The menstrual cycle after childbirth - how and when it is restored

The failure of the menstruation cycle after childbirth often causes concern among newly minted mothers. Nevertheless, we must not forget that during pregnancy, menstruation is interrupted due to hormonal changes in the female body. After delivery, hormonal status is restored, but it does not play any role, were the births natural or had to have a cesarean section.

menstruation failure after childbirth

Prolactin will show

The main factor that the restoration of the menstruation cycle after childbirth has come to an end is the first period. Breastfeeding is also insignificant , since prolactin (a special hormone responsible for the production of milk in the mother’s breast) can block the activity of other hormones, which can also lead to a delay in menstruation. This phenomenon has some biological meaning, because the body of a nursing woman is not ready for a new pregnancy, which means that it needs protection. Prolactin provides this very protection, protecting against untimely conception. It should be remembered that the woman is not protected for long, and soon she will again need contraception.

menstruation after childbirth

Some mothers complain that especially sensitive babies turn their nose away from their breasts due to a change in the taste of milk. For babies, this can be harmful, and mothers risk losing their ability to feed. However, those who are especially successful turn out to save milk by decanting every three hours the portion necessary for the newborn, or by slipping his breast during sleep.

In the event that the menstruation cycle after childbirth or feeding does not stabilize for more than a year, it is necessary to contact a specialist who prescribes hormonal tests and, if necessary, treatment. If you treat menstrual failure carelessly, you can easily β€œearn” secondary infertility.

Bleeding as a cause of hormonal hunger

A sign of pathology is also the condition of the body that has arisen as a result of severe birth bleeding. This affects parts of the brain that are responsible for hormonal regulation. Such changes can lead to natural hormonal starvation, in which not only the menstrual cycle is absent after childbirth, but also practically no milk is produced in the breast. Women who become victims of such postpartum processes notice that they lose weight, their skin dries, hair falls out, fatigue increases, dizziness appears, and blood pressure drops. Most often, these symptoms are attributed to postpartum fatigue or normal anemia. But mothers should not neglect precautions - it is best to consult an endocrinologist to rule out these rare, though quite likely cases.

recovery of the menstruation cycle after childbirth
Many women are convinced that the menstruation cycle after childbirth changes not only its frequency, but also its characteristics. In other words, painful and prolonged menstruation should become short-lived and invisible to the "beginning" mother. In fact, menstruation can become more regular, pain can become dull or disappear altogether. Soreness is a property to which the fair sex is required to bend the uterus, which impedes the outflow of blood during menstruation. Of course, this bend disappears during childbirth, the uterus becomes more plastic, and the pain goes away. In any case, the menstrual cycle after childbirth is independently or medically restored, regulated and adjusted.


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