Sanatorium for diabetics: an overview, a choice according to the type of disease, getting a ticket

Diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure him. However, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle, subject to all doctor's recommendations and periodic preventive treatment. It is definitely worth visiting special sanatoriums for diabetics in Russia. In such places it is possible not only to restore well-being, but also to recharge with positive emotions. The most popular health resorts will be described below.


The health resort is located in the resort of Belokurikha in the Altai Territory. The sanatorium for diabetics offers its services throughout the year. The exact address of the health care institution is 44 Slavskogo Street. A transfer from the railway station can be arranged for visitors.

The resort is located in a cozy green area, on the outskirts of the resort area. This place is ideal for the recovery of well-being of patients suffering from any type of diabetes. Forest “health paths” originate here, which are popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. Here you can take a leisurely walk or arrange a morning run (if the doctor does not forbid). In winter, a ski slope operates for vacationers. A lot of positive emotions can be obtained thanks to a trip along the cable car, which is also located in the immediate vicinity.

Sanatorium Katun

Sanatorium for diabetics "Katun" has a good number of rooms. The standard duration of a health stay is 12 days. For a standard number you have to pay 52 thousand rubles. Living in a superior room will cost 76 thousand rubles. Each room has comfortable beds, a refrigerator, a TV.

This resort is perfect for type 1 diabetics. In the health resort there is a new treatment department in which patients are offered radon baths. There is an opportunity to improve health in numerous natural sources of Belokurikha.

Sanatorium named after M.I. Kalinin

The health resort is located in an ecologically clean picturesque place. This is one of the most popular places in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Initially, it was a large three-story summer house, which was built in 1906 and belonged to the doctor P. A. Lezin. The health institution was renamed in the post-war years, when the special commission headed by M. I. Kalinin visited the sanatorium.

Today, the health resort is very popular among diabetics, as well as people who simply care about their health. Exact address: Stavropol Territory, the city of Essentuki, Razumovsky Street, 16.

The resort offers cozy double and single rooms with all amenities. It can accommodate both single vacationers and couples with children. Each room has bed linen, dishes, a refrigerator, a TV, a safe, and bath accessories. For daily accommodation in double apartments you will have to pay 3600 rubles.

Particular attention in the sanatorium for diabetics (Essentuki) is given to the nutrition of vacationers. Chefs work closely with nutritionists. There are several diet options. Nutrition for each is selected in accordance with the diagnosis.

A ticket to the health resort can be purchased independently at full cost. Discounts are provided for patients who present a referral from a local endocrinologist.


The sanatorium for diabetics is very popular at any time of the year. But the greatest influx of tourists here can be observed in the summer, when the restoration of health can be successfully combined with a stay on the beach.

The health resort is located in an ecologically clean place on the Black Sea coast. Exact address: Republic of Crimea, city of Saki, Kurortnaya street, house 14. You can easily get here by rail (by train to Simferopol and by train to the city of Saki).

Sanatorium Sakropol

Qualitative treatment for diabetics here can be obtained through natural factors. This is a mud therapy, healthy water procedures, high-quality diet food. Patients who undergo preventive treatment here annually do not feel their disease, lead a full-fledged lifestyle. Patients can undergo a full examination of the body in a modern diagnostic center. Here you can get advice from specialists of almost any medical orientation.

Stavropol is one of the best sanatoriums for diabetics in Crimea. To get a ticket on preferential terms, you need to contact the local endocrinologist at the place of residence and draw up an appropriate application. Next, the doctor will give a request to the health resort. The total cost of daily living in a sanatorium is 3000 rubles.

Mashuk Aqua-Term

The sanatorium complex is located in the Stavropol Territory (Zheleznovodsk city). Caucasian Mineral Waters has always attracted tourists from various countries. Local natural factors help get rid of many ailments. According to many, Mashuk Aqua-Term is the best sanatorium for diabetics. Here, patients with a disease of the first and second type can undergo preventive treatment.

Pleasant holidaymakers a good landscaped area. Medical buildings are connected to sleeping rooms by covered halls. In addition, the health resort has an indoor pool, gym, safe playgrounds. In the summer, a walk along the shady alley will bring pleasure. The infrastructure of the sanatorium also has a modern spa, a bar and a cafe.

Sanatorium Mashuk Aqua-Term

A special treatment program has been developed at the sanatorium for diabetics. It includes diet food, an appointment with an endocrinologist and therapist, procedures using mineral waters and therapeutic mud.

The total cost of a voucher for 14 days is from 52 thousand rubles. Through the district endocrinologist, you can visit the sanatorium on preferential terms.


The health resort is located in the city of Kislovodsk on Prudnaya street (house 107). The resort is located in a picturesque place in the south-eastern part of the resort town, at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. The territory offers a really beautiful view. Effective treatment of diabetes contributes to a range of natural factors. These are numerous mineral springs, ionized mountain air, the presence of sunlight throughout the year.

Sanatorium Zarya

Like other Kislovodsk sanatoriums for diabetics, Zarya has a well-developed infrastructure. The unique complex of buildings is connected by numerous passages and elevators. There are several sleeping buildings, a hospital, a dining room. On the green territory there are many cozy gazebos.

The number of rooms of the sanatorium has cozy single and double rooms. The cost of living per day with treatment is from 6100 rubles. Through the local endocrinologist, a ticket can be purchased cheaper.

Special attention deserves the dining room of the sanatorium. Special diet foods are offered here for patients suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For healthy vacationers, a different menu is offered.

"Kindness and care"

This place is worth considering for those who are looking for a sanatorium for diabetics in the suburbs. Patients with this diagnosis require special care. All the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay for diabetics are available at the “Kindness and Care” health resort. It is located on the outskirts of the capital, at the address: Frunzenskaya street, house 7.

Kindness and Care health resort specializes in caring for elderly people suffering from diabetes. Here patients can be accommodated in inexpensive standard rooms or in luxury apartments. To obtain a ticket to a sanatorium for diabetics, you must present a passport, a policy of compulsory medical insurance, as well as an extract from the patient's outpatient card.

The sanatorium offers a range of services necessary for quick recovery of the body. On an individual basis, physical therapy classes will be held with each elderly vacationer. Water procedures will help improve vascular tone. A range of other physiotherapeutic measures is also offered. The health resort also provides high-level care for the disabled.


If we consider a sanatorium for diabetic children, this one will be one of the best. The health resort is located in the Stavropol Territory, in the city of Pyatigorsk. Exact address: Inozemtsevo highway, house 7. The sanatorium accepts vacationers all year round. From the train station to the health resort can be reached by city bus or tram.

The resort is located in close proximity to the natural springs of the Caucasus Mountains, among beautiful forest greenery. For more than 20 years, adults and children suffering from diabetes mellitus type I and II can undergo preventive treatment here. Patients under 14 years old can be accompanied by parents.

A lot of good reviews can be heard about the medical and diagnostic department of the sanatorium "Mashuk". Here, each patient can undergo a full examination of the body, treat chronic ailments. In their work, specialists use traditional as well as new methods of therapy.

Doctor and patient

Accommodation of vacationers can be arranged in single and double rooms of two categories - standard and luxury. Price - from 2500 rubles per day. You can save if you buy a ticket for 21 days. Three-room apartments are also popular. It can accommodate two adults and a child at the same time. For the accommodation of one person per day in such a room you will have to pay 3,500 rubles.


This sanatorium for diabetics of the Leningrad region is very popular. Here you can not only restore health, but also have a great time. The Dunes health resort is located at St. Petersburg, Zarechnaya road, house 1. The sanatorium was founded in 1979 as an elite rehabilitation center. For a full recovery, not only various medical procedures are offered here, but also numerous entertainments. Indeed, positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the course of many diseases.

The resort offers comfortable rooms with all amenities. There are soft beds, a shower, a bathroom, a TV, a desk and a refrigerator. The cost of living depends on the purpose of arrival at the health resort. A simple wellness package will cost 4700 rubles per day. A rehabilitation voucher, including a whole range of restorative procedures, will cost from 7,000 rubles per day.

For those who want to feel complete unity with nature, the Rainbow climate pavilion functions from May to October. Accommodation can be arranged in double and triple wooden rooms.


The health-improving complex is located in Anapa, on the very shore of the Black Sea. High-quality diet food, many wellness treatments, comfortable rooms - all this attracts tourists suffering from diabetes from all over Russia.

Sanatorium Diluch

Sanatorium “DiLuch” attracts patients with rich professional experience and high-level service. The health resort began to function more than 80 years ago. During this time, the sanatorium went through several reconstructions. Today this institution has a European level, getting a preferential ticket here is not so simple. On a paid basis, absolutely everyone can recover. The total cost of daily living in a health resort in the summer is from 4,500 rubles. To get a preferential ticket, you should contact your local endocrinologist and write a statement.

This is one of the best sanatoriums for diabetics in Russia. The diabetes mellitus program is designed for patients over 18 years of age. Here you can get preventive treatment for diseases of the first and second type. Patients will be prescribed mud therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic baths, massage, exercise therapy.


This popular spa complex is located in the Stavropol Territory, in the city of Essentuki. The exact address: Lenin Street, 30. The health resort operates throughout the year and offers its vacationers many treatment programs. It is also possible to successfully undergo preventive therapy for diabetes.

Patients can stay in comfortable single and double rooms. Full price - from 3300 rubles. The resort offers a variety of dietary meals. The diet is selected taking into account the patient's disease.

Sanatorium Metallurg

The health resort has an extensive diagnostic and treatment base. The balneological department offers many types of therapeutic baths. Procedures allow you to restore the endocrine system, remove chronic fatigue. Individually, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed for each patient. Everyone has the opportunity to visit the beauty parlor.


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