Is paranoia a mental disorder or delirium from the evil one?

Paranoia is a mental disorder . It is accompanied by some crazy ideas that develop in the mind of the patient. He does not trust his family, friends and relatives. The paranoid very sharply reacts to this or that behavior of people, categorically does not accept any criticism. In particular, he never admits that he has paranoia. This formation of delusional thoughts is closely related to the character and personality of the patient. The fact is that the paranoid raves not because he incorrectly assesses the world around him, but for the simple reason that he has a pronounced internal conflict with himself.

paranoia is

Paranoia is a state of mind in which the patient cannot evaluate his ideas adequately. He has his own system of values, far from the real world. In other words, there is a deep gulf between the paranoid and the world around him. As a result, the patient feels how much society needs him, but at the same time, he is not able to establish a connection with the outside world!

Unfortunately, no obvious signs confirming this mental disorder are observed until its critical phase. Basically, patients with paranoia fall into the psychiatric ward with a progressive disorder. However, if you look closely, you can understand that some symptoms are still visible.

Signs of Paranoia

As stated above

signs of paranoia
the main sign of a potential paranoid is his delusional ideas, which are always based on distrust of others, on a suspicious attitude towards them. The paranoid misinterprets any situation, attaching great importance to various insignificant details. It is common for such people to exaggerate and color everything in negative colors. For example, a paranoid, suffering from delusions of persecution, will easily suspect that his foe, maniac or terrorist has looked askance at him. Or, for example, a spouse suffering from a delirium of jealousy will “bring to hand” his wife, making constant scandals about any delay in her work. The saddest thing about all this is that no evidence and reasonable arguments refuting the patient’s crazy ideas have any power for him. He just won't accept them!

Paranoia is not schizophrenia!

paranoia patients

Many believe that both of these mental disorders are one and the same. This is not true. Patients with paranoia are overwhelmed by some unreasonable criticism of the entire surrounding world. At the same time, they never accept criticism in their own address. As the saying goes, "everything in the world is bad, and you alone are wonderful!" They do not have visual and auditory hallucinations, as in schizophrenics. Moreover, paranoid people are not subject to any phantasmagoric ideas, which can not be said about schizophrenics. However, sometimes both diseases can complement each other, for example, with a diagnosis of “paranoid schizophrenia”.

The whole logic of a person with paranoia is built on his own conclusions. And after all, it is almost impossible to find a “gap” in this for an adequate person ! Everything seems to be logical for the patient. But only not the initial links of his "paranoid" chain, on the basis of which the false conclusion is built.


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