Exercise equipment for the buttocks in the gym: an overview of how to deal

The physiology of the female body is a unique thing. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and exercise form virtually ideal lines of a female silhouette. The figure and proportions depend largely on genetics, on physical predisposition. But an incredible amount of work in each woman’s life is on herself. Wanting to achieve the ideal proportions of the figure, the girls work day after day, forbidding themselves to eat sweets and squeezing all their strength into gyms. And one of the fundamental lines in the training programs of today's contemporaries is occupied by exercises in the simulators for the buttocks. In the gym you can find a lot of ways to pump the gluteal muscle - for this there is a lot of different settings and related equipment. But which designs are the most efficient?

Dumbbell Squats

Smith Installation

One of the most beloved by women simulators for pumping buttocks in the gym, judging by the reviews, is the installation of Smith. Adapted for different height, weight, power, aimed at working out the muscles of both men and women, this installation is a chic device for pumping the gluteal muscle. What is this simulator and how to perform exercises on it?

Presented in the form of a frame steel frame with protrusions for attaching the rod at different heights, the Smith installation is very firmly fixed to the floor. Any shifts are impossible, so you can not worry about the strength of the mounting of this unit. Smith's installation is good in that the squats in it are relieved of the need to maintain balance, and the load in the lower back is minimized. This greatly simplifies the exercise and makes it possible to concentrate on the most important thing - the contraction and stretching of the gluteal muscle. Another advantage of this simulator is that you can add weight with more confidence than in a regular squat with a barbell, because, again, there is no load on the lumbar, and only legs and buttocks work with weights. That is why Smith’s unit can rightfully be considered the favorite of most women from all the buttock simulators in the gym.

The standard program usually includes three to four approaches of 10-15 squats in Smith with various categories of weighting, depending on the physical fitness and abilities of the trainee.

Smith Exercises

Hackenschmidt Installation

Another worthy exercise machine for buttocks in the gym is the installation for hack squats. The once developed by the Russian wrestler and circus athlete Georg Gakkenshmidt complex of exercises for the lower body is now used in gyms everywhere. And one of the most popular exercises in it is hack squats. The point is to perform the usual squats in an unusual setup. It itself is a structure standing at an angle of 30-40 degrees and providing for the sliding of the platform through the tubes of the frame during squats. At the same time, the lateral steel protrusions allow you to hang a weight that is convenient and comfortable for the trainer as pancakes.

Initially, the installation was designed to work out the quadriceps, the anterior femoral muscle. But with the correct setting of the legs and the turn of the socks, the gluteal muscle is actively involved. How to squat in a Hackenschmitt setup?

If you want to emphasize the gluteus maximus muscle and the outer thigh area, the legs must be placed together on the platform, and if you want to pump the inner femoral part along with the gluteus maximus muscle, the legs are shoulder width apart. It is imperative that, with a wide set of legs, make sure that the knees are directed along with the socks in the same direction - this minimizes the risk of injury to the knee joints. We must not forget that the main emphasis should be placed on the heels, so the feet should be placed as high as possible on the installation platform, without going beyond its perimeter. The foot should be fully supported on the support, without going beyond it to avoid the risk of injury. Three approaches in a squat 8-10 times will be enough to work out the buttocks.

Leg press in the simulator sitting

Barbell Squats

Many girls, having come to the gym for the first time, are embarrassed to try out immediately difficult installations for themselves and start small - with squats with a bar, for example. As newcomers gain practical skills in working with simulators for buttocks in the gym, additional weight in the form of pancakes of various severity is added to the bar. Squats with the bar are performed with a wide setting of the legs and mandatory safety precautions. The knees should never protrude beyond the socks, since with this position of the legs there is a significant load on the knee joint - this is fraught with injury. Moreover, the knees should never fall inward: they must be placed in parallel with the direction of the socks, otherwise the exercise will be performed incorrectly and will carry a potential risk of injury. Leaving the pelvis back with the deepest fit of the buttocks closer to the heels will provide the most effective result when working out this muscle zone. It is important to remember that the back should be flat, the body straight, and the chest and shoulders straight.

Three approaches of 10-12 times with an average weight or 8-10 times with a heavy weight will provide the expected result if the exercise is performed correctly.

The correct squat technique


The thrust of the neck or bar with pancakes in emphasis while standing with the bends forward provides maximum stretching of the posterior femoral muscles, including gluteus muscles. This is the best exercise to eliminate the overhanging “crease” in the lower part of the buttocks, which is so annoying to the girls and which they are so eager to raise for the effect of a beautiful “little stand” of the priests. The point of using the bar is that it provides increased exercise by weight, and this, in turn, has its effect on the most active stretching of the posterior surface of the femoral zone. In other words, when leaning forward with the barbell, the gluteus muscle stretches very well, and when it returns to its original position, it again contracts tightly. As a result, in the case of regular work on this exercise, the girl gets elastic and toned skin on the back of the thigh, and muscle tone in this area pleases with the appearance of rounded beautiful buttocks.

A set of exercises from three approaches 10-12 times will provide a good result. The weight should be adjusted depending on your capabilities and level of physical fitness.


Dumbbell Lunges

According to sports girls and their personal trainers, the most effective, most effective and most effective exercises specifically for the “shelf” effect in the buttocks zone are lunges. Probably, one cannot find the best simulator for buttocks in this vein. It is lunges with dumbbells that provide the treasured raising of priests up, which every sports girl dreams of. The higher the gluteus muscle rises, the more distinctly the transition from the lower back to the pope becomes, the lordosis at the same time looks incredibly sexy and attractive. Therefore, for those who seek to provide themselves with a graceful silhouette line with sexy bends in the buttocks area, this is an exercise to help. The weight of dumbbells must be increased as you gain skills in working with them, focusing on your physical sensations. You can start with three or four kilogram pounds. Subsequently, you can reach the dumbbells of 9 kilograms. Ten lunges on one foot and ten on the other provide one complete approach. Approaches can be three or four, at the discretion of the trainee.

It is worth noting that the most effective exercise is in the form of lunges in motion. Only by “stepping forward” with lunges can we achieve the very contrasting transition of the lumbar line to the buttock line, and only in the case of regular hard work on ourselves.

Bulgarian lunges from the bench

If we talk about the most effective lunges on the spot, you should pay attention to such a universal simulator as a bench. Positive reviews of buttock simulators do not always include a reference to the bench, and in vain, as this is an ideal basis for performing key exercises on the gluteal muscle. The idea is that taking one leg back and throwing it on the bench allows you to take a wider amplitude of the squat when the other leg lunge forward. This, in turn, ensures maximum stretching of the gluteal muscle and its further contraction. In addition to the weights in the form of dumbbells, the bench allows you to elegantly work out the gluteal muscles. Three approaches of 10 times on each leg will not be as easy as it seems at first glance, but they will become incredibly effective if they are regularly included in the general training program.


Hyperextension is an excellent exercise for pumping the muscles of the priests. With its correct execution, the optimal stretching of the posterior femoral muscle occurs and the subsequent significant reduction at the upper point of the lifting of the body. The installation itself resembles a bench, but it stands at an angle and has rollers for resting feet in a fixed state, so that it is possible to lift the case up after a free fall. It is very important to observe the correctness of the exercises, which is to ensure that the back is not too bent, but also to prevent its excessive arching back. The idea is that the lumbar region does not overstrain when performing the exercise, otherwise it will remove any load from the buttocks and transfer additional burden to the lower back, which can lead to injury.

Bending forward in the simulator with weighting in the form of a pancake attached to the chest can be performed in three sets of 10-12 times.

Performing hyperextension

Leg press

There are more energy-intensive installations in the gym for the buttocks. What simulators pump them up as efficiently and quickly as possible?

One of the most effective blocks in this vein is leg press with an emphasis lying. The simulator is a design for a class performed while lying down, with a hanging mobile shield for resting legs in it. At the same time, the lateral steel protrusions also allow you to hang the required number of pancakes for a more efficient study of the gluteal muscle. The lower back adjacent to the surface of a leather-covered sunbed should not be torn off at the time of the exercise. This will reduce the load on the lower back. Legs should be placed as wide as possible if you want to use the inner thigh or put your feet together for enhanced study of the back and outer thighs. It is important to remember that for pumping the buttocks of the foot you need to put as high as possible on the hinged shield. If you put them low, then the quadriceps will work, not the buttocks.

Three approaches of 10-12 times will be most effective if the exercises in the simulator are completed correctly and if the girl (guy) weights are adequate for the physical capabilities.

Leg Press

Leg curl in the simulator

An excellent alternative to leg lifts at home is the installation for bending the legs in the simulator for the buttocks. In the gym, working with sports equipment to build muscle is the most effective. Three approaches of 10-12 times will be optimal for both girls and boys. In reviews of simulators for buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh, the installation for bending the legs occupies a leading position in terms of minimum energy consumption with maximum return.

Buttock bridge

An ordinary bench, as mentioned earlier, can serve as an excellent simulator for the buttocks for both women and men. Confirmation of this is the exercise "gluteal bridge." Lifting the hips with the back against the bench will provide an excellent “shake” for the muscles of the buttocks in just three sets of 12 times with each workout.

Step up

Also, the bench can serve as an excellent basis for exercise with stepping on a hill. As an alternative to high steps, this exercise will allow you to use the gluteus maximus muscle and visually lift the butt up. Weights can be ordinary dumbbells.

Mahi kicked back in the block

What simulators for buttocks allow you to work out the upper part of the priests and provide a “shelf” for flying away? Exercises in the form of swings with the legs back in the block pull with the use of special straps will be an excellent link in the overall complex of regular training on the legs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6484/

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