Fighting ants in the garden, or how to get rid of uninvited guests

the fight against ants in the garden

If you have such uninvited guests as ants in the garden, you should take measures to combat these pests in the near future. Undoubtedly, the great advantage of ants is that when building their nests, they loosen the top layer of the soil, saturating it with oxygen and increasing fertility. But no advantages in comparison with the losses incurred will not defend these "tenants" in your garden. Having discovered their nests, you will understand how difficult the struggle with ants is. In the garden for them - a real paradise, but in time resorting to the methods described below for the destruction of ants, you can save your harvest.

fight with ants

Since aphids are the ant's favorite food, they protect it from enemies and promote reproduction by infecting aphids with more and more plants. Most likely, plants will not grow around the nest of ants. When constructing their nests, ants also prefer to use strawberry bushes, destroying the plant. Therefore, the reasons why the fight against ants in the garden is necessary are obvious.

First of all, you need to get rid of aphids, since it is she who attracts unwanted guests to your beds. This is the first thing to do before fighting the ants in the garden. When the aphids are finished, you can proceed to more decisive action. Having found the anthill, you need to dig this piece of land as deep as possible. So you destroy their nest, and they will leave your site. To prevent the ants from returning to this place, dig the earth with ashes or ashes.

the fight against ants in the garden

If you dig a place where the ants have chosen "housing", there is no opportunity, other no less effective ways to repel insects will come to the rescue. Fighting ants in the garden is a rather delicate matter, because when using chemicals you risk not only getting rid of the ants, but also harming the crop. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to folk remedies for the fight against ants. It is known that ants are frightened by pungent odors, therefore, having discovered their nest, cover it with leaves of parsley, tomatoes, laurel and other fragrant plants. Also, the leaves or stems of these plants are laid out on the paths of ants or they are tied with plant trunks.

In order to protect bushes of raspberries, currants or other fruit and berry shrubs from the invasion of ants, you need to cut small strips from the sheepskin and tie them to the shoots of plants, lubricated with carbolic acid. The smell of this acid repels insects, and the berries remain intact.

the fight against ants in the garden
To make the fight against ants in the garden easier, you can set up a trap for ants that requires boric acid and sugar. All this must be mixed, poured into small dishes and placed between the beds, placing a straw or leaf on the edge, along which the ants will rise to the sweet bait. Further boric acid will do its job and the ants will die.

In order not to look for ways how to deal with ants in the country, you should sprinkle the beds with a mixture of ash, chopped wood and lime for prevention. So you keep your plants safe and sound.


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