Penile curvature: causes, treatment, surgery

Penile curvature is a common problem that mainly occurs in men at a young age. This defect interferes with the normal conduct of sexual activity and in most cases causes pain. Operations on this pathology are carried out, starting from a very young age.

In some cases, the disease occurs after injections, which were used to treat erectile dysfunction. Microtrauma that appeared after a needle prick leads to slow deformation and curvature of the male genital organ.

Penile curvature photo


Genital curvature in men can be in congenital or acquired form.

Therefore, it differs:

  • congenital curvature of the penis;
  • acquired curved penis.


According to some studies, the prevalence of this form of the disease can be very high and reach up to 10% of the population. The cause of the twisted penis is still unknown. The erection is usually normal, but sexual activity can still be compromised due to the excessive curvature of the penis. Moreover, the presence of a curved penis sometimes causes serious psychological discomfort, which can cause the patient to avoid relationships with the opposite sex.

How to fix penile curvature

A congenital, curved penis is more likely than an ordinary genital organ to be injured. The consequences of genital injuries in men:

  • hematomas;
  • swelling
  • bleeding
  • genital fractures.

Persistent injuries can also exacerbate pre-existing curvature. Therefore, if a man saw that his penis is not quite straight, you should immediately consult a specialist urologist andrologist.


Peyronie's disease is characterized by the formation of hardened tissue (fibrosis and or calcification) in the genitals. This pathology is a typical example of acquired genital curvature, which manifests itself after birth.

The consequences of hardened tissue in the genitals:

  • curvature;
  • narrowing;
  • contraction.
  • pain in the penis and erectile dysfunction, with the ensuing difficulties during intercourse.

Peyronie's disease occurs in 0.4–9% of the population with a peak incidence of 45 to 60 years.


The reasons for the curvature of the penis are unknown; deformation in the penis depends on the injury. This pathology occurs due to an inflammatory process that leads to the proliferation of certain cells called fibroblasts. They are deposited at the level of the penis of the fibrous tissue, which is responsible for the formation of plaques. Peyronie's disease can have different levels of severity and develop at different speeds.

Penile curvature in a child


Symptoms include the following:

  • genital plaque;
  • pain during an erection;
  • genital curvature during an erection;
  • erection deficiency;
  • ugliness of the penis.

Fibrous plaques usually develop at the level of the upper (dorsal) part of the rod, as a result of which the penis is bent upwards during an erection. But they can also appear at the bottom.


To diagnose a disease, you need to know its main symptoms and manifestations. The most basic indicator is the deviation of the penis either towards the scrotum, or, conversely, towards the abdomen. During the erection process, acute pain is felt throughout the organ. The penis under the skin has a dense area.

Deterioration is observed in the process of erection. This may be an insufficient increase in size or softness of the genital organ. Due to the fact that the member is curved, it automatically becomes shorter. There is a swelling on the penis, when the penis is relaxed, it becomes more visible. An erection cannot be maintained. During sexual contact, ejaculation is not possible.

If all this is observed, it is necessary to analyze the anamnesis and take into account previous complaints. Learn the intricacies of sexuality. Inspect the penis in an erection state achieved through medical exposure. Measure the size of the plaque, its location. Carry out an ultrasound examination of the vessels in the penis, magnetic resonance imaging of the organ, cavernosography.

It is also important to consult with an andrologist. The patient needs to know when he began to observe the first symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, the time of the last medical examination. With this data, you can determine the stage. At rest, the symptoms of the disease are almost invisible. If the patient has complexes, you can take a photograph in a state of erection and send it to a doctor. X-ray research is also used to find out the structure of the penis.

Doppler sonography is used - a process in which the strength of blood flow is determined using sound waves. It is important to find out if there are blood flow disorders in a state of erection.

Penile curvature treatment

Methods of operational impact on the problem

Surgery is an extreme form of exposure to the problem. It is prescribed in case of severe curvature of the penis and complete ineffectiveness of conservative therapeutic methods. After the initial complex of diagnostic measures, the patient is prescribed:

  • Laser removal of plaques and excess adipose tissue. Thus, the doctor normalizes cellular metabolism and restores the natural function of blood supply. This method is optimal for curving the penis in a child.
  • Removing part of the muscle tissue in the affected area. Excessive tension from the opposite (healthy) side can lead to tearing of the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, cosmetology alignment is used to decompensate the bend.
  • Falloprosthetics. An artificial shaft is implanted into the phallus body for additional cushioning and gradual straightening of the organ.
Penile curvature

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of curvature of the penis can be performed at the very beginning or during the period when the disease becomes acute and surgery is contraindicated.

Usually, the doctor prescribes:

  • vitamin E (antioxidant);
  • carnitine to accelerate metabolic processes;
  • drugs that help reduce the formation and increased activity of blood cells that penetrate the inflamed area of ​​the penis and provoke the production of components of scar tissue;
  • means to inhibit the formation of excessive collagen;
  • cytostatics that reduce cell division;
  • immunomodulators.

In addition, local therapy through the administration of plaque-reducing drugs will be effective. You can soften the plaque by using remote lithotripsy. Curvature is also quite successfully treated by electrophoresis and contact laser magnetic therapy.

It is worth noting that almost all oral medications are highly toxic and have quite serious side effects. And their effectiveness has not been fully proven. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.

Penile Curvature Causes


After diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed to use the device to correct the curvature of the penis (see photo below).

Long-term studies prove that this device can be used to correct a defect without surgery. This technique is quite convenient and painless. The tissues of the penis will slowly but continuously stretch, thereby enlarging the penis and improving its shape. This helps cell reconstruction. The device has all the necessary certificates, the effectiveness of overcoming the problem is quite high and has no side effects. The design is designed in such a way that it is attached to a member of any degree of deformation.

This device is unique in that it can be worn without any discomfort and secretly. The treatment regimen is as follows: from three months to six months, two to six hours a day. It is strictly forbidden to use during sleep and wear more than six hours a day. It is most optimal to wear it three times for two hours and then take a break. A total of six hours.

Alignment takes place in four stages:

  1. Adaptation (fifteen to twenty days).
  2. Initial stage (one to two months).
  3. Intermediate stage (three months).
  4. The end result (five to six months).

A repeated course (if necessary) no earlier than a year later.

Correction device


The development of curvature of the penis in an erection state over time leads to erectile dysfunction of this organ. This disease in most cases is associated with a violation of the relationship in the protein structure of the penis.

Preventive measures to prevent the curvature of the penis:

  1. Avoidance of penile injuries, even microtrauma earned during sexual intercourse with a partner or masturbation.
  2. A set of measures to strengthen the immune system, since with autoimmune aggression, cells of the immune system are able to reject organ tissues.
  3. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, since atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels negatively affect the composition of the protein coat of the organ.
  4. If the patient has diabetes, take measures to regularly reduce blood sugar.
  5. Normalization of metabolism, calcium metabolism, serotonin and vitamin E levels in the body.
    Congenital penile curvature

In the worst case, when this disease is detected in a patient, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment aimed at relieving inflammation on the surface of the organ. In the initial stages, physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed. In the latter stages, surgery for the curvature of the penis is the most effective method. But you should not make a diagnosis on your own. Only a urologist can determine whether a man has Peyronie's disease or not. And only after the diagnosis will methods of overcoming this pathology be prescribed.


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