What does the ring on a woman’s thumb mean, and why is it so worn?

Many people wear rings (teenagers and elderly people, men and women), not only on different fingers, but also on their feet. But it turns out that this jewelry on one or another finger necessarily means something or symbolizes. For example, on little fingers, rings are mostly worn by creative individuals. Engagement rings are put on the nameless (and this is well known) (Orthodox Christians on the right hand, and Catholics on the left). But what does the ring on the thumb mean, not everyone knows.

Most people are convinced that jewelry (with rare exceptions) means nothing at all, and therefore they must be worn so that they fit together and also harmonize with the person’s image, clothes and other accessories.

ring on a woman’s thumb
However, many eastern peoples attach more importance to this than the rest. In particular, in China, it is believed that wearing a ring on the thumb is useful because it can stimulate nerve endings concentrated in this area. Palmists and representatives of some other teachings agree with them.

Psychologists have a different opinion. They believe that the ring on the thumb of a woman or man indicates that his master is trying hard to draw attention to his personality. This is especially true for men, who sometimes adorn the thumbs of both hands.

thumb ring
There is a whole science connecting fingers on hands with various planets of the solar system. According to this teaching, the thumb symbolizes Mars (male principle, as well as aggression and even war). In this regard, in the ancient world, it was customary for many nations to have warriors decorate their hands in this way, thereby increasing strength and militancy. If a woman puts a ring on her thumb, then, according to this logic, she tries to be more courageous (to suppress the feminine in herself). Related to this is another interpretation of the wearing of this jewelry. It is common throughout the modern world. It is believed that a woman’s thumb ring is a sign of her non-traditional sexual orientation. But the most interesting thing is that many of the wearers do not even know about it.

Of course, there are girls who, decorating their thumb with a ring, knowingly tell the world that they are lesbians. But there are many who simply spied this option on TV, in some movie or even on the street. They liked it, and they did the same, not bothering to find out what this could mean.

wear a thumb ring
And there are also such stories when a girl receives a ring as a gift from a beloved or dear person (friend, boyfriend, father, brother), but it turns out to be large, and it is impossible to change the size due to its design features. In this situation, it turns out that the ring on the woman’s thumb does not mean anything, it’s just the only option so that it does not fly off.

Regardless of the reason for which the jewelry will be on one or another finger, the main thing is that it looks good on the hand and harmonizes with other accessories and complements the image, and does not contradict it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6461/

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