Firefighters Garrison Officers and Their Responsibilities

Saving people's lives is the most difficult, but at the same time worthy work. Garrison officials work tirelessly day and night to save a human life or to prevent any accident at any time. After all, it is these people who are responsible for the safety of Russian citizens, which makes such work a real vocation.

From this article you will learn about the structure of the fire brigade, the mission of the Ministry of Emergencies, and also get to know the representatives of the fire service and their responsibilities separately.

The essence of EMERCOM of Russia

The Federal Service of the Ministry of Emergencies is a group of units whose representatives are involved in saving lives, as well as in the restoration of various facilities and structures after major accidents or natural disasters. This government structure includes the following elements:

  • fire and rescue garrison;
  • aviation division;
  • search and rescue service;
  • crisis management;
  • military rescue unit;
  • inspection of small vessels;
  • military formation.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations has a large number of various combat helicopters, aircraft and boats. The use of such techniques helps rescuers to do their job better and faster.

Further in the article we will talk in detail about the fire brigade.

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

The main tasks of the Ministry of Emergencies

The fundamental tasks of the rescue work of the Russian Emergencies Ministry include the following tasks:

  • Planning and implementation of a strategy to ensure the protection of civilians and in a specific area from unforeseen situations.
  • Implementation of the functions of the fire and rescue garrison to ensure the protection of the population.
  • Ensuring the safety of the population at various water bodies within the framework of the functions of the Ministry of Emergencies.
  • Preparation of projects related to the protection of the population and the area at various sites.
  • Managing the unit to provide timely assistance to people in emergency situations.
  • Planning forecasts to mitigate potential damage after unforeseen circumstances;

All garrison officials of various units are working hard to ensure round-the-clock security for Russian citizens. Certain representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations regulate these processes and fulfill specific responsibilities. Further in the article you will learn about the organization of the garrison service.

The essence of fire

The fire service of Russia guarantees timely protection of the population, as well as preparedness for departure at any time of the day. Fire officials are part of a specific guard, which is engaged in the service according to a pre-drawn shift schedule. The head of the garrison determines the combat strength on duty, and also engages in the planning of operations and the preparation of regulatory documentation and reporting. Thanks to well-coordinated teamwork, the guard is always on alert.

Later in the article you will learn about who is required to comply with the instructions of the fire extinguishing manager.

Necessary equipment

Fire Department Mission

The mission of the fire service is to timely protect the lives and property of Russian citizens from fires, natural disasters and unforeseen incidents using hazardous devices. The main purpose of firefighters is to save lives by providing emergency medical care, as well as to prevent the occurrence of fires through prevention programs and special exercises.

Tasks of the fire service of Russia

The main tasks of the fire and rescue garrison include the following process components:

  • Development of operations to prevent fires in a specific area.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of fire fighting measures.
  • The implementation of these measures in production, in various organizations and in structural institutions.
  • Direct fire fighting and rescue operations at the scene.
  • Training of personnel for participation in rescue operations and elimination of fires.

Further from the article you will learn about the responsibilities of garrison officials. It is worth noting that each structural element in the process of saving lives has its exact function, helps the entire unit to perform work better.

Help to the population

Emergency Situations Garrison Officers

Fire service personnel consist of the following groups of persons:

  • leadership (fire brigade commander, patrol chief, unit commander);
  • dispatcher
  • garrison driver;
  • senior firefighter;
  • fireman on duty.

A similar structure of garrison officials can improve the effectiveness of all rescue operations of the unit. It is the fire brigade commander who imposes certain duties on his subordinates, thereby placing a huge responsibility on the lives of employees and the population of Russia.

Fire brigade commander

The head of the garrison not only manages the fire department, but also takes a direct part in exits aimed at extinguishing fires or conducting rescue operations. In addition, the duties of this boss include the study and analysis of the surrounding area, and informing the rest of the rescue team about the calculations received.

The fire brigade commander decides on shift shifts, determines the rescue teams for each operation, and personally controls the process of the garrison. From time to time, it is the boss who conducts various trainings and exercises for his subordinates.

Firefighter Responsibilities

Head of the Watch

In addition to the commander of the entire garrison, the guard also includes the head of the guard, who is responsible for the fire service on duty shift. This employee must lead the process of extinguishing the fire, because it is precisely on his orders that the course of the rescue operation depends. In addition to the main task, the head of the guard performs the following duties:

  • ensuring timely departure to extinguish a fire or conduct rescue activities;
  • inspection and control of subordinates, as well as the organization of the guard;
  • planning of works that help maintain the equipment and declared substances for extinguishing fires in combat readiness;
  • control and compliance with strict discipline during duty;
  • implementation of own duties.

It is worth noting that the senior firefighter has the right to replace the head of the patrol in his absence.


Garrison Manager

The dispatcher performs one of the most difficult operations of the fire department, he is also responsible for incoming calls with requests for help. The employee must receive information from the subscriber about the exact location of the fire and the number of potential victims. After this, the dispatcher needs to find out which nearest fire hydrant is located near the ignition site, and it is to him that this employee sends the rescue team.

The complexity of the profession lies in the rapid decision-making and analysis of the current situation. It is the dispatcher who is assigned the obligation to make decisions on trips that are aimed at saving the lives of people.

To solve problems, the dispatcher should have a huge amount of information about the city layout of explosive objects, as well as freely navigate in the declared area, so that each time correctly send the rescue team. That is why the dispatcher is one of the main personnel in the fire department.

After the rescue team has left for the place of ignition, the dispatcher is obliged to find out about possible weather changes and inform the head of the garrison about them, as well as to collect and record information about the extent of the fire, about the fires and the number of possible victims. At the end of the guard, the dispatcher prepares a duty report with a record of all applications received and other additional information.

Fire extinguishing

Fire driver

First of all, this firefighter must have excellent knowledge of traffic rules and navigate the geography of the city in which the unit is located. The driver is responsible for the reinforced transport, so the employee is obliged to clearly monitor the operation of the equipment, as well as prepare the car for an urgent departure.

At the place of extinguishing the fire, the driver must sit in the car and wait for the command or instructions of the garrison commander in order to always be on alert. In addition, the employee should also be aware of the nearest water bodies and working hydrants, which may be necessary when extinguishing.

While waiting in the fire truck, the driver communicates with the dispatcher and reports on the progress of the fire fighting.

After returning from a call, the garrison driver must analyze the condition of the company car, check for a full tank of gasoline, and prepare the vehicle for the next unexpected call. At the end of the duty, the employee reports to the head of the guard about the readiness of the equipment for subsequent use.

Senior Guard Firefighter

The senior firefighter is appointed directly by the commander of the garrison, so this officer is required to follow the orders of his boss. The responsibilities of a senior firefighter include the following functions:

  • fulfillment of declared duties;
  • security and inspection of office equipment;
  • collection of information about a specific area prior to departure;
  • performance of tasks set by the head of the garrison during extinguishing fires;
  • liaising with the dispatcher and the commander and reporting the necessary information to the rest of the staff;
  • warning about the dangers of the local population;
  • liquidation of fires and consequences of emergency situations;

At the end of the shift, a senior firefighter also submits a progress report to his immediate supervisor.

Fire garrison

During the year of the fire service in Russia (in all existing units of the country), more than two million calls were received with requests for help. During the year of coordinated and hard work of garrison officials, more than 500 thousand fires were eliminated and a huge number of human lives were saved, namely 100 thousand potential victims. Do not underestimate the work of people who are always on guard of the well-being of citizens and who at any moment will come to help in order to save you and your family. EMERCOM employees are modern defenders and superheroes whose work is incredibly difficult and dangerous.


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