How to make mojito - cool in summer heat

An easy-to-prepare, cool and invigorating mojito cocktail is what you need in the hot summer. But few people are interested in the recipe for the preparation of this drink, although it is quite simple. For the first time this simple recipe appeared in sunny Havana in Cuba, it is believed that the Spanish name mojadito, which translates as slightly moist, later changed to mojito. How to make mojito at home and what you need for this, everyone needs to know.

Since the mojito recipe is quite simple and the ingredients are straightforward, you should remember how to make mojito. For the classic version of the cocktail you will need white rum (about 100 ml), one lime, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, a few sprigs of fresh mint and sparkling water.

The main nuance in making mojito is the use of finely chopped ice. In order to get it at home, you can either use a special mill, or wrap ice in a cloth and break it with a heavy object. If bartenders used large pieces of ice, then they do not know how to make mojito.

Mint leaves are placed at the bottom of the glass and rubbed until juice is formed. Then cut the lime into small pieces and grind with sugar. Fill 2/3 of the camp with ice, then pour rum. To fill a glass - add sparkling water. Before serving, decorate the finished drink with a sprig of mint and a slice of lime.

Another option is how to make mojito, namely the option with pomegranate. The recipe and method of preparation is the same as in the previous method. But when you grind mint, sugar and lime should add a few pomegranate seeds. Grind the mixture until the pomegranate gives off the juice. After that add ice, rum and water, mix well and decorate.

For tasty and proper mojito, you should use brown sugar or sugar syrup. In no case should you replace lime with lemon, as this can ruin the taste. A rum is better to choose the simplest, as it is a great option for cocktails. Dear rum has a specific taste and will not allow to reveal fully the rest of the ingredients.

How to make a mojito cocktail without alcohol is also worth knowing. The recipe for cooking repeats exactly the alcoholic version, with the exception of the addition of rum. You can also increase the amount of mint, and replace the mineral water with a sprite. It all depends on taste preferences. Non-alcoholic mojito is a delicious and healthy cocktail that perfectly quenches thirst.

You can also prepare many other cocktails to quench your thirst. How to make cocktails in a blender to quench your thirst there are dozens of recipes.

Orange cocktail is simple and affordable to make. It is necessary to take the same amount of vodka and frozen orange juice. Mix the ingredients in a blender and pour into glasses, serve until the ice has melted.

A delicious vanilla cocktail, for the preparation of which you will need vanilla liquor, cognac, cream and ice, will certainly appeal to the girls. All the ingredients of this cocktail are also mixed in a blender. After pouring a cocktail into glasses, garnish it with whipped cream.

Speaking of cocktails prepared in a blender, you should definitely remember about your favorite milkshakes since childhood . To make a milkshake, you need half a liter of milk or cream, fresh fruit (of your choice) and sugar (50 grams). Beat all the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then pour into glasses. Serving guests, you can decorate with pieces of fruit.

One of the most delicious fruit cocktails, many consider strawberry. To create it you will need: peeled strawberries (200 grams), a few tablespoons of sugar, ice, 50 milliliters of cognac and Curacao liqueur and champagne. Strawberries must be grated with sugar through a sieve. Add ice, cognac, liquor to the resulting mixture - mix everything in a blender. Then combine with champagne and pour into glasses.


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