Morality and morality in modern society

If you look in the "Great Encyclopedic Dictionary", we will see that there the definition of the words "morality" and "morality" mean the same thing. It’s hard to agree with that. Even in ancient antiquity, morality was understood as the elevation of a person above himself, it was an indicator of how a person is responsible for his behavior and actions. Morality is closely related to the character and temperament of a person, his spiritual qualities, the ability to moderate and suppress his egoism. Morality implies certain norms and laws of behavior in society.

The concepts of morality and morality, therefore, have different definitions. If the moral component may differ depending on time and place, then the moral component depends on the person’s personal perceptions of the person. Moral principles are concepts and categories that form the basis for judging judgments. Human morality depends on educating him on certain moral ideals.

Morality in modern society is based on the principles of not creating obstacles for another person. That is, you can do whatever you want, but only until you start to harm others. If, for example, you are deceiving another person and it has caused him harm, then it is immoral. And if it didn’t bring? Then it is not condemned. This is the moral of our behavior today.

The concepts of “morality and morality” of tomorrow will go even further. Live as you want, the main thing - do not meddle in other people's affairs and someone else's life if you are not asked. Decide for yourself, not for others, and if you want to help someone, first find out from him, but does he need it? Perhaps your views on what is good and what is bad do not coincide at all. And remember: everyone has their own morality. Only a few general rules combine: do not touch someone else's, do not attempt to encroach on the life of another person, his freedom and property - everything is quite simple.

As if delimiting the concepts of morality and morality, such definitions can be given. Morality can also be called the word "decency", that is, it is the sum of some norms of behavior and prejudices accepted in this society. Morality is a deeper concept. A moral person can be called one who is wise, non-aggressive, does not wish a person harm, sympathizes and empathizes with him, is ready to help another. And if morality is more formal and comes down to certain permitted and prohibiting actions, then morality is a more subtle and situational thing.

The main difference between the concepts of “morality” and “morality” is that morality involves an assessment by society, neighbors, God, leadership, parents and so on. While morality is such an internal self-control, an internal assessment of one’s behavior, actions, thoughts and desires. It does not depend on external factors, these are the internal beliefs of a person.

Morality depends on a social group (religious, national, social, and so on) that prescribes certain norms of behavior in this society, its prohibitions and prescriptions. All human actions are correlated with these codes. Compliance with these laws is supposed to encourage society from respect, fame, awards, and even material wealth. Therefore, moral standards are closely related to the charters of a certain group and depend on the place of their use and time.

Morality, in contrast to morality, has a more universal character. It is aimed not at achieving some benefits and rewards, but at other people. A moral person sees in another person not himself, but his personality, he is able to see his problems, help and sympathize. This is the fundamental difference between these concepts, and morality is most expressed in religion, which preaches love for one's neighbor.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the concept of morality and morality are different things and how they, in fact, differ.


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