The main tasks of labor protection. Occupational safety measures

At workplaces, the safety of official activities and the rest of each employee should be guaranteed. Occupational hygiene and sanitation should be provided. But who does this? The above is included in the main tasks of labor protection. It is provided in the institutions, at the enterprise by the responsible person - the inspector. Large enterprises create entire labor protection services.

In the article we will get acquainted with the fundamental concepts on the topic, the main tasks, goals of the activity, the principles of the corresponding service, with the activities carried out by it.

Main term

Labor protection is a set of measures aimed at preserving the life and health of personnel in the course of their performance of official activities. According to Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following events stand out here:

  • Legal.
  • Organizational and technical.
  • Medical and preventive.
  • Hygienic, sanitary.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Rehabilitation and so on.

We will get acquainted with the main labor protection measures in the course of the article. Now we continue to analyze the main concept.

Aspects to consider

The basic requirements of labor protection, this concept itself can be considered in three aspects:

  • As an institution of labor law. In this aspect, it appears as a set of legal norms that are aimed at ensuring safe working conditions for workers.
  • As an element of working relationship. Here it seems to be the counter rights (that is, corresponding to each other) of the rights and obligations of the worker and his employer to comply with the requirements of general labor safety, the safe use of equipment and the implementation of production processes.
  • As the subjective right of workers. This is a legislative consolidation of such a situation of work collectives in which they are guaranteed safe working conditions. This right must be exercised in specific legal labor relations.

It should be noted that in labor legislation in the broad sense, the concept is interpreted as the totality of all legislative labor standards, which are essentially aimed at protecting and protecting the labor rights of workers.

main tasks of labor protection

Main goals

What stands out in the theoretical literature? The main tasks of labor protection are the prevention and prevention of occupational diseases, occupational injuries, as well as minimizing various social consequences. It can be said differently. The main task of labor protection is to guarantee at each of the existing jobs only socially acceptable risk. But that's not all.

Also in educational, scientific, official literature, labor protection tests, one can find such a list of its main tasks:

  • Organization and subsequent coordination of labor protection in a specific organization, at the enterprise.
  • Monitoring compliance with a number of regulatory acts (from legislative to local) on the protection of labor activity by the work collective.
  • Improving the preventive activities to prevent injuries in the workplace, industrial-caused and purely occupational diseases.
  • Constant work to improve working conditions.
  • Advising employers and workers on these issues.

In terms of legislation

Now let's turn to the Russian legislation. What is said here regarding labor protection and working conditions? We turn to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 (2014). The second section of the document directly lists the main tasks of labor protection services at work:

  • Organization of activities to ensure that the work team complies with labor protection regulations.
  • Monitoring compliance by personnel with labor laws regarding labor protection, collective contracts, contracts for the protection of official activities, and other regulatory local acts.
  • The organization of preventive work to prevent injuries at work, occupational diseases (including diseases caused by production factors).
  • Carrying out work to improve the conditions of performance.
  • Informing, advising employees of the organization, its head specifically on labor protection issues.
  • The study and further dissemination of the most advanced knowledge, experience on labor protection, promotion of pressing issues in this area.
labor safety tests

Basic principles

All activities, briefings, tests on labor protection are subject to the following principles of activity:

  • Ensuring the preservation of the working capacity, life and health of the working team in the process of labor activity.
  • Social partnership of workers and employers in the field of labor protection.
  • Guarantees for the protection of workers' rights to work under conditions consistent with the requirements for the protection of their activities.
  • Definition and subsequent payment of compensations for hard work, activities in dangerous and harmful working conditions.
  • Social insurance for workers against accidents and possible occupational diseases.
  • Social, medical and vocational rehabilitation of the work team, victims of accidents, occupational diseases.

Legal group

We examined the main tasks of labor protection. Now we will get acquainted with specific events.

What stands out among legal? The creation of such a system of norms that would establish standards for a safe working environment introduced legal means to ensure their compliance.

Such a legal system must necessarily be based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law, regulatory by-laws, as well as local regulatory documents of a particular organization.

general occupational health

Socio-economic group

Such measures related to labor protection include measures of state incentives for employers to increase the level of labor safety of their employees. In particular, this is the following:

  • The establishment of benefits and compensations to those employees whose working conditions are recognized as harmful and dangerous.
  • Protection of specific socially vulnerable categories of workers.
  • Compulsory social insurance of the labor collective.
  • Payment of material compensation for industrial injuries, the diagnosis of occupational diseases.

The social essence of labor protection is the maintenance of working capacity and the normal state of health of economically active categories of citizens at the highest possible level. It is also a full-fledged social protection of not only workers injured in the workplace, but also members of their families.

The economic essence of labor protection is that it involves minimizing the loss of society in the implementation of production activities. This is achieved by preventing occupational diseases, injuries at work.

health and safety inspector

Organizational and technological group

Organizational and technological measures in the field of labor protection are aimed at creating a management system for this environment. What does it mean?

Labor protection at the enterprise should be represented by a complex of interacting and interrelated components that establish a specific policy, the goals of this activity in the organization. And also - procedures to achieve these goals.

Sanitary group

Sanitary and hygienic measures here are work aimed at reducing the level of exposure to workers of dangerous and harmful factors of production. It is important among them to highlight general occupational health.

The purpose of such activities is to ensure favorable working conditions for employees, and the prevention of occupational diseases.

industrial sanitation and hygiene

Therapeutic group

Such events are the organization of various kinds of medical examinations: preliminary, extraordinary, periodic. This may also include compulsory psychiatric examination of workers, the issuance of certain therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

Rehabilitation group

And finally, the last group of labor protection measures is aimed at implementing a whole range of actions to restore the disability and health of employees who suffered from an accident at work and who received an occupational disease.

Event classification

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 181n (2012) approved a list of standard measures to improve working conditions, which should be held every year. Taking into account the specifics of the company, the employer can supplement it with other activities.

In the main version, this is the following:

  • Organizational activities. Conducting (every 5 years) a special assessment of working conditions. Training of the labor protection team, verification of acquired knowledge - every year; in respect of new employees and employees absent from the workplace for more than a year, in the first month of the start of employment. Preparation of relevant labor protection instructions. Approval of the list of professions for which additional benefits are introduced.
  • Technical activities. This is the organization of workplaces in strict accordance with sanitary regulations, safety standards for lighting, thermal conditions, permissible vibration, etc.
  • Providing workers with the necessary personal protective equipment. In particular, this is the issuance of safety shoes and protective clothing, eye protection and respiratory tract protection, disinfecting drugs, etc.
  • Ensuring fire safety. Here, the development of relevant instructions on this topic, the installation of a modern fire alarm, the development of evacuation schemes, the provision of training on labor protection in the fire department, the equipping of production spaces with fire extinguishing equipment, etc.
basic labor protection requirements

Event planning

There is a certain algorithm for the development of measures to protect labor activity:

  1. Preparation of a preliminary plan of measures either by the inspector for labor protection and safety measures, or by the service, department working in this direction. Accordingly, such a unit should operate in the company, an appropriate position should be introduced, and employees should have the necessary qualifications and practical work skills.
  2. The head signs an order to appoint persons who are entrusted with the preparation of the action plan.
  3. Based on Model List No. 181n, authorized employees develop an action plan, taking into account the specifics and capabilities of their company. The names of the events are listed with the dates of their implementation, officials responsible for the implementation.
  4. The finished plan is included directly in the labor protection agreement. Its content must be approved by the representative body of the collective (trade union). Then he is signed by the head of the company.
main labor protection measures

Labor protection in production pursues certain tasks, goals. In itself, it appears to be a fairly broad concept in theory. And in practice, specific labor protection measures are important, the most important of which were presented in the article.


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