How much is a wedding: the cost of a celebration

It is wonderful when lovers make a decision to formalize their relationship. A wedding is a wonderful event, an opportunity to declare your love to the whole world, to unite the two families with family ties and create a new unit of society. In preparation for the celebration, the newlyweds have many questions. One of them is how much the wedding costs.

It has always been a very expensive undertaking. Even if you want to organize a small celebration, and not a banquet for 150-200 people, the costs will not be small. You need to spend at least on rings, a small feast, costumes of the bride and groom, makeup and hair. What can we say about the great festival.

So how much does it cost to play a wedding? Let's get it right.

how much does a wedding cost per person

The official registration of marriage

How much will the wedding cost? The state duty, which is officially requested by the registry office for registering relations between two people, is 350 rubles. The application with the receipt of payment of the state duty must be submitted about a month before the celebration. In some registry offices, you can apply for two months before the wedding, and in especially popular ones (for example, in Griboedovsky in Moscow), the queue can be scheduled even six months in advance.

Instead of registering at the Wedding Palace, many modern couples often choose on-site registration. A romantic ceremony can be held in some suitable place. The ceremony is conducted by a person acting as a state registrar. Young people in this case visit the registry office in advance, where they receive a certificate. How much is the wedding in this case? Registrar services will cost five to ten thousand rubles. Instead, one of the relatives or relatives of the newlyweds may lead the ceremony.

Some metropolitan registry offices provide the opportunity to choose an exit registration formally. The list of places is limited: as a rule, these are Moscow estates, interiors of the Pushkin Museum-Apartment or the Glazunov Art Gallery. An employee of the registry office is present at such a registration; no preliminary visit to the Wedding Palace is required. How much does it cost to have a wedding? In this case, registration will cost 25 thousand rubles.


Rings are essential attributes of a wedding celebration. This is one of the most budget items. A pair of rings in white gold in the classical style can be purchased at a jewelry store for about 15 thousand rubles. The price of rings from Tiffany varies from 800 to 1,500 dollars (45.3 thousand - 85 thousand rubles). Premium rings cost from 10 thousand dollars and more (from 600 thousand rubles). In addition, a pair of wedding rings can be made to order. So, the budget decision will cost about 15 thousand rubles, the rings of the middle price category - 30 thousand, an expensive option - from fifty thousand.


how much does it cost to have a wedding

How much is a wedding in a cafe? It all depends on many variables. The role is played by the number of invited people, the preferences of the newlyweds on the menu, and the category of cafe or restaurant. In addition, you can not be limited to a banquet hall. A wedding can also be held in a tent in the open air on the plot, if one of the newlyweds or their parents has a country house, in a hotel or in a rented cottage.

How much is a wedding in a restaurant and in an open area somewhere outside the city? Of course, the price will differ several times. The budget option for these two is definitely the restaurant. And you can just hold a gala dinner at home, especially if the number of guests is small, and the newlyweds themselves want to celebrate the holiday in a narrow family circle and at home.

The cost of a banquet directly depends on the number of guests. How much does it cost to play a wedding? Depending on the specific set of dishes per person, it will take from two to ten thousand rubles. To this amount you must also add the cost of alcohol in the restaurant or cork fee, which is charged for each bottle of alcohol brought with you.

As a rule, in addition to a banquet, a wedding reception is also organized. In the buffet area, where fruits, light snacks, desserts and drinks are displayed, guests wait for the start of the holiday. The buffet table will cost one to five thousand per one, depending on the positions in the menu.

If you decide to hold a wedding in the fresh air, you need to add the cost of the site. You can rent a cottage on the river bank in the suburbs, for example, for 60 thousand rubles, and to hold a celebration in an old mansion on Tversky, you need to give about four hundred thousand. This sum does not include expenses for the banquet itself. In addition, another 10% of the cost of the banquet should be budgeted for servicing.

So, how much is a wedding for 50 people with a banquet? With a minimum set of dishes in the restaurant, it will cost one hundred thousand, if you offer guests a wide selection of treats, you can not meet the half million rubles.

how much is a wedding and 50 people

Wedding decoration

The setting should match the occasion and the overall concept of the wedding. You can turn to professional designers of bouquets and halls for the celebration, or you can try to do everything yourself. The cost of the whole project is difficult to name, because it all depends on the concept, the style of the holiday and the wishes of the newlyweds.

The work of professional designers will cost fifty thousand rubles. This price includes the decoration of the premises where the bride’s gathering, welcome zone, photo zone, banquet facilities and the place where the ceremony takes place are held. The final price depends on the scale of the event, the quality of the decorative elements, the design concept, the number of people who will be employed.

If you plan a budget wedding, then the design can be excluded from the budget. It is enough to order a bouquet for the bride and a boutonniere for the groom. Such a set will cost about 2500 rubles or more.

Photo and video

How much is a wedding? The budget must include the services of a photographer and / or operator. Of course, such a significant day will want to remember for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to make a photo shoot or hire a photographer who will take off the bride’s morning training, and a banquet, and marriage registration, and a walk.

In Moscow, the cost of an hour of work of a photographer varies from two and a half to ten thousand rubles. For a beautiful video you need to pay at least thirty thousand rubles. Additional services, which include shooting from an aerial crane or creating an entire feature film, will cost the newlyweds another hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

how much is a wedding in a restaurant

Images of the bride and groom

How much is a wedding? The budget must include such an item as suits for the bride and groom, makeup and hairstyle of the bride. Do not deprive yourself of the fitting process, because it is such a pleasure, you can try several options, see what exactly you like. In order to save money, girls sometimes order a dress via the Internet, but a wedding is a special event, so you should not tempt fate.

The bride’s outfit usually costs 10% of the wedding budget. The cost of the dress in the cabin is from twenty thousand rubles or more. Need more accessories: veil, garter, hair jewelry, gloves. Need shoes. Perhaps it makes sense to take two pairs - comfortable boats and beautiful stilettos for a photo shoot. The bride still has to think about hairstyle, manicure and makeup. Some girls, preparing for the wedding, even order a full range of spa treatments.

We need a budget option - a wedding image in the capital can be created for 8 thousand rubles, it will only take a little longer to search for stores. Still need to conduct rehearsals, make test makeup and hair. All this is already included in the agreed amount.

With a suit of the groom, everything is much simpler. You can buy a classic suit in an ordinary store, such a purchase will cost ten to fifty thousand, and then use it in everyday life.

how much is a wedding

Vehicle rental

Transport will be needed not only for young people, but also for guests. You can rent an ordinary car for a thousand rubles for an hour or more, but premium or retro cars will cost much more. For guests it is better to book a minibus. The cost of ordering such a machine is from 1500 rubles per hour.


At a minimum, you need a DJ and equipment, as well as the leader of the holiday. The role of the latter may be one of relatives or friends. Cover bands, fire shows, fireworks, dance groups, soap bubbles, jugglers, professional bartenders, sand shows or magic tricks are also often invited. You can save on this if the budget is limited. At least forty thousand rubles will have to be spent.

How much does it cost to invite a host, cover band and DJ to the wedding? It will cost about 80 thousand. If you take into account other entertainment, you need to lay in the budget of 100 thousand.

Bachelorette party and bachelor party

These are optional events, but a bachelorette party and a bachelor party provide an opportunity to relax from the bustle before the wedding. If the budget is limited, then this item can be completely abandoned or limited to gatherings with friends: throw a pajama party with friends, buy ice cream and watch a melodrama, spend an evening in a men's company watching a football match, for example.

If finances allow, then girls like to arrange bachelorette photo shoots, where each is offered a separate image and several outfits to choose from. Men can go to a club, choose an active holiday, spend a day in nature or pay for paintball. A photo shoot for a bachelorette party and a bachelor party in the club will cost about twenty thousand rubles for both events.

how much will the wedding cost

other expenses

This article may include expenses, which, in general, are not mandatory, but may be included in the budget of a particular pair. These are the same dresses for bridesmaids, staging a wedding dance, entertainment for guests, ordering invitations or arranging an invitation site. In the budget version, you can refuse all this, but if you consider the average price category, then you need to lay about ten thousand rubles for other expenses, and for an expensive wedding - from 25 thousand.

Wedding Organizer Services

How much is a wedding for 30 people? This can be calculated independently or use the services of a wedding organizer who will do everything for the newlyweds. This person fully develops the whole concept (of course, taking into account the wishes of the young), looks for a restaurant and hosts, works with contractors, provides an estimate of the event and coordinates everything directly during the wedding. The reward of the organizer is usually about 10% of the budget of the wedding. Fees for stewards begin on average from forty thousand rubles per event.

Wedding night and honeymoon

The wedding night deluxe suite is often provided free of charge. Another possible condition for such a gift from the hotel is the order of additional nights for accommodation. On average, a bridal room will cost 20-45 thousand.

As for the honeymoon, at least 80 thousand should be laid on an overseas trip. Everything else depends on the amount on the account of the newlyweds and their preferences.

To summarize

How much does a wedding cost per person? This question is not entirely correct, since it all depends not only on the number of invitees. Guests affect the final cost of the celebration only at the time of planning the banquet. So, for one, as mentioned above, you need from two to ten thousand rubles, and if you also need a buffet, plus 1-5 thousand.

how much is a wedding in a cafe

In general, a wedding (without a honeymoon and wedding night) will cost at least two hundred thousand rubles. If you plan an average celebration, and not a budget one, the wallet will be facilitated by half a million, and for large events you need from a million rubles or more. The upper bar, of course, is not limited by anything except the amount that lies on the account of the newlyweds. With great opportunities, the wedding can be made amazing, but the budget celebration will be excellent.


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