Cherry kissel: home-made recipes

The benefits of jelly have been known since ancient times. In Russia, it was prepared not with the addition of starch, but on the basis of a starter culture made from cereal broth. It is from the word “sour” that its name came about. Jelly was especially appreciated for its ability to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The thick consistency of the drink provides a soft enveloping of the intestinal walls, so that pain and discomfort pass through it.

It is believed that cherry jelly has an antiseptic effect and even helps relieve the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. To test this on yourself, it is enough to prepare such a tasty and healthy drink according to one of the recipes below.

How to make cherry and starch jelly

This is a traditional recipe for cherry jelly. According to this recipe, it turns out to be moderately thick. If desired, it can be made more liquid by adding less starch, previously diluted with water. Similarly, cherry jelly can be prepared with a thicker consistency.

cherry jelly
Rinse cherries, remove twigs and seeds. Put the berries in a saucepan and add water (2 tbsp. Cherries 1 liter of water). Move the container to the stove and bring to a boil, add sugar to taste. Meanwhile, starch (3 tbsp. Tablespoons) diluted with cold water and gradually pour it into the pan, without ceasing to interfere. Let the jelly boil for a minute and can be removed from the heat.

Cherry jelly, the recipe of which is offered above, is considered traditional, but not the only one. Such a drink can be prepared in a slow cooker from canned and frozen cherries.

Cherry jelly: recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare jelly in a slow cooker, you must set the “Soup” mode, load cherries (2 tbsp.), Sugar (1 tbsp.) Into a bowl and pour water (3 l). Close the lid and leave the compote to cook for 30 minutes. At this time, dilute starch (100 g) in water. Then pour it into the compote, set the mode “Keeping warm” and leave the jelly from cherries to simmer for another 5 minutes. After the specified time, the finished drink can be poured into a glass jar or poured into glasses.

Simple canned cherry jelly in own juice

Many housewives canned cherries for the winter. It can also be used to make jelly. For 2.7 liters of water, you need about a half-liter jar of cherry (unsweetened). In addition, you will need sugar (180 g) and starch (5 tbsp. Tablespoons).

cherry jelly recipe
Boil water in a saucepan, add all the cherries and sugar to it to taste. While the compote is boiling, dilute the starch in a small volume of water. Ensure that there are no lumps in starch water. Constantly stirring, introduce starch into the cherry jelly. Allow to boil and can be removed from the heat. And after another hour, the jelly can be poured into glasses and enjoy the taste of cherries.

Delicious cherry compote with mint

This is a recipe for a refreshing kissel with a pronounced cherry flavor and a pleasant mint aroma. In the process of its preparation, first cooked ordinary compote from cherries, and then other ingredients are added, including sugar, starch and mint. How to cook cherry jelly according to this recipe? Everything is very simple, if you follow the cooking sequence.

cherry jelly
To make compote from water and cherries. To do this, rinse the cherries (0.6 kg) under running water and, without taking out the seeds, pour them with water (1.7 l). When the compote boils, add sugar (170 g) to it and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Before removing the pan from the heat, add three sprigs of mint to the drink. Turn off the stove and let the compote brew for about 1 hour.

Strain the finished compote from berries and mint branches, put on the fire again and bring to a boil. At this time, starch is diluted in water. To do this, take 0.5 liters of cold water and 2.5 tablespoons of starch. Stir well so that there are no lumps. Pour the starch blank into the compote with a thin stream, let it boil again, and you can remove the pan from the heat.

Frozen Cherry Jelly

Kissel lovers prefer to make this drink year-round. In the cold, it refreshes well in the summer heat, and in the warm state it warms in the winter weather. Jelly from frozen cherries does not lose its beneficial properties, and it is as easy to cook it as from fresh berries.

how to cook cherry jelly
Remove the cherries from the freezer (1 glass will be needed) and put them in the pan. Pour 400 ml of water from above. Put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook the compote for 10 minutes, and at the end of cooking, knead the berries using a mashed potato press. Strain the compote and return to the stove again, adding sugar to taste.

Prepare a starch jelly blank. To do this, take 100 ml of water and dilute starch in it (2 teaspoons). Pour the starch with water into the compote, constantly stirring it with a spoon. After a few seconds, the jelly will begin to thicken. Now the pan can be removed from the heat and after 20 minutes and serve hot jelly from cherries to the table. This drink will appeal to both children and adults.

The secrets of cooking delicious cherry jelly

The following cooking recommendations will help you cook delicious jelly at home:

how to make cherry and starch jelly

  1. Before preparing the compote, it is advisable to extract the seeds from the cherry and squeeze the juice from the berries, then the cherry jelly will acquire a brighter color and a rich taste.
  2. Starch to breed only in a small amount of cold water. If you immediately fill it with water, then instantly sticky lumps are formed, which adversely affect the taste and appearance of the drink.
  3. When preparing jelly from frozen cherries, berries must be added to the water without preliminary thawing.

Adhering to these simple recommendations, you can easily and quickly cook a delicious and very healthy jelly.


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