The Ponomarenko brothers: biography, TV and pop activities, interesting moments from the personal lives of artists

Few lovers of humor and satire do not know the twin brothers Valery and Alexander Ponomarenko. Favorite artists took and continue to take part in many TV projects, humorous festivals and all kinds of shows on the most popular channels, they tour a lot with their own numbers and program.

Ponomarenko brothers: biography, family

Parodists Ponomarenko brothers were born June 13, 1967 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. From a very young age, the guys were “do not spill water” - they stood up for each other in children's brawls and, using their striking resemblance, passed school exams one after another.

Ponomarenko brothers biography

With the passing of exams, the matter was as follows: one of the brothers taught, say, chemistry and algebra, and the other - English and literature. Then each passed an exam for himself and for his brother. At the school, the “scheme” worked flawlessly, but later, at the Rostov Film School, where Alexander and Valery studied cinematic art, their scam was uncovered. This happened at the passing of the exam in electromechanics, where Valery mistakenly put his record in front of the teacher, in which an assessment had already been made.

Ponomarenko brothers biography family

The Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography is of interest to fans, in their personal lives also do not lag behind each other - each family consists of four people. Both are married and have two children: Valery brings up two sons, and Alexander - a son and daughter.

The beginning of creative activity

The creative abilities of the children showed up from early childhood. Even being in the army, where they served in one military unit, the Ponomarenko brothers were spending their free time playing the guitar. Their biography in 1991 was replenished with a new event, when they first performed a duet on the stage of some state farm club. But the debut was unsuccessful, which, however, did not break the parodists - they continued to hone their acting skills with the teacher Valery Tsypkin.

comedians brothers ponomarenko biography

As befits the twins, the future comedians Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography is considered in the article, had the same interests: they worked in the same circles and sports sections. Their parents even assumed that the guys would succeed in one of the professions, but not on the stage, since they considered this to be just pampering. Until one day, the duet of the Ponomarenko brothers appeared on television in 1999, at the competition of pop artists organized by E. Petrosyan. At the contest, the nomination "Variety Duet" brought humorists a joyful first place. After success at the competition, they were invited to the Variety Theater by the master of humor and satire G. Khazanov, where the Ponomarenko brothers began their professional career. The biography of the comedians after that was inextricably linked with the scene.

Tours and comic duet programs

The comedian brothers are touring the country a lot with their program “Look at you!”, Which includes the numbers “In the Electric Train” and “Eagles”, as well as parodies - the duet's skate - on popular TV hosts: L. Yakubovich, N. Drozdov , A. Maslyakova, D. Kiseleva and others. In addition to solo tours, parodists participate in concerts and programs in which famous music artists and actors are involved. So, in the early 2000s. they were participants in a series of concerts held on European and intercontinental cruise liners, where Alexander and Valery were able to meet M. Boyarsky, L. Durov, E. Vitorgan and other famous artists.

Participation in TV shows and programs

After the performance in “Smehopanorama”, the comedians attracted the attention of the audience and were invited to the “Full House”, and then to “E. Crooked Mirror” to E. Petrosyan. This program has become significant in the career of the duet: the Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography began to be replenished with numerous TV broadcasts, gained a long-awaited popularity. They began to be invited to participate in such shows and programs:

  • Izmailovsky Park.
  • "Parade of stars."
  • "Hello, Rush."
  • New Year's “Blue Light”.
  • "Invites Boris Notkin."
  • "Repeat" and many others.

artists Ponomarenko brothers biography

In addition, they are frequent guests and participants of the performances and anniversaries of other artists (duet V. Danilets and V. Moiseenko, A. Buldakov , etc.), with whom the artists became friends with the brothers Ponomarenko. Their biography is associated not only with participation in humorous programs and concerts on TV: they are the presenters of the Morning Post. Also, Alexander and Valery are frequent participants in the regular comedy festival in Jurmala.


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