Catastrophically not enough money - what to do?

The situation when there is not enough money is familiar to almost every modern inhabitant. In the life of any person there were moments when means of living ended before the scheduled time. Therefore, I had to tighten my belts and think about what to do when there is a catastrophic lack of money.

not enough money

About common reasons

Not many can figure out why there is not enough money even for two weeks after receiving wages. According to statistics, more than half of Russian citizens lack a livelihood. Money ends much earlier than a new salary arrives. This problem affects even the wealthiest segments of the population.

The reason is that family or personal budget deficits have long been the norm for each of us. Costs exceed revenues even at the state level - in terms of distribution of funds of the state treasury. Another objective reason is that people do not know how to reduce their demands. For example, a girl who spends almost all day at work manages to pay for an apartment and buy perfume for herself for 5 thousand rubles, receiving a salary of 14 thousand. Of course, here the answer to the question of why there is constantly not enough money lies on the surface. And this situation is one of the most obvious examples. The industry of expensive phones, watches, and jewelry drives people into debt bondage and makes them think about what to do if there is not enough money by the middle of the month.

not enough money for a living

About specific reasons

The first problem is that the citizens of our state are not able to plan their budget. Moreover, when it comes to pre-purchases, many grab their heads, brushing aside their interlocutor with the words: β€œBut why is it necessary! And so somehow everything will form! ” Not only the wallet suffers from such an attitude, but subsequently the stomach, health, and other family members.

It is necessary to understand financial issues, it is important to look for new ways to solve problems. Then gradually you will become less and less thinking about why there is not enough money. Paying a loan, pampering yourself with entertainment and dressing up the whole family is an unbearable burden for the average citizen. What to do? Plan a budget. And here we are gradually approaching the second reason. This inability to plan their expenses. This means that at any second a person can acquire an expensive thing that in the future will not play a role in his life. Although no ... It will play! But already in the form of the spent funds, which were intended for living in the last week before the salary.

not enough money for a living what to do

Everyone has a different understanding!

Before answering the question β€œNot enough money for a living! What to do? ”, It is important to understand the essence of the problem under consideration. There are several ways of seeing this position, namely:

  1. The phrase "Not enough money for a living!" it sounds like a sentence, like an indelible imprint of fate that cannot be corrected in any way. In such a situation, a person of this type falls into a panic and begins to literally bite his elbows from a seemingly hopeless situation. 200 rubles remained in the wallet and a fly hanged! Nobody wants to be in such conditions, because what does it mean several hundred to a salary for a city dweller? The whole point is that the lack of funds for this type of people is a catastrophic problem that cannot be solved!
  2. The second type of people is more loyal to the phrase "Not enough money!". As a rule, they understand the lack of funds as an inability to pay utility bills. Here the situation does not seem as catastrophic as in the first case. As a rule, this type of people is loyal to financial problems and tries to solve them whenever possible.
  3. People of the third type may well exist perfectly in times of crisis. After all, the essence of the problem, when there is not enough money for a living, boils down to the fact that they cannot afford to have fun on the weekend. Accordingly, there is no particular cause for concern.

Based on the above classification, we can conclude that the solution to the problem depends on the vision of the situation by each individual person. For some, a lack of funds is a disaster; for others, it is not possible to spend time with friends over a cup of latte.

sorely lacking money

The main rule of the financial crisis

If there is not enough money for a living, it is important to adhere to the main rule: do not lose hope and optimism. Many people know that the lack of funds is accompanied by despondency and lack of proper comfort, to which every person or family gets used to. Often at such times, the breadwinner and breadwinner become depressed. As a rule, during a financial crisis in the family there are reasons for quarrels, clarification of relationships, and so on. The situation may gradually become so heated that it is not far from parting.

Remember that maintaining optimism will allow you to maintain your intrapersonal relationships with relatives, friends, family, superiors, parents and so on.

The next, no less important rule, is to draw positive experience from each situation. Whatever negativity appears in your life, it is important to see a lesson that is useful to yourself and try not to repeat the mistakes of the past in the future. Analysis of adverse situations, including those when there is not enough money, allows you to find new ways to solve the problem, and in the future to improve your financial and social situation.

not enough money for a child

Week to paycheck. How to organize your life? The first three in the studio!

Agree, to live seven days before the salary without entertainment, new clothes and going to the movies is quite real. And what to do when there is not enough money for food? In case of a crisis, a special action plan has been developed for you:

  1. Collect all the money that is in your home. More than once after receiving the payment, coming from the store, you dumped a trifle from your pockets, thinking about how it interferes, rattling in your pockets. Now its time has come. Moreover, very often we do not notice how significant coins wipe the walls of the wallet, for weeks without finding their application and implementation. For many people, collecting such trifles can turn into unexpected wealth. You can spend the collected funds for travel, for simple food, such as rice or other cereals, or for any other urgent expenses.
  2. As soon as you notice that you are short of money, you need to make a list of products that you need for your continued existence. It is important to exclude from the list those expenses that you can make even after receiving a salary. All cases that require additional expenses (for example, going shopping with friends, a business trip at work at your expense) must be either canceled or postponed to a later period. If you explain the situation, then there will not be any special problems with determining the date in the future.
  3. Give preference to cheap but satisfying foods. As practice shows, such are vegetables, fruits, cereals, better meat, and not harmful sausages, and so on. So you not only provide yourself with nutrition, but also take care of your health.

why not enough money

Next three

The above list of items necessary for implementation during a personal financial crisis does not end there. Pay attention to the rules that are of secondary importance, namely:

  • When there is not enough money for a child, travel, entertainment, it is important to reconsider your daily routine. You need to start cooking every day at home yourself. During the crisis, for some time you will have to forget about snacks or lunches in fast food places.

If such situations happen to you with an enviable frequency, then make a list of budget dishes for yourself that can fill an empty stomach. For many housewives, aspic or frozen bones acts as such, from which you can always make soup.

About buying products

When there is not enough money, it is recommended to purchase exclusively seasonal products. Of course, few can do without milk, eggs and bread, but in winter you can prefer tangerines and apples as fruits, rather than pomegranates or grapes. You are very lucky if you live in a region where agriculture is developed. During the same crisis, you can lean on those products that should have less value.

Also, pay attention to the store shelves. Very often, products with yellow price tags are waiting for their buyer. It is also important here to filter the list of products that have a lower cost. So, it is better to buy 2 kilograms of potatoes at a lower price than 3 chocolates for the price of one.

what to do if not enough money

About buying things

If there is a difficult situation, you need to temporarily limit yourself to buying things. Do you prefer branded clothing and accessories? You have to tolerate and forget about such luxury for a while.

When a situation requires the purchase of one or another thing, you can search for it in the market, and even better - in a second-hand. An excellent way out is seasonal sales, where once expensive items are sold at a discount of 50 or 70 percent. Purchasing the necessary clothes during such periods helps to save tens of thousands of rubles.

Public transport

If every day you go to work through the whole city, then you can save a significant part of the budget using public transport. Sometimes the cost of gasoline exceeds the planned costs, especially for those who are constantly on the road on business matters without the possibility of paying for fuel from the company. Well, in this case, you will have to endure some discomfort to save money.

You can also try out a travel option with a colleague. If this is your close friend, then you can do just a request. If this is a colleague or just an acquaintance, then you have to spend a little money and enter "share" when you need to pay for gasoline.

constantly lacking money


During the crisis, many citizens use old patterns of buying and selling unnecessary things. Believe me, in the modern world everything is bought and sold, you just need to make enough effort.

Ideal objects of sale are: books, clothes, household appliances, all kinds of collections, handmade crafts and so on. The Internet in this case is the best assistant. Post a couple of photos and sale announcements, and the long-awaited money will not keep you waiting.

Side job

The modern cruel world is forcing to give oneself not to one or two works, but to three, four or more. Lack of cash makes us look for new ways to earn money.

One of the most popular is freelance. Today, the Internet has a huge number of opportunities, for example, you can teach foreign languages ​​online, write scientific or user articles, design websites and so on. The more specialized skills you have, the easier it is to make money on the World Wide Web.

not enough money to pay a loan

Extreme exit

When there is absolutely no money left, a person can reach a state that will push him to commit a crime. In order to protect yourself from such problems, you can use the services of the banking system, namely, apply for a credit card.

In this situation, it is important to know the sense of proportion and not succumb to the heady feeling of permissiveness and inexhaustible resources. When making a purchase using this plastic document, remember that you will have to give back with interest. Making a credit card is an extreme way to solve the problem, since banks have for centuries been profiting from the insolvency of citizens. If you know that somewhere in the depths of your soul lives a shopaholic, pay attention to other options for finding money for living.


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