Can I get married a second time? In what cases is this allowed?

In the old days, when faith occupied not the last place in human society, all marriages were concluded in the church, before God. This ceremonial has not lost its relevance today. But if previously married lovers honored the sacrament and this oath of a long family life before the church and God and believed that a marriage concluded in this way was once and for all, now the values ​​have changed a little.

Modern couples conduct the sacrament of marriage because of the beauty of the ceremony, completely not attaching importance to its importance and seriousness. Such spouses get divorced, get married and even think about a second church ritual with a new chosen one.

But is it possible to get married a second time? In what cases is this permitted and what needs to be done to get the consent of the church?

can I get married a second time

The sacrament of wedding

But before you know whether it is possible to get married for the second time in the church, it is worth telling what is the wedding and what is the meaning of this rite.

A wedding is a rite of the sacrament of marriage that takes place during a church service. The sacrament of marriage is the divine blessing of married Christians for a long and happy married life.

In Orthodoxy, this beautiful solemn ceremony is held after the official marriage at the registry office. The priest of the white clergy carries out the blessing process.

Already connected by a marital union, the bride and groom enter the temple, while holding a lit candle. They approach the altar and stand on a white circuit board spread out on the floor. Before proceeding with the blessing, the priest asks the spouses about the seriousness of their intentions and, having received an affirmative answer, reads priestly prayers, then puts blessings on the heads of the bride and groom, and after 3 times he says a special prayer of the sacrament.

Is it possible to get married a second time with another

As for whether a person can get married a second time, then the Orthodox Church does not put forward prohibitions, but there are some restrictions. And the ceremony itself will no longer be so solemn.

Who is married for the first and second time is prohibited by the church?

Despite the fact that remarriage, "concluded in heaven," is not forbidden by the clergy, still not everyone can admit to it.

Who will probably be refused?

  • A couple who cohabits together, in other words, is in a “civil marriage”. According to church canons, such a marriage is contrary to all Christian beliefs.
  • Monks, celibates who are forbidden by their vows to marry. Priests who have not yet taken the dignity may have a wife.
  • Spouses who have both or one of them have more than three marriages. The church still accepts 3 marriages in human life. The fourth is already regarded as a sinful act.
  • The traitor, through whose fault the previous marital union broke up. Persons who initiated divorce, adulterers, Christianity will refuse the sacrament even after passing the confession.
  • A spouse with mental disorders and mental disorders is also not allowed to conduct the sacrament of marriage.
  • Persons under 18 years of age (the lower age limit for marriage is the onset of civil adulthood, when marriage can be registered at the registry office), as well as elderly people: women over 60 and men over 70 years.
  • The bride and groom, whose marriage is not approved by the parents, as well as the marriage, who are married against their will. The opinion of parents is highly valued by the Christian church. But the performance of the sacrament against the desire of the spouses is unacceptable.
  • A couple having close family ties until the third generation. Incest is a sinful act.
  • A couple in which one of the spouses or both are unbaptized.
  • If one of the spouses does not formalize the divorce proceedings with the former elect and is still connected at the state level by family ties.
  • If married people have different religions. If the desire to legitimize your marriage is churchly strong, then one of the spouses of another faith must accept Orthodoxy. This condition is required.

According to the rules of the Orthodox Church, derogation from these prohibitions is unacceptable.


If you act according to all Christian precepts, then there can be no debunking, since marriage before God is concluded once and does not imply termination. Yes, and such a thing as "debunking", no.

The debunking does not provide for any solemn procedure. This is just a second wedding after an official divorce and a new, state-registered marriage.

when can I get married a second time

A second time wedding with another spouse

Unless one departs from church precepts, then a second “heavenly” marriage is impossible, because the divine blessing is given once, and its strength is so strong that it is impossible to break it. And yet religion takes human weakness into account, so the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get married a second time will be in the affirmative.

get married a second time

But nevertheless, the injured party can enter the church union a second time, in other words, a person who was betrayed in a married life or was not the initiator of a divorce.

Is it possible to get married a second time with another? You can, but first it's better to think it over.

What is the difference between the second wedding from the first?

There are differences between the first and second sacraments of marriage. The first is accompanied by a celebration, the laying of crowns on the heads of the newlyweds. The priest reads prayers for the blessing of the couple. The second wedding is much shorter than the first. It excludes all kinds of triumph, candles, crowns. At the same time, prayer is read for the repentance of one of the spouses and for the remission of his sins.

Widows and widowers: are they eligible for church marriage?

Can a widow get married a second time? A widower? Especially those who are connected by church ties with a spouse who is no longer alive?

Orthodoxy allows this possibility, since death interrupted marriage. However, the holy apostle Paul said that it is better to accept the fate of a widow or widower and go in this position until the end of his days. All due to the fact that a marriage blessed by God implies maintaining loyalty to his chosen one both during life and after death.

Is it possible to marry a widower a second time

And yet, if the widowed spouse decided to re-bind herself with marriage and at the same time appear before God and ask for blessings, then the church will not deprive him of this opportunity, but he will not have to count on the ceremony. The procedure will be held according to the rules of the second Dean.

Is it possible to marry a widower a second time? Like widows, it is not forbidden to them, but on condition that the last marriage was not the third in a row.

Re-marriage permission: how to get it?

Before conducting a wedding ceremony for the second time with a new spouse, you must first dethrone your previous chosen one. And then get permission to hold the ceremony again.

To do this, you should contact the priest in the church and write a petition for the permission of the second wedding in the name of the bishop. At the same time, two certificates will need to be attached to the executed petition: on divorce and on the conclusion of a new marriage.

After this, the spouse, who has already been in a marriage, must undergo the procedure of repentance. In the process, he must repent for the mistakes made in a previous marriage, and indeed for life in general. Repentance can take the form of confession.

Only after passing all the procedures can the sacrament of marriage be repeated.

The rules of the second wedding

Can a man get married a second time? What about a woman? After a divorce, life does not end, many have new lovers and want not only at the state level to marry their chosen one, but also on the "heavenly". The procedure will be possible if a number of church prescriptions are observed:

can a man get married a second time

  1. Before the procedure, the spouse, who is married again, must undergo repentance or confession.
  2. For a few days, the bride and groom need to observe a fast that will cleanse their body and free their minds. Allows you to soberly understand whether they need it or not.
  3. 12 hours before the event, both spouses must refrain from food and water. If there is an intimate relationship in a couple, then a few days before the sacrament it is better to refrain from it.
  4. On the day of the wedding itself, a few minutes before it, the bride and groom say several prayers: to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel, and the Follow up to Holy Communion.
  5. For the wedding, it is necessary to prepare and give to the priest: wedding rings, two icons - Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, a rushnyk and two candles for the ceremony.

On what days can one hold the sacrament, neither the first nor the second?

Like many church rites, the wedding excludes some days when it is impossible to celebrate. We are talking about the preview, and the re-sacrament:

  • You can not hold the ceremony during the fasting;
  • on days coinciding with Pancake week and Easter week;
  • from January 7 to January 19;
  • on the eve of church, twelve and great holidays (this is due to the fact that you can not spend the evening before the holiday with a noisy walk in honor of the wedding);
  • Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (before fasting days) throughout the year;
  • on the eve and days of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Beheading of the Head of John the Baptist.

But if there is a really good reason why there is no possibility of postponing the wedding, then the bishop can make concessions and make an exception.

The second wedding and pregnancy: what to do in this case?

The second sacrament of marriage is permitted by the church even if the married woman is in a position. After all, a child is God's blessing. He must be born, live in a family in which the marriage of his parents is approved from above.

Therefore, every wise clergyman will never refuse to marry a couple awaiting the birth of a child, even though one of the spouses undergoes the ceremony for the second time.

The opinion of the Orthodox Church on the second wedding

Is it possible to get married a second time with another? What do clergymen say about this?

The opinion of church workers is the same - the first wedding is more valuable than the second. After all, all the sacraments performed within the walls of the church do not have the opposite effect. That is, divorce or debunking in Christianity is not provided. Therefore, the second marriage before God does not have special value in the conditions of Orthodoxy. This is a kind of attempt by people to improve in a new relationship.

Despite this opinion, the second sacrament of wedding is not forbidden.

Celebrity Repeat Weddings

The most sensational event in November 2017 was the wedding of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who had been officially married for 6 years. For the showman and the parodist, this was the first sacrament, while for the prima donna of the Soviet and Russian pop, the wedding was the second.

Pugacheva concluded her first church marriage in 1994 with Philip Kirkorov. According to Alla Borisovna, it was her mistake, committed out of stupidity and ignorance. For her, she will repent for the rest of her life, since she met a real husband in the person of Galkin. And she is immensely happy that the second sacrament was allowed to her.

Surprisingly, the re-wedding of Pugacheva was accompanied by a magnificent celebration, with all the rites and ceremonies. Many guests were invited, including famous people.

In addition, many Orthodox believers were a little confused by the fact that Pugacheva at the time of the wedding was 68 years old. And according to church rules, women who have crossed the age limit of 60 are not allowed to “marry in heaven”. But according to some reports, at this age they refuse a third wedding.

As for Maxim Galkin, he shortly before the ceremony adopted Orthodoxy and was baptized in one of the Moscow churches. He converted to faith specifically to get married to his wife.

can a widow get married a second time

Thus, Alla Pugacheva is a clear "answer" to the question of whether it is possible to get married a second time after a divorce. The main thing is to have love and respect between spouses.


This article examined in which cases you can get married a second time. According to church ministers, such an action is possible subject to certain rules.

Nevertheless, the first wedding marriage is most valuable in the eyes of God. That is why it is held accompanied by a beautiful celebration as a sign of approval and blessing of the Almighty. And if lovers manage to live their whole lives together without resorting to the divorce process, then after death they will be rewarded.

According to clergy, there are few people applying for the re-procedure of the sacrament of marriage. Disappointed once in a spouse and associating their life with a new chosen one, people do not want to anger God.


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