Safe behavior in water in various conditions. Rules for safe behavior in water at different times of the year

In our country, a large number of ponds, where you can relax in the summer or do winter fishing. Rest on the banks of a river or lake is wonderful, but just a huge number of people die every year on the water. Most often this happens during swimming, especially in places that are not intended for this.

A quarter of cases are accidents during kayaking on mountain rivers. In winter, when the water is covered with ice, some still manage to fall under it. That is why it is so important to know what safe behavior is in water bodies under various conditions.

Summer Behavior

It is impossible to imagine a summer vacation without a trip to the sea, a river or a pond. When the sun bakes, one wants to plunge into the cool water. In hot weather, there are especially many vacationers near ponds. It is very important that you remember safe behavior on water in various conditions before going on such a vacation. A document that reflects all the rules of conduct on water should be in each administration and rescue organizations.

safe behavior in water in various conditions

Fresh air and water are excellent tempering factors, but we must not forget about the danger that may lie in wait in open reservoirs. There are some recommendations regarding bathing:

  1. Some diseases may be a contraindication to swimming, so consult a doctor before traveling to a river or sea.
  2. The best time for taking water procedures is 9-11 a.m. and 17-19 p.m.
  3. Do not swim, if you just ate, an hour and a half should pass.

If you know how to swim, then this is to some extent a guarantee of your safety on the water, but there are times when excellent swimmers fall into extreme situations and die.

Therefore, it is especially important to comply with safety rules for all categories of citizens.

Rules for safe behavior on the water

Safe behavior in water bodies under various conditions must be strictly observed - this is the guarantee of your excellent rest without incident. After you have arrived at a river or lake, having spent a lot of time on the road in a hot car, do not immediately throw yourself into the water. You need to relax a bit, calm down and cool down, only after that you can go swimming.

safe behavior in water in various conditions

So that your vacation is not overshadowed by unexpected situations, follow simple rules:

  • It is best if you take water procedures in places that are specially equipped for this.
  • If this is your first time arriving at this place, before a full bath you need to inspect the bottom for snags, glasses and all kinds of debris.
  • Do not dive in unfamiliar places, otherwise you can bury your head in the ground, snags or concrete slab.
  • If on the shore of a pond you find a sign that swimming in this place is prohibited, then you should not risk your health, it is better to go to another beach.
  • At sea, rescue services usually set buoys for which you can’t swim, don’t have to show your courage and measure your strength with friends, it can be dangerous.
  • If you like to play games in the water, then be careful: don’t grab each other’s hands or feet, you can swallow water and lose consciousness in excitement.
  • If a leg cramps in your water, you should call for help.
  • Do not go into the water while intoxicated; this may end tragically.

For some reason, these simple rules are far from being followed by everything, which then leads to accidents.

Contingency Behavior

An unexpected situation can occur with everyone on the water if safe behavior on water bodies in various conditions is not observed. Your life or your friends will depend on your actions at this moment.

When swimming in the rivers, it may happen that you are caught in a whirlpool. It is necessary to discard the panic, gain a lot of air in the lungs, plunge under the water and try, making movements with arms and legs, sail away from the funnel.

rules for safe behavior in water at different times of the year

If you do everything right and, most importantly, calmly, then you will be able to easily get out of it. Another situation that occurs all the time is the crossing of a river or lake for a dispute. You can simply not calculate your strengths, it is impossible to predict how your body will behave in conditions of such an overload.

If you know how to relax on the water, lying on your back, then it's not so bad, you may succeed in winning the argument. The ability to relax can be useful to you if your leg in the water has cramped. This is very dangerous, because no one can quickly help you at a great distance from the coast, you can only rely on yourself.

For such cases, always bring a pin with you, they say it is a good remedy for cramps in the water.

Child Safety in Water

The rules of safe behavior in water at different times of the year are also relevant for children. In the summer, our kids cannot be dragged away from the water, all sorts of prohibitions do not work, so you must strictly follow the following recommendations:

  1. Swimming with children is possible only in specially equipped places.
  2. Do not leave your child unattended, even if he is just playing on the beach.
  3. Do not allow children to dive.
  4. After being in the heat for a long time, you must enter the water slowly, otherwise breathing may stop from a sharp temperature drop.
  5. Try to learn to distinguish your children among a large number of children, believe me, this is not easy at all.
  6. The length of time in the water depends on the age of the child, but it should be much less than for adults.
  7. Do not allow children to swim in places where motorboats and boats run, and you should not do this yourself.

reservoirs features of the state of reservoirs at different times of the year

Keeping track of children while swimming is quite difficult, especially if there are a lot of them, such as in camps. Therefore, for safety reasons, bathing is prohibited in many health centers in order to prevent an accident.

Rules for bathing children in open waters

Water procedures for the child are very good and good for health, but the main thing is that it is safe. Since many people relax with their parents on the banks of rivers and lakes, go “savages” to the sea, it’s worth considering some universal rules:

  1. A child can enter the water if it has warmed up to 22 degrees, and on the street at the same time at least 25 degrees.
  2. Better to swim in the morning.
  3. During the first bath, 2-3 minutes in the water are enough.
  4. Do not dip your child in the water with your head.
  5. After exiting the water, wipe the body well and rest.

Rest on the river bank is a great opportunity to improve your body and get a lot of positive emotions. The main thing is to choose the right ponds. Features of the state of water bodies at different times of the year differ, and this must be taken into account.

Winter Behavior

It would seem that winter has come, ice has bound all the rivers and lakes, and you can safely skate, play hockey. But it is worth saying that the rules of safe behavior on water in winter must also be respected.

Here are a few rules to help you keep your life and health in the pond in winter:

  • Ice can withstand one person, at least 7 centimeters thick.
  • Near various runoffs, ice is generally not too strong.
  • Do not test the strength of the ice by hitting your feet with it.
  • If you move along a frozen reservoir, it is better to go along the already trodden path.
  • When you are walking in a group, the distance between you should be 5-6 meters, especially if the terrain is unfamiliar.
  • It is better to carry a backpack on one shoulder, so that in an emergency case, use it as a handy tool.
  • If this happened, and you fell through the ice, then spread your arms wide and hold on to the edges of the ice so as not to go under it with your head.
  • Without panic, slowly get out of the wormwood, crawling with your chest and taking out your legs in turn.

winter safe practices

In any unforeseen situation, you need to remain calm and calm, and in order to exclude such cases, you must always remember about safe behavior in water in various conditions.

Water and danger are concepts that stand very close, so it depends only on you, whether the pond will become a place for you to have a great rest or bring misfortune.


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