Winter mood: smoked ribs soup

Outside, slush or frost, and the apartment is dry and warm. The comfort of the hearth is further emphasized by the entrancing smell of smoked meats. From him, saliva flows right from the threshold. A soup with smoked ribs will pleasantly warm and reliably replenish the stock of calories spent in the cold. There are many recipes for this dish. You can saturate the broth with cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms, green peas, add vermicelli or cheese. And even the meat base can be varied according to your desire and abilities: instead of ribs, take oxtails or smoked chicken. Consider several ways to prepare this delicious first course.

Smoked Rib Rib Soup Recipe with Vegetables

Smoked Ribs Soup
Rinse three hundred grams of seeds, pour 2.5 liters of water and put to boil for half an hour. During this time, we will peel and cut five tubers of potatoes, an onion, two sweet peppers, and we will sort one broccoli stalk into inflorescences. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, where we fry the onions until golden brown. Add the soup spoon of sweet paprika at the end, mix until a uniform red-hot color. After half an hour, we throw potatoes into the pot with broth. And ten minutes later - cabbage, bell pepper and onions with paprika. At the end of the cooking process, add basil, parsley, salt and pepper.

Cheese soup with smoked ribs

Cheese soup with smoked ribs

400 grams of seeds (or the same amount of chicken with smoke) are enough for a 5-liter pan. We start cooking as usual. Pour the meat with water and set to cook. After half an hour, add the sliced ​​potatoes. How many? It's a matter of taste. We grill, unlike the previous recipe, from bulbs, carrots, a clove of garlic and a pound of mushrooms. As soon as the potatoes are cooked until almost cooked, put the frying in the soup. Immediately afterwards we send five pieces of hunting sausages cut by rings. Let’s stir, bring it to a boil again and use a spoon to put two small packages of Yantar cheese into the broth.

Soup with smoked ribs and green peas

Two hundred grams of pork bones fill with water, salt and put on fire. Four potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, also put in a pan. After boiling, cook for another twenty minutes. Grind the bell pepper into strips, finely chop two cloves of garlic and lightly fry them in two tablespoons of olive oil. When the potatoes become soft, add the frying and a jar (250 g) of green peas along with the liquid. Put half a teaspoon of turmeric. When the soup boils again, let it cook for another five minutes, after which we turn off the fire. Add bay leaf, two or three branches of dill, insist under the lid for another five minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Smoked Ribs Soup Recipe

Smoked ribs vermicelli soup

Super easy to prepare dish. Smoked meats, potatoes and frying from onions, carrots and garlic. If the amount of broth is small and you plan to eat it in one sitting, then the spider line vermicelli can be added directly to boiling soup. If you cook the first for several days, boil the pasta separately and put them on a plate before serving.

Classic smoked ribs soup

Soak a glass of dry peas overnight, then drain the water and cook it on low heat for an hour and a half. Cut the onion finely, carrot into cubes, 4 potatoes into cubes. We add the latter raw to the peas, and from the onions and carrots we make the frying. Add pork ribs (300-400 g) after the peas are cooked completely. The grill is introduced into the pan seven minutes before turning off the fire. This soup is served with croutons or wheat crackers.


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