Help "form 9": where and why to take it?

Help "form 9" is a registration document. Often people call it "about the composition of the family", but this is not an exact definition. Let's find out what information the form 9 certificate includes, why it is needed, where to get it, and what is needed for this.

What information is provided in the document

The certificate “form 9” contains information about all persons registered in the dwelling, whether it is an apartment or a private house. Sometimes it includes information about people removed from the register. The list is headed by the owner of the housing, his full name is indicated, then the lines and columns are alternately filled. They contain the names, patronymics and surnames of each person registered on the premises, their date of birth, date of registration (and expiration date), family or other relationship with the landlord. Both permanent and temporary registration are indicated. If the list includes persons deregistered, sometimes information is added about the reason for the cancellation of registration. Thus, the certificate shows how many people were registered at a specific address on the day the document was issued, and, accordingly, could legally use this room.

Help form 9
Next, in form 9, information about the apartment or house itself is indicated: living and total area, number of rooms, type of property and reference information on the debt for utility bills. This is a complete list of the information presented, but in some cases the organizations issuing the document are limited only to the listing of registered residents.

Validity of the certificate "form 9"

Legally, this paper has no statute of limitations, that is, the legislation does not indicate how much it is valid. It is considered that the information from form 9 is relevant for 1 month from the date of issue. However, some companies to whom the document should be submitted set their own validity periods from 10 to 14 calendar days. Therefore, if you need the help “form 9” by a certain day, contact her shortly before the required date.

Who is authorized to issue the document

Where can I get help form 9? In the Department of the introduction and registration of citizens at the location of the living space, in the passport office or housing office. The service for issuing a certificate is provided free of charge when you personally contact the organization that is authorized to issue registration information.

where to get help form 9
The system works differently in different regions of Russia, so before contacting for help, check the working hours of a particular organization and the hours of receiving visitors.

What you need to get form 9

Certificate validity period form 9
These papers will be needed:

  • Identification document (passport with a stamp on registration for the owner of the apartment and any person registered in it).
  • A power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner (confirmation of the authority of an individual to act on behalf of third parties) and an identity document for a person who is not registered in this residential premises.

When contacting a specialist for information, you will be given a certificate "form 9". The form must be filled out, indicating your full name, passport details, registration address and date of request. Sometimes passport office employees issue form 9 upon an oral request, excluding the stage of filling out forms from the work process, because now everyone works with computers where all the necessary information is stored. Help is issued immediately at the time of contact. The only thing, sometimes you need to sign it with the boss after confirming the absence of debts for utility bills.

Cases of refusal to issue a certificate

It happens that the passport office or registration department refuses to issue form 9. This happens if the owner’s account has unpaid payments for the apartment or house (electricity, heating, hot and cold water, etc.).

Certificate of registration form 9

In any of two possible situations (you received an oral refusal to issue a certificate or you were given a written confirmation of the rejection of the request), you can contact the prosecutor's office, referring to Article 19.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Self-government". Employees of these organizations are not entitled to refuse to issue a certificate of form 9 only on the basis of communal debt.

What is "form 9" for?

The most common situations are real estate purchase and sale transactions or the resettlement of communal apartments. For example, if you are selling an apartment, you may have to take form 9 several times during the paperwork process. This is not a superfluous requirement for the buyer, because it is not so profitable for him to buy an apartment where unknown people are registered, who, like the owner, can apply for part of the property. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises for both parties, such a measure as repeated appeal for the specified document is justified.

Help form 9 form
The certificate of registration "Form 9" is especially important for the resettlement of communal apartments. It gives real information about which rooms are privatized and which are not. Those who have not used the privatization right before will qualify for new housing without problems. If someone has already used this opportunity, he may encounter difficulties with resettlement.

Other cases where help may be required form 9:

  • applying to the Center for Social Protection for benefits to low-income families with children;
  • receiving compensation for paying for kindergarten;
  • if in an apartment or house for one registered there is less than the established footage, you can queue for housing, for this you need "Form 9" (and not only);
  • as a certificate of family composition for the gas service (when a meter is not installed, and payment is charged for each registered).

It's important to know

All information contained in the certificate of form 9 is subject to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data". This means that you cannot receive information about the place of registration of another person without his consent. Professionals and operators who receive personal information must not disseminate or disclose data to third parties without the consent of the subject, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

How to get help form 9
If documents are needed to apply for benefits or other payments to the whole family, and the spouses are registered at different addresses, you will need to take "Form 9" from each place of residence.

Sometimes the information contained in the document is needed to confirm the square footage of the living space, since since 1998 the measurement system for determining the size of the living space has changed (to tenths, and not to hundredths of a square meter). A note on this should be made in the technical passport, but many citizens leave this fact unnoticed and do not correct the information.

So, we talked about how to get help form 9 and why it is needed. Let no bureaucratic difficulties spoil your life!


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