What are lubricants, how to use them? What are lubricants for?

If you are an ordinary person who occasionally engages in sexual contact, then you need to know about such a modern tool as lubricants. How to use them and what kind of data means exist? You will get answers to all these questions by reading our article.

lubricants how to use

What are gel lubricants for?

Most likely, information will not be news for you that in order to avoid discomfort during sex, the genitals of both partners should be wet. Only in this way both people can get real pleasure from this lesson. By nature, a woman is structured in such a way that in the process of arousal, a natural lubricant is released from her vagina. But very often such lubrication is not enough. It is at this moment that we resort to the help of specially created means.

Correct use

What is a lubricant and how to use it? This question is often asked by people who have problems with natural lubrication. In fact, using this tool is easier than ever. It can be applied to the genitals both in the process of foreplay, and immediately before the start of sexual intercourse. It is enough to smear a little gel on the penis or the female labia and you can safely proceed to the action!

what is a lubricant and how to use it

All about lubricants and the need for their use

  • If you plan to have sex for a sufficiently long period of time, then you can hardly do without gel. The thing is that after the third sexual act in a row, a woman's lubrication may end or decrease in quantity.

  • It happens that both partners move too quickly to sexual intercourse. In such a situation, the lady's body may not have time to isolate the natural lubricant. And at such a moment, special tools come to the rescue.

  • What are lubricants for? You probably thought that this product can only be used as a lubricant for the genitals? But no. You can also lubricate the female breast with gel. Believe me, at least one man is unlikely to resist this technique.

  • When a woman becomes a mother, her body "comes to its senses" some time after giving birth, in other words, it is restored. For this reason, during sexual intercourse, natural lubricant may not be released in the right amount.

  • You understand what lubricants are, how to use them, it has also become a little clear. Now let's pay attention to what other cases it is very difficult to do without a gel. With the onset of menopause, the woman’s body releases less lubricant than before. Both partners suffer from this state of affairs if they do not know about the existence of special gels.

  • If you welcome anal sex and sexual intercourse in which a member is between the female breasts, then you can also use grease.

What are lubricants for?

"Difficult helpers"

In addition to understanding what lubricants are, how to use them, and for what purpose they are used, you also need to know about their additional properties. You will be pleasantly surprised that, in addition to the effect of natural lubrication, you will get a lot of advantages in case of using a gel.

  1. Lubricants with a stimulating effect. This option is used when it is necessary to additionally excite a partner and add new colors to sexual life.

  2. The lubricant prolongator is created especially for men who want to prolong the time of sexual intercourse. The thing is that this type of gel affects the nerve endings of the penis and thereby prevents the rapid onset of orgasm.

  3. What is a lubricant and how to use it? To understand this issue fully, you also need to find out what types of these funds are. For example, there is a narrowing lubricant. In this case, the gel gives a feeling of narrowing of the partner's vagina. Be sure that in this way you can get an unforgettable experience.

  4. Gel with antiseptic properties. If you really love sex and do it more than once a day, then there is a good chance that small micro-cracks will appear on your genitals. So this tool will contribute to their speedy healing. Moreover, if you change partners from time to time, then with an antiseptic lubricant, the risk of contracting any sexually transmitted disease is minimized.

  5. Lubricants with various aromas are very popular with both men and women. It is hardly worth supplementing this fact with any comments.

cream lubricant how to use

Lubricants: how to use? Features of various types of funds

  1. Water based lubricants. Perhaps this is the same type of gels that is undoubtedly popular. These greases contain water and glycerin. In the process of use, you can not worry about the fact that the product will leave marks on clothes or, for example, will destroy the integrity of the condom.

  2. Lubricants, which include silicone, can be safely used in the bath or sauna.

  3. Oil lubricants. These products are made with the addition of fruit and vegetable extracts. This option will never cause an allergic reaction, but it can easily leave a mark on clothes and tear a condom.

how to use gel lubricant

Description of the use of lubricants

Of course, we could not ignore the question of how to use gel lubricant, so a kind of short instruction is presented below.

Initially, it is necessary to apply a lubricant to those places of both partners that will eventually come into contact. If sex is carried out in a condom, then lubrication must be applied on top of it. Otherwise, the contraceptive may simply slip off when having sex. At the end of sexual intercourse, the gel is washed off with plain water or soap is used. If you find that you have an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to choose the right lubricant and where to buy it?

Now you have an idea of ​​what a cream-lubricant is, how to use this tool and what its types exist. Let's talk about where it is best to purchase this tool.

In fact, it is better to order lubricants online. Of course, gels can be purchased at a store or at a drugstore, but there are some drawbacks.

  • Entering the store, you will immediately realize that the choice of these funds there is extremely limited. This state of affairs will lead to the fact that you will not get the tool that you wanted, but the one that was.

  • By purchasing lubricants in stores, you can purchase low-quality goods that will not bring the desired effect.

  • Not everyone dares to go to the store and purchase such an intimate product. No one will know about your purchase over the Internet.

Also an undoubted advantage of buying online is the low price of such products. This is due to the fact that the sale is carried out without intermediaries.

all about lubricants

Well, here, finally, you learned about what a lubricant is and how to use it. If you want to bring new colors to your intimate life, then you should definitely try this tool.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6453/

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