How to strengthen the inner thigh muscles?

Every woman dreams of beautiful, slim, sexy legs, but there are not so many owners of such lower limbs. And all because their inner thigh muscles do not strain at all, because of which they become flabby, stretched and suffer from excess fat, which negatively affects the beauty of the legs of women.

Targeted training

inner thigh muscles

Some young ladies after finding excess fat on the inside of their thighs, begin to diligently perform exercises that would allow them to get rid of it. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to lose weight in a certain area of ​​the body. Moreover, the targeted strengthening of the inner muscles of the thigh will lead to an even greater aggravation of the situation, since they will greatly increase in volume under the layer of fat, and then the legs will become even fuller, bigger and uglier. Therefore, you should simultaneously exercise for weight loss, as well as to strengthen and tighten the muscle corset. Fat will be burned using aerobic exercises, and muscles will be tightened with the help of special isolated exercises, which will need to be performed with special attention.


Before you begin to train your inner thigh muscles, you should undergo a complete medical examination, as there are cases when their implementation threatens with serious problems. So, you should refrain from doing exercises if you have such diseases and problems, such as:

  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, fragile, brittle vessels;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • arthrosis, arthritis or other joint disease during an exacerbation;
  • acute kidney disease;
  • rehabilitation after surgery.

Tips before training

Before you start working on the internal muscles of the thighs, you should remember a few simple rules, thanks to which your workouts will be held with maximum efficiency and will not harm your health.

  1. Do the exercises on a gymnastic rug or plaid, otherwise you run the risk of bruising on your body.
  2. Before training, it is necessary to do a warm-up to warm up the muscles, and after performing the whole complex of exercises, you need to do a hitch, due to which the pain of the fit will decrease, and the muscles will become more elastic.
  3. It should be practiced 3 times a week, so that during the rest your muscles could recover.
  4. We do one exercise in 2 sets of 6-10 times.
  5. In addition to performing exercises to tighten the inside of the thighs, you should use a cellulite scrub.
  6. You need to start eating right, minimizing or removing alcohol, flour, sweet and fatty foods from the diet, and including more fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  7. Once in a couple of months, you should change your training program or modify your exercises and slightly increase the load.

Doing a warm up

warm up workout inner thigh muscles

Before we start aiming to work with the muscles of the inner thigh, you need to spend 10 minutes to perform warm-up exercises:

  • 10 times tilt your head left and right;
  • 10 times do circular movements with hands;
  • We carry out circular movements of the lower back 10 times;
  • 10 times do circular movements, first with the right ankle, and then with the left;
  • 3 minutes we run in one place;
  • 20 times we climb on toes;
  • 10 times we carry out lateral tilts of the body to the right and left.

Cross-legged Jumping

After warming up, you can start thinking about how to strengthen the inner thigh muscles. And it’s best to do this by jumping in one place, cross-legged. To do this, in the starting position we stand straight, we connect our legs together, we lower our hands along the body. Then we make a jump and land so that the legs are crossed, the right leg is in front, and the toe and knee are pointing in the same direction. Then we jump again, but after landing, the left leg should be in front. So we jump for a minute, trying after landing to not straighten our legs to the end.

After a couple of months, you can complicate this exercise by jumping for two minutes and giving yourself 20 seconds of rest time between sets. In addition, now, after landing, you will need to cross not only legs, but arms extended in front of you.


tighten the inner thigh muscles

A mandatory element of working on the internal muscles of the thighs is a sumo squat. To perform this exercise, in the starting position we stand straight, we place our legs wider than our shoulders, we hold our hands in front of us, we deploy our socks outward. Next, we carry out a squat, trying to ensure that the knee does not turn inward, but moves towards the socks, while bringing your hands back. Then we rise, straighten the arms, and then again we raise them to their original position to do the squat again. After a couple of months, you can complicate your work by picking up light-weight dumbbells or bottles of water.

The second exercise from the complex is squatting plie. To perform it in the initial position, we stand straight, we put our feet wider than our shoulders a meter apart from each other, put our hands on our sides, and unfold our socks diagonally in different directions. Then we perform a squat, doing it very slowly until the hips are parallel to the floor. After that, we also slowly rise and return to the starting position. To complicate the workout, after a couple of months at the lowest point, you will need to try to climb on toes.

Swinging legs

A variety of lying swings are very helpful in stretching the inner thigh muscles, in the initial position of which you should lie on your side on a gymnastic mat.

strengthen the inner thigh muscles
  1. We lie down on your side so that the legs are even, and the right leg is located directly on the left. Then we tear off the right leg and slowly lift it up, there we linger for a couple of seconds and return it to its original position. So we repeat about 10 times, after which we turn over to the other side and make exactly the same movements with the left foot.
  2. We lay on our side so that the straight left leg lay on the floor, and the right leg bent at the knee lay directly on it. Then slowly raise the right leg up, hold at the top point for a couple of seconds and return to its original position. So we make 10 swings with the right foot, change the side and do 10 swings with the left foot.
  3. We lay down on our side so that the straight left leg lay on the floor, and bend the right leg at the knee and place it in front of the left. After that, do 10 slow swings with your left straight leg, change your side, and do 10 swings with your left straight leg.

Ball exercise

It is possible to tighten the inner thigh muscles well with the help of a small ball - a fitball. To perform this exercise, you should sit on the very edge of the chair, straighten your back, and put a ball between your knees. By the way, its size is absolutely not important what it is, and this one will do. Then we strain the muscles and squeeze the ball with our knees. After a minute, we relax the muscles, rest for 20 seconds, and again repeat the exercise. Thus, you will need to do 5 approaches.

tighten the inner thigh muscles

A similar training can also be carried out both from a sitting position and from a standing position, at any convenient time. The main thing is to hold the fitball with your knees and push it for a certain time. In addition, you can complicate the training, for this, squeeze the ball with force only 2 seconds, then weaken the muscles for a second and squeeze it again. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Exercise machines for the internal muscles of the thigh

To properly tighten and strengthen the inner side of your hips, it is recommended to sign up in the gym to work there in a Roman chair. First of all, we set the simulator's emphasis to the lowest level, and then we stand on it so that the back is slightly rounded, the legs are straight, and the feet are parallel to each other. And then we begin to perform the exercise, dropping all the way down, and then returning to its original position, straining, at the same time, hips and buttocks.

exercise machine inner thigh muscles

Also effective will be to achieve the goal of the exercise on the simulator for mixing and breeding legs. First we set ourselves the optimal weight on the device, and then we face the simulator, put our hands on its back, spread our legs apart to the maximum, and push our knees to the stops from the outside. Then we go downstairs, as if about to sit on a chair, and the knees, meanwhile, will divorce themselves on either side, loading the muscles we need. After that, we rise to the starting position, and then squat again, and so do about 10 times.

A set of effective exercises

In addition, there is a series of workouts for the inner thigh muscles, the implementation of which will accelerate the achievement of your goals.

  1. We stand next to the wall, rest against it with the palm of our left hand, place our right hand on tone, hold our back evenly. After that, we begin to carry out the swing with the right foot to the side, holding it in the rise for several seconds. Next, we change our position and make swings with the left foot.
  2. We lie on our backs, press our palms to the floor, bend our legs at the knees and at the same time place them so that our feet touch each other. Then we take a breath, raise the pelvis, freeze for a few seconds and return to its original position. We do so 2 sets of 10 repetitions.


After training, you should definitely make a hitch in the form of muscle stretching, which involves stretching them for 15-40 seconds.

hitch for the inner thigh muscles
  1. We sit on a gymnastic rug, we press our feet against each other, we rest our hands on our knees and with a little effort we press on them.
  2. We sit on the rug so that the left leg is bent at the knee, and the right one is thrown over it and rests on the floor. Then, with the right hand, grab the ankle of the left foot, and with the left - the knee of the right foot, and begin to pull it towards you. Then we change our position and pull the knee of the left leg towards us with our right hand.
  3. We lie on your back so that the left leg is straight and the right one is bent at the knee, after which we take the right leg by the knee with your left hand and pull it down, tensing the thigh muscles.
  4. We stand straight, take a small step forward, bending the knee, and then we begin to pull the toe of the leg left behind. Then we change the leg.


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