Family budget planning

Everyone knows the fact that money loves an account. It is very important not only to be able to save and limit yourself, but also to simply plan your budget. At first glance, this seems like a fairly simple task: to postpone a certain amount, draw up a plan for its spending and not deviate from this plan. Of course, itโ€™s easier to control your expenses, if you live alone, planning a family budget requires more effort and time.

So, you are faced with the task of distributing the budget in such a way that it would be enough to repay the loan, pay for kindergarten, food, purchase of outerwear and household appliances, and it remains on a "rainy day". Agree, itโ€™s quite difficult to remember all these tasks and manage to spend money rationally.

Family budget planning is a serious thing that requires the right approach. Otherwise, without proper control, funds can be spent on things that are essentially unnecessary to you, on entertainment and unreasonable purchases. In this regard, it is not possible to buy a really necessary thing.

Nowadays, there are many computer programs that help you plan your family budget as quickly and simply as possible. For example, โ€œHome Accountingโ€. This program will independently make miscalculations according to the entered data. With the help of electronic home accounting, you can control debts, take stock for a certain time, keep records of income and expenses, plan credit expenses, etc.

According to research by American scientists, the largest amount of money is spent on food, with 30% of the food from your refrigerator sent to the bin. This is due to the fact that families buying food for a week do not have time to eat everything and the products deteriorate. That is why planning a ration for a week for a large family is simply necessary. Every economical person remembers what and why he bought.

The family budget, the planning of which usually falls on the shoulders of a woman, requires scrupulous calculations and great attention. Sometimes people do not notice how they spend large sums of money on such things as household chemicals, cosmetics, and products from supermarkets. Budget planning requires a cold mind and mathematical thinking. Do not miss small details, forget about such expenses as going to the cinema, cafes, buying glossy magazines, etc. The most economical families have long been purchasing industrial and food products in wholesale warehouses, so you can save up to 50% of the budget.

It is also worth mentioning that we often purchase products imposed by advertising. Having seen this or that product on TV or on the Internet, you immediately run to the mall for a novelty. And the most important waste of all women is seasonal sales, during which all shopaholics completely forget that they control the family budget and go to great lengths.

If you want not only to master perfectly the planning of the family budget, but also learn how to save, remember a few simple rules:

  • repay all debts to your friends and acquaintances; never borrow money;
  • destroy all credit cards that do not have a limit;
  • save part of the salary (up to 20%);
  • Distribute the budget so that you can spend 50% on necessary expenses, 30% on desired things and entertainment, 20% on debt repayment, savings.

In order to simplify your task, you can have several envelopes that detail what the money lying in them should be spent on. So, for example, the first envelope is intended for personal needs, the second for compulsory expenses (utilities, payment of loans, Internet, phone, etc.), the third for unforeseen expenses, the fourth for desired expenses (clothing, entertainment), etc. .

Family budget planning is not the most fun, but necessary. If you want your family to always have money, and you could not deny yourself anything, you need a plan.


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