How to meet young with bread and salt, so as not to break the tradition

If you do not think of organizing a wedding without introducing ancient Russian traditions, then be sure to use the custom of meeting young people with a loaf.

Loaf more than gold

But in order to “insert” this moment into the celebration, you need to know how to meet young people with bread and salt correctly. Remember that this is not just a ritual, it is an ancient custom that is full of deep meaning. If you hold it according to all the rules, the house of the spouses will be a full bowl. No wonder that in the old days no wedding could have done without him.

How to meet young with bread and salt

It is believed that the wedding loaf, from which the newly-made spouses have already bitten off a piece, should in no case be thrown away or forgotten, for example, at the venue of the celebration. Otherwise, there will be no wealth in the family. It is advisable that the spouses themselves eat it up or treat them to all the guests during the celebration. Those, in turn, must respond to gifts with gifts.

Meet the young ones right

How to meet young with bread and salt competently? Let's first decide on a meeting place. Since the “bread of the world” and “the salt of the earth” symbolized the adoption of a young husband, daughter-in-law from the family, the couple met with a loaf in Russia on the threshold of the house where the girl was now to live. Together with the loaf, as a rule, the “icons” that also met the young people “worked” - they were needed for the parental blessing.

Now the times have changed a bit, because it is assumed that the moment how to meet the young after the registry office, and the place where this will happen, will be determined based on the characteristics of the celebration. That is, this can happen in a restaurant if the couple, after they signed, went there. Of course, guests will have to get ahead of them in order to prepare everything. But if you want, you can do everything as in antiquity - that is, the place where the spouses are offered bread and salt will be the apartment of the groom.

Who meets the young with the loaf

How to meet young people with bread and salt, so that they remember this procedure for a long time? First of all, parents need to prepare beautiful words in advance. The appearance of the loaf will also be important. If you make it to order, then it will definitely become the highlight of the evening. Because now these loaves are decorated with all kinds of flowers and even figures - it looks very original.

Tradition: who and how

But another question is brewing: who meets the young with a loaf? Everything is simple here: bread and salt must be in the hands of the host side, that is, the parents of the groom. Young people should bow to them, kiss the bread and only after that break off, or even better, bite off a loaf piece by piece - it is the latter option that is considered the most correct.

By the size of the piece, by the way, they determine the owner in the house - he becomes the one who holds most of the loaf in his hands. A piece, before eating, needs to be properly salted - it is believed that this time was the first and last when the couple annoyed each other. The mother and father of the bride then serve a couple drinks - the contents of the glasses must be drunk to the bottom, and the dishes themselves must be broken.

How to meet young people after the registry office

Before meeting young people with bread and salt, relatives usually arrange for them to walk along a living corridor, where everyone showers the newlyweds with petals, rice and coins. It is believed that this ritual attracts wealth to a young family. After all, the stream of "little things" that falls upon the young is associated with rain, giving life to any sprout.


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