Rating of juices in Russia

Juices and nectars have always been considered healthy foods. They are introduced into the nutrition of young children to fill the body with vitamins and minerals.

The rating of juices in Russia is updated annually. Most are based on customer reviews. There are those that reflect composition and quality.

Assortment of different juice companies

Rating of juices in Russia

Juice is a source of vitamins and minerals. This drink is popular among residents of the country. The assortment of this product on store shelves is so large that it is often difficult to make a choice. The following juice brands are most in demand: “Good”, “Beloved”, Rich, “My Family”, “Orchard” and J7.

Good juice

Juices "Good" - one of the most popular products in the country. The brand appeared in 1998. The first plant was opened in Schelkovo and produced juice-containing drinks. Today, “Good” is the choice of many Russians. Many buyers buy it for a wide range and average cost. Consumers like the balanced taste and aroma of this product. In addition, the packaging is convenient to use for both a large family and one person.

Good juice

The company "Favorite"

The next in the ranking is the juice “Favorite”. Many love it for its mild and natural taste. Drinks made from apples and oranges are especially popular. The product began to appear on the market since 1999. Produced by the brand name "Wimm-Bill-Dann." Since that time, the packaging of goods of this brand has changed several times. Since the release of the goods of this brand have become a favorite for many residents of the country. Reviews about them are very good.

Rich Juice

Rich juices are one of the most famous brands in the world. The Multon company delivers natural drinks from various fruits, berries and even vegetables to the market. The assortment and variety of these natural juices pleases many buyers. Customer reviews say that although the drink is very tasty, its price is clearly overpriced. Convenient packaging, which is enough for a large family. The company is currently developing the production of freshly squeezed juices in small glass containers (200 ml each). So the product retains all the beneficial properties longer.

"My family"

The firm "My Family" for a long time gives its customers a lot of bright tastes. The advantage of this brand of juices is that it offers a wide variety of mixes. For example: apple-banana, cherry-mint, tomato-celery and many others. More recently, juices began to be bottled in new packaging. Bright and beautiful images of fruits combined with interesting slogans are what attract customers. In the reviews, consumers say that they love this juice for its natural taste and affordable price.

Firm J7

The next in the ranking of the most bought juices in Russia is J7 (manufacturer PepsiCo). The first packaged juice in the country appeared in 1994, and it was J7. The founder of the manufacturer was Wimm-Bill-Dann, which laid the foundation for the production of juices in Russia. In addition to the classic versions of single-component drinks, J7 produces juices that consist of several fruits or berries. They are loved by many buyers. The combinations are very unusual, but balanced.

different packaged juices

The rating of juice producers is regularly changing. New firms and products enter the market. Many manufacturers change not only the packaging, but also the composition of their drinks, improving their organoleptic properties.

Tomato juice

Many people in Russia choose their favorite brand of tomato juice. Roskontrol conducted a study of several brands that produce reconstituted packaged juices. The rating of tomato juices includes several manufacturing companies, which are described below.

assortment of tomato juices

Tomato juice “Gardens of the Don region” burst into the leaders. It is palatable and delicate in texture. The drink does not contain sugar and salt. It has the flesh of ripe tomato fruits. Customer reviews for this product are mostly positive.

Good juice from natural tomatoes contains salt and sugar. It is more fluid in consistency than the previous version. Customer reviews about this drink are positive. Many people think that this is a great balanced combination of the taste of tomatoes and salt.

J7 juice is the leader in pulp content (over 9%). Also, the drink is one of the three most salted tomato juices, which for some is not a very positive quality. The juice has organic organoleptic properties and a balanced composition. It has no nitrates and toxic substances. J7 tomato juice is chosen by many residents of the country. Customer reviews say that they like the drink. Bright rich taste and affordable cost - this is what attracts consumers.

Santal juice (tomato) is also highly praised by Roskontrol. The drink does not contain enough pulp, but otherwise it meets all quality standards. Juice contains sugar and salt. The taste is delicate and natural. Buyers often opt for this brand of juice. However, according to their reviews, this option is more expensive than others.

Juice "Orchard" is also on the top steps in the ranking of the best tomato drinks. However, his rating is reduced by the fact that the amount of pulp in the drink is less than 6%, and should be more than 8%. For other indicators, the juice meets all standards. Residents of the country are happy to buy this drink. In their reviews, they say that they are satisfied with this choice. The juice has an original and convenient packaging. The taste is pleasant and soft.

The quality rating of juices periodically changes. This is due to the fact that firms are modernizing and improving production. Many change the composition and eliminate unnecessary components, trying to make the juice more natural and tasty.

How to choose tomato juice

Juice from ripe juicy tomatoes perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with useful trace elements. However, it is important to choose a quality product, not tinted water. Pay attention to the packaging of juice. It must be airtight. Be sure to find the label with the release date and expiration date.

Many manufacturers indicate that the drink is “no preservatives.” It should be noted that the addition of preservatives is prohibited and does not comply with GOST. Tomato juice should not be too thin. The density determines how much dry matter was used for cooking. The color of the juice should be natural (red-brown). Too bright color may indicate the presence of dyes.

tomato juice in a jar

All products must be made from quality raw materials. That is why juices are periodically checked for mold, fungi, pesticides and nitrates. Of course, without a special analysis this is impossible to understand. However, if tomato juice has an unpleasant odor or a specific aftertaste of mold or other substances, then you should not use it.

As for salt and sugar, there is “taste and color”, as they say. Some people like drinks with a pronounced salty taste, others vice versa. That is why the packaging can clarify information on the content of salt and sugar in the product. The rating of the best tomato juices includes an indicator of the amount of salt. Moreover, its largest amount in the drink is J7.

Baby juices

As you know, babies begin to introduce juices as an additional nutrition from an early childhood. Moreover, they must meet all requirements and quality standards. Many parents try to resort to advice and find a rating of juices for the nutrition of children.

Many parents believe that juice is a source of vitamins for children. However, the opinion of doctors on this subject is somewhat different. Therefore, juices are recommended to be administered to children after consultation with a pediatrician.

According to research, all trademarks of domestic manufacturers of baby juices do not contain substances hazardous to babies. They meet quality standards. If you want to know the rating of children's juices, you are unlikely to get unambiguous results. After all, each product is absorbed individually by the baby. It is difficult to advise a particular brand or company, because for some it may not be suitable.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is considered one of the most useful. It is ideal for drinking during illness or when recovering from the body. Also, juice from pomegranates is advised to drink in the autumn-winter period in order to saturate the body with useful minerals and vitamins.

pomegranate juice

The rating of pomegranate juices is based on its composition, color and taste. The most popular brands in Russia are O'Green, "I", Grand. Choosing the right and high-quality drink is the main task of the consumer.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is packaging. Most common pomegranate juices are bottled in glass bottles. So you can see the color of the drink. Avoid goods in cardboard or plastic containers. The color of the juice should be saturated red or brown. Too dark shades indicate that rosehip or pomegranate peel was added to the drink.

Too cheap pomegranate juice should not cause delight among buyers. Most likely, this is an unnatural product. The rating of pomegranate juices also includes an indicator such as price. It is necessary to pay attention to consumers.

The composition, manufacturer and marking of the production date and expiration date should be painted on the package. Open pomegranate juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

pomegranate juice

Also, doctors do not recommend drinking whole pomegranate juice. It contains a large amount of acid, which can damage the gastric mucosa. It is best to dilute the drink with boiled water.


Any juice rating is based on their composition and customer reviews. However, a situation often occurs when a tasty product is not entirely useful. Therefore, it is worth studying the composition well and choosing brands of juices that are always time-tested.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6513/

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