Cast marble bathtub: reviews. Cast Marble Baths: Pros and Cons

The modern market of sanitary products is ready to offer its customers bathtubs of the most diverse materials and prices - cast iron, steel, acrylic, various composite compounds (polymers with the addition of natural stone chips). The most spectacular and expensive are the products of the latter group. These include a cast marble bathtub, reviews of which are quite diverse and ambiguous.

What is cast marble?

cast marble sanitary ware

Cast marble (polymer concrete) in its appearance is very similar to natural stone. The most popular, in demand buyers, are bathtubs for malachite, onyx, marble. Such products look fashionable and expensive. Cast marble, as a rule, is a mixture of stone chips of natural origin, acrylic resins, hardener and various dyes. Cast marble sanitary ware has a unique appearance. Each product is characterized by unique overflow of color tones, structure and pattern. The color of the finished product is fully dependent on the type of stone chips used in the manufacture of the bath.

Injection plumbing manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process of cast marble bathtubs (we will consider the pros and cons later) in general is not very difficult.

Cast Marble Bath Pros and Cons

The execution itself can be represented in several stages:

1. Formwork preparation.

2. Preparation of composite material. As a rule, each manufacturer keeps secret the percentage ratios of the components: stone chips, hardeners, acrylic resins, dyes (staining occurs at the stage of mixing the mixture).

3. Pouring the mixture into the formwork. In industrial conditions, this is done on special equipment - a vibrating table. Vibration significantly reduces the likelihood of voids in the body of the future bath, puts the liquid mixture with the required density.

4. The next step is the drying of the finished product at a certain temperature in compliance with a number of necessary conditions.

5. Machining, “finishing” the bath - elimination of defects after casting, polishing, teething holes for draining and overflowing water.

After finishing, the finished bath should stand still for some time in order to gain sufficient strength.

Possible forms of injection baths

cast marble pros and cons

The use of composite material allows you to create a wide variety of forms of sanitary ware such as a cast marble bathtub. Customer reviews make it clear that in terms of the variety of forms they are ahead of the work of natural stone. Products made of composite materials can be round and rectangular, oval or multifaceted, freestanding or angular. Bathtubs may be symmetrical or asymmetric. In addition, they are equipped with sides of various shapes (straight or curly) and head restraints.

Like any product in the consumer market, it has cast marble for and against its use in the field of sanitary products.

Advantages of Marble Baths

The positive qualities of cast marble bathtubs can, without a doubt, include the following characteristics:

1. Products have high strength and rigidity. When minor damage occurs, the material can be easily restored. However, it is worth noting that the bath is not recommended to be subjected to excessive loads.

2. Plumbing made of cast marble, so to speak, "not loud." The noise from falling water is muffled quite well by cast marble and is not heard in every corner of even a small apartment.

3. Throughout the entire operational period, bathtubs are not subject to discoloration, which ensures the attractiveness, aesthetics and elegance of the bathroom.

4. Products made of cast marble are easy to care for, they are very practical. To maintain cleanliness will require a minimum of effort and time.

5. Marble has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, therefore, the bath, having heated, will maintain the temperature for a long time.

6. The manufacturer's warranty is at least 5 years, the operational period is more than 45 years.

7. Cast marble has good bactericidal properties.

"Cons" of cast marble sanitary ware

However, molded marble bathtubs have not only positive characteristics. Disadvantages of such products are also available.

Marble bathtubs

1. Care for such products, of course, is simple. However, it must be remembered that abrasive detergents cannot be used to clean sanitary ware from cast marble. In addition, the use of certain types of household cleaning products is unacceptable.

2. Products made of cast marble should not have prolonged contact with water. If the water is not drained long enough, the salts contained in it will leave stains and stains at the bottom of the bathtub, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

3. It is strictly contraindicated to test the bath for impact strength. Even an accidental drop in a bottle of toilet water can cause a fairly large chip. The problem is not fatal, everything is solvable, however, this will require serious restoration, which costs decent money, takes a lot of time and takes a lot of nerves.

4. Sanitary ware made of cast marble is very expensive, which makes them available only to some segments of the population.

Consumer recognition

Plumbing products made of composite materials, whether it is a toilet bowl, sink or bathtub made of cast marble, the reviews are mixed, but for the most part, buyers are satisfied with the choice made.

Cast marble bath reviews

Some speak very well of products in terms of the fact that the bathtub is warm, non-slip, easy to care for, it “does not rattle”. Some buyers reported that they had been using a sink made of the same material for several years. And since caring for the washbasin did not cause any difficulties (it was easily washed even after “painting” with a ballpoint pen), there were no defects on the product, and the appearance was “like new”, the cast marble bathtub was acquired without any hesitation.

Someone was dissatisfied with the fact that the bath heats up for a long time, it can be scratched, dirt and dust stick to it.

Along with products of foreign manufacturers, bathtubs of domestic production are in great demand.

Plumbing company "Estet"

Cast marble bathtubs

This brand has entered the Russian elite sanitary ware market not so long ago. The main specialization of the company is cast marble products. All products are certified, have a guarantee. Estet cast marble bathtubs are made of environmentally friendly materials of high quality and are characterized by high strength parameters. The bath is resistant to the vast majority of coloring substances. The production uses modern high-tech equipment. Product shapes are made in compliance with all ergonomic rules. In addition, the manufacturer can make a bath with a paint in any color palette.

Brand "Astra"

Cast marble bathtub "Astra" is made in Russia. For the manufacture of natural natural materials are used. The perfectly flat surface of the product is resistant to abrasion and is characterized by increased indicators of mechanical strength. Baths "Astra" are inert to the effects of chemical cleaning agents, heat-resistant (up to + 180 ° C). Scratches and chips that have arisen can be removed at home.

Cast marble bathtubs

Bathtubs TM "ASTRA" can be supplied both as standard, and with hydromassage nozzles and a screen. High quality products are confirmed by certificates of conformity.

A cast marble bathtub, reviews of which leave no doubt about impeccable quality, elegance and safety, is a product worthy to decorate any home.


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