How to make tea with ginger so that it brings maximum benefit

A universal medicine - this is the translation from Sanskrit of the name ginger, the homeland of which, according to many historical sources, is North India. Externally, this plant resembles a reed, its flowers are similar to irises, are famous for their delicate aroma and do not fade for a long time. The value of ginger in its fleshy, thick and branched root, which contains an incredible amount of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and essential oils. If you start listing them, it will be an endless list - a real concentrate of health.

The unusual taste and medicinal properties of ginger was noted three thousand years ago. As an expensive seasoning, the Phoenicians imported ginger into the Mediterranean. Miracle root was studied by scholars of antiquity, describing its properties as warming the body and improving digestion, with a feeling of freshness in the mouth and even as an antidote. He is mentioned in the treatises of Confucius, and in the Holy Quran, and in Arabian tales, as a spice, arousing passion.

In the Middle Ages, ginger bread was one of the favorite foods. And in Russia, gingerbread cookies became called gingerbread because of the spicy taste.

Ginger is known as a means to cleanse the body and slow down aging. It is a powerful antioxidant, accelerates metabolism and promotes weight loss. Since it reduces appetite, ginger tea is best drunk 30 minutes before a meal.

There are many recipes for making tea with ginger.

For example: brewed (it should be infused for 5 minutes) and strained green tea, pour into a stainless steel container, add cardamom (2 pods), finely chopped 3-4 centimeter ginger root, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves (optional). Bringing to a boil, cook for 20 minutes. Then add honey - 3-4 tablespoons, the juice of half a lemon and its skin. Cook for 5 minutes, insist 15-20 minutes. Pour over a strainer into another bowl. Add mint (finely chopped) if desired. We get amber yellow tea that is drunk hot or cold.

If such a technology that answers the question of how to make tea with ginger seems too tedious, then you can use a simpler recipe.

And, without further ado, how to make tea with ginger, just grate fresh ginger on a fine grater and brew with green tea in a teapot or thermos. After 20-30 minutes, strain. Due to a small heat treatment, all the beneficial properties of ginger are preserved.

The beautiful half of humanity is interested in how to make tea with ginger, which helps to reduce weight. Here, like all ingenious, it is also very simple. The main thing is that there is a high concentration of ginger in tea. Cut the ginger into small slices, add water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Wait for the tea to cool to 37 degrees and drink, adding lemon juice and honey.

On the same topic, how to brew ginger tea for effective weight loss, there is another unique recipe, but garlic is added here. Ginger (also dried) and garlic are taken in a ratio of 1: 1 to 20 parts boiling water. Everything is brewed in a thermos and used in small sips throughout the day.

Here's another recipe for brewing ginger tea to remove toxins and lose weight. To it add a small amount of buckthorn (bark) or hay (grass). Put honey for better taste and the magic drink is ready.

There is no definitive recipe on how to brew ginger tea. The main thing is not to subject to a long heat treatment. It is better to brew boiling water and insist - so the beneficial properties of ginger are preserved as much as possible. In order not to wonder how to brew ginger tea, choose a recipe for it that will meet your taste preferences.

The centuries-old history of this miracle - root testifies: with regular use of ginger tea you will have wonderful shiny hair, smooth skin, clear eyes and excellent health.


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