels are damaged by a blow, this is called a bruise. And if the skin was pulled, there is a hickey or bruising. Then the blood cells that create a visible effect on the skin begin to decompose and are excreted by the body. Outside, this can be seen in the changing color of the injury site.

How to put a hickey on the neck?

This question is probably very few people have. But in order for you to make sure that you are doing everything correctly, we will describe the process. It is quite easy to put a suction on the neck. By the way, not only the neck is suitable for this. Chest, shoulders ... there are many tender places on the body. We apply our lips, absorb the occupied area, and the "flower" is ready.

Another question, why? It seems to some that this is the highest manifestation of passion. But so limited people can think. Sometimes it happens involuntarily. This is "se la vie", and sometimes not so. And there are unique people who are simply curious about the reaction of others. As a rule, young people suffer from this, experiencing themselves as a sexual person. Although it is unreasonable, but in the spirit of deprived of experience and tact. When deciding on such an experience, remember: it will hurt, as in the case of a bruise.

how to put a hickey on the neck

How to get rid of small hematomas?

There are situations when, for example, a set suction - on the neck or shoulder - creates a lot of problems. Then we look for a way to get rid of it. It is unlikely that our recommendations will help you instantly remove education - it is physiologically impossible. But immediately after the formation, you can reduce the manifestation by simply pressing the damaged area with your finger. This will reduce the amount of blood entering the tissue. Accordingly, the size and intensity of suction will be less. Or (old-fashioned way) apply ice, it will cool the injured skin, narrow the vessels and ease the pain.

If, so to speak, it is already very late, then try to buy ointment at the pharmacy. Ask your pharmacist which one is right for you. Or use the badagi, it is sold in the same pharmacy.

If the hematoma is large and intense, then it is worth additionally drinking a course of vitamins - they will help from the inside. But before buying, also consult with a specialist.

Neck suction

What does suction on my neck mean?

As mentioned at the beginning, suction is a symbol of love. But it is quite specific, because its main meaning is the "busy" label. The partner, as it were, declares his rights to the โ€œmarkedโ€ person, simultaneously making it clear about his sexual desire. Moreover, passion can reach a mild form of sexual violence.

But each coin has two sides. Modern society prescribes ethical standards. And a hickey on the neck is at least tactlessness, disrespect for your partner. You can cover as much as you like with a scarf or cosmetically hide this "flower of love", but nothing can relieve the feeling of discomfort. Such a manifestation of passion will not be appreciated by others positively.

Do not think that the author of these lines is a hypocrite. But there is a certain framework that is not worth stepping over. Let the intensity of your relationship remain behind a closed door - the present world is already saturated with vulgarity and vulgarity.


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