How to draw a shirt for men and women? A simple tutorial will teach you

For drawing a shirt in full face, profile and rear view, you do not need outstanding achievements in the visual arts. There is enough ability to hold a pencil, a little motivation, and read this tutorial - how to draw a shirt for men and women in stages.

First you need to decide whether you will depict a shirt on a person, or whether it will be a separate layout. If you want to practice and first draw mock-ups of shirts without a person, then follow these instructions.

Draw a man’s shirt front view

The process of drawing a shirt in this lesson is carried out in stages:

Stage One. At the very beginning we draw an inverted trapezoid. It will serve as the base of the body. This figure is perfect for drawing a male torso.

Second phase. It is necessary to outline the lines of the neck, because they will serve as the basis for the collar. The male collar goes around her and rushes down. The collar of the shirt can be depicted as buttoned or unbuttoned. When unzipped, just add another small trapezoid.

The third stage. Draw the sleeves. In this figure, they will simply fit their arms, and therefore will be lowered down.

The fourth stage will be the elaboration of all the elements: buttons and drapery.

We draw a man’s shirt back view

The rear view of the shirt is drawn in almost the same way as the front in four stages.

First stage. We depict the trapezoid and outline the line of the neck.

Second phase. Draw a collar. From the back, it will look different than from the front, its position will be slightly higher, because it goes around the neck.

The third stage. As in the previous case, you need to depict the sleeves that are down.

The fourth stage: you need to draw all the folds on the clothes, but there will be no buttons anymore.

Men's shirt side view. Drawing features

The side view of the shirt is drawn slightly different than the two previous ones, but also in four stages.

First stage. In the beginning, the neckline is drawn, because it will be the main starting point. From the neck down, two lines follow, which form a figure like a truncated pyramid. It will be in a torso shirt.

Second phase. Outline the lines of the collar. It is important to depict it at an angle, so that it is much lower at the rear than at the front.

The third stage. The sleeve design will be slightly different, not the same as the previous two. It is important at the beginning to depict a seam that divides the back of the shirt from the front. It is from him that one can begin to draw a sleeve. On the side he will be only one, and he will also be lowered.

The fourth stage. We put the shirt in order, remove all auxiliary, draw all the folds.

How to draw a man’s shirt

In general, drawing a shirt does not create any difficulties, but there are certain parts that it is important to stop and work separately, for example, a collar and sleeves.

Principles of drawing a women's shirt

Now you need to understand how to draw a women's shirt, and how is it fundamentally different from a man's shirt? This process will be carried out in four stages.

Stage One. We draw a trapezoid. The only difference when drawing will differ from the male one, that the length of the top line will be significantly less than the previous drawing. We outline the lines of the neck.

Second phase. On the outlined lines of the neck, you need to draw a collar. The design of the collar on the women's shirt is much more diverse. This can be a rounded collar, an elongated collar, shirts with a collar-neckline and so on.

The third stage. You need to add the shape of the chest. Another very important feature of the women's shirt is that it has a waist and an extension to the hips.

The fourth stage. Draw the sleeves of the shirt. In drawing them nothing changes. Everything happens according to the principle of a man’s shirt.

In the image of the shirt on the back there are no fundamental differences from men. Everything is carried out there at the same stages and the same rules are present.

Women's shirt side view. The main thing to note details

How to draw a shirt female side view? The stages of drawing also coincide with the male, but it is important to talk about the differences.

First stage. First you need to draw a line of the neck and a truncated pyramid. Where the chest is located, there will be significant bulging. You can also depict a bend in the back that resembles the letter S.

How to draw a women's shirt

Second phase. As in a men's shirt, sleeves and dividing lines of the front from the back are drawn. The collar and sleeves are drawn in accordance with the design we need. There are no fundamental differences from the men's shirt


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