Motivated traffic: what is it

Internet traffic today is one of the most valuable resources on the network. They sell and buy it, exchange it; with its help, new resources are developed, thousands of people create business and permanent income. At the same time, all traffic is ... visitors! We, visiting the next news site, become its traffic and bring some income to its owner! And, as you can guess, for us (for Internet traffic), the owners of online resources are in a tough battle with competitors from their niche. Each of them tries to attract traffic, increase its volumes, and increase to the maximum.

Traffic is

motivated traffic

As we have explained in short form, traffic refers to visitors to an Internet resource; people who visit the site and read the news, watch videos, study the materials that interest them. In the Internet business, traffic plays a key role: the more it is, the higher income the site owner can receive from his resource. At the same time, the number of visitors determines the methods of earning, which also significantly affect the final figures of income.

However, do not simplify the indicators. There are many ways to attract visitors to a site. Therefore, accordingly, several different types of traffic can be distinguished, each of which has a different degree of value. Read further on the basis of which the classification of types of traffic is carried out and why the price of each of them differs from the others.

Types of traffic

So, here is a simple example. There are two situations. The first is when you ask your friends, relatives and acquaintances to go to your website and do it, for example, every day. As a result, it turns out that your site will have traffic at the level of 10-20 users per day.

Another situation is when you independently filled the resource with articles, after which you noticed that those 10-20 visitors (but already unknown to you who came from search engines) regularly come to it. What traffic do you think is valued higher? Of course, the one that comes with search engines.

motivated traffic what is it

Indeed, from the point of view of the advertiser, when buying traffic, he receives not your friends, but real users who are interested in finding material on the topic of your site. But your friends whom you asked for, in this case, show an example of what motivated traffic is.


In this case, the classification criterion is the source of visitors. If they come from search engines, then they are looking for information on the topic of your resource. At the same time, this also means that for some of the keywords your site takes the first positions, which already defines it in a positive light. At the same time, motivated traffic is a completely different conversation. It is not an indicator of the quality or popularity of your site. Its appearance means that you simply acquired impressions of your site among these people (or asked them to come in personally - it does not change the essence of the matter).

As you can guess, getting real search traffic is much more difficult and expensive than buying motivated traffic (from bucks, job exchanges, and other sources). People who do not go from search, but for any other reasons, are not too interested in your site - they do it for a fee. This determines the further behavior of such users. In one case, they immediately close your resource; in the other, they read the articles posted on it, look for useful information for themselves, perhaps make some kind of purchase or place an order.

motivated traffic from axle boxes

How to get motivated traffic

In fact, getting visitors to your site who will come for some other reason (other than a natural interest in your resource) is not so difficult. Today, there are entire exchanges where for a couple of cents you can buy a package of several impressions of your site to the people you need. You can select them, including by the criteria of the country of origin, age, browser version, and so on. Such exchanges are called bucks (this word has been used above), on them you can ask the visitor to click on the banner, go to the page you need and perform, in principle, any action. You can purchase motivated traffic from the boxes (what it is, you already know) on a huge scale, as many as tens and even hundreds of thousands of visitors, if you want to create the appearance of active traffic to the resource. However, if your site has a hit counter, it can easily be used to determine that the traffic is not interested: the number of clicks will be equal to the number of visitors.

Types of Motivation

motivated traffic from boxes what is it

Motivated traffic (what it is, we already know) by its origin can also vary. After all, forcing a user to make a transition, motivating him can be done in different ways. Most often, for visiting the resource you need, users are paid a certain amount, for example - $ 0.002. By viewing 100, 500, 1000 sites, a person in a relatively short period of time will be able to earn a certain amount of money.

Another type of motivation is to receive rewards. Such a system is practiced, for example, in online games, where for viewing a banner the user is given a new game character or a new map is opened. This model is beneficial to everyone: the developers of the game, and directly to the player.

Who needs motivated traffic

The fact that this kind of visitors is of little interest in your site makes it seemingly a little suitable for working with advertising or some offers that are available on any project. However, people buy such shows and engage with such visitors. We know how motivated traffic is extracted, what it is, but we do not see widespread use for it. But in vain: with its help, you can easily wind up any shows.

motivated traffic is

In skilled hands, purchased visitors are very likely to resemble those interested, at least in the sense for which they are motivated. Let's say in this way you can increase the number of views of a Youtube clip or some interesting note with a link to your material. Working with such traffic requires creative thinking and the ability to maximize the use of available resources.

Where is forbidden

However, there are those schemes where motivated traffic is not allowed. Offers are the best example of this. If the advertiser pays for registration in his game, and you look for those who will register an account for an additional fee, most likely the result of such an experiment will be a ban. After all, the advertiser will see that all the registrations paid by him turned out to be a “dummy”, and in reality users do not log into their accounts.

motivated traffic what is it

The same goes for CPC ads . It is very important to maintain the quality of traffic, its interest. For the fact that people hire motivated users and force them to click on ads, the advertiser simply blocks such “dealers” without payment.

Where is allowed

Speaking about the ways to use motivated traffic, we can highlight a number of key areas. First of all, this is an increase in the characteristics of your site: increasing the number of views of records, increasing the views of videos and so on. In the future, this will eliminate the effect of the “empty and young” site, which is inevitable for all beginner projects.

You can also use “paid” users on some offers. In terms of their explicitly said that this type of traffic is permissible. True, most often we are talking about offers to buy a product (for example, a subscription to a salon). The owner of the salon, in fact, does not care about how the visitor found his site. The main thing is the transfer of real funds and at the same time the real desire of the client to visit the institution.

motivated offer traffic

As you can see, depending on the situation, motivated traffic can be both an excellent tool for inexpensive and effective promotion, as well as a mechanism for tricking the advertiser. Therefore, be on the lookout: today there are enough craftsmen who want to profit from someone else's naivety (including on the Internet).


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