How to cook jelly

The presence of starch in jelly makes this tasty dish quite high in calories, but it retains most of the nutrients and vitamins. That is why jelly of various types are added to the children's menu and are present on the table of adults who suffer from gastric diseases (ulcers, gastritis).

How to cook jelly people have known since the time of the first experience in cultivating crops. Wheat, rye, oats and even peas were used. This dish got its name from the word β€œsour,” because in the days of our ancestors it was a food product of fermented milk. Ancient Rusichs served a grayish-colored jelly with brown tones, because it was prepared on decoctions of cereals (they started to prepare it based on starch not so long ago), and to remove excess acid, they began to add jam, honey and syrups from berries.

Properly cooked jelly has healing properties and excellent taste. It all depends on what this dish is made of.

How to cook traditional jelly

Cooking starch-based jelly is a matter that will take very little time. Its preparation (the very first) took several days. Want to try?

How to cook real jelly, we learned from the famous book on housekeeping: "Domostroy":

  • Grind the grain and fill it with water (slightly warm). Leave in a warm place for fermentation.
  • In order to make the taste of future kissel more tender and pleasant, you can add sour milk (a little). Such fermentation with a fermented milk product lasts about two days.
  • The resulting mixture must be filtered and allowed to settle.
  • We merge the upper liquid layer, leaving a thick, from which we will cook jelly.

It should be noted that the very first types of jelly did not differ in sweetness. If the jelly was cooked from oatmeal, it was served with milk, but from rye or wheat - with jam or honey. Pea version of jelly ate with gravy from meat. It happened that the jelly was cooked so thick that they had to be cut with a knife. Try it, it’s really unusual and delicious!

Among the healing varieties of kissel, oatmeal is the leader.

How to make oatmeal jelly

  • We take half a pack of purified oats and fill it with water (warm, boiled) so that it covers the grain with three fingers. Leave for two days for souring.
  • We filter, separating the swollen grains.
  • The prepared liquid (filtered) must be put on fire, brought to a boil with continuous stirring.
  • As soon as the first bubbles began to lie on the surface of our dish, remove the dishes from the heat and pour the ready-made jelly in hot form into deep plates.
  • We put in the refrigerator for complete solidification

On the table this kind of oat jelly is served, as a rule, with milk.

In addition to simple recipes for making jelly, complex jelly jars also exist.

How to cook jelly complex

We will need (per serving):

  • cranberries (15 gr)
  • blueberries (15 gr)
  • sugar (tbsp)
  • starch (any) tsp)
  • milk (150 ml)

We cook cranberry jelly and separately from blueberries.

  • Having taken a deep enameled dish, we first pour the cranberry jelly mass and wait until it thickens.
  • Pour the slightly cooled blueberry mass from above.
  • We give time to cool our complex dish.

Now it can be cut into portions and served on the table with milk.

One of the most delicious and healthy drinks for children is milk jelly, which will be an excellent dish for both breakfast and afternoon tea.

How to cook milk jelly

We will need:

Β½ liter of milk

starch (2 tbsp)

sugar (2 tbsp)

vanilla (optional and taste)

Starch is mixed with sugar and diluted with a small amount of milk (boiled, chilled). Cold liquid will prevent the formation of lumps in our dish.

We put milk on the fire and, when it boils, gradually pour the diluted starch mixture, not forgetting to stir constantly.

The appearance of bubbles on the surface means that the dish is ready. Now you can add a little vanilla and pour in circles. So that when cooling does not form a film on the surface of the drink, you can lightly sprinkle jelly with sugar.


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