Energogarant: reviews. Insurance company "Energogarant": reviews on compulsory motor liability insurance

Today it remains to be seen what reviews the Energogarant insurance company receives. The thing is that issues related to insurance began to seriously interest the population. In particular, due to the fact that most have cars. And for vehicles you need to have OSAGO insurance. What do customers who contacted Energogarant say about it? Can companies really be trusted? What are the pros and cons of her? All this will be described later.

reviews insurance company energogarant


Energogarant is an insurance company located in the Russian Federation. It offers its customers a wide range of services. Activities are no different from similar organizations.

For her reviews, the Energogarant insurance company as a whole receives good ones. Customers know exactly on what occasions you can contact the company for this or that help. CASCO and CTP are in great demand. It is about them that most often leave reviews. But which ones? And what should I look for before contacting Energogarant for services?

List of Services

For example, a list of opportunities offered to the public. Energogarant is an insurance company, which, as has already been said, is no different in terms of operations from competitors. Today, customers indicate that the following services can be obtained at Energogarant:

  • voluntary health insurance;
  • life insurance;
  • mortgage insurance ;
  • insurance of housing, houses and cottages;
  • CTP;
  • CASCO;
  • child insurance;
  • insurance when traveling abroad.

All these are standard features. But is it worth contacting here for help? Is it possible to use CASCO or CTP? What are the pros and cons of the organization most often emphasized?

insurance company energogarant osago reviews

Country Distribution

Reviews Insurance company "Energogarant" earns, like any organization, diverse. Many leave positive opinions already for having to deal with a large organization. After all, Energogarant is a very common corporation. Its branches are located in most cities of Russia.

This means that the insurance company is real, not a scam. However, some opinions of employees and customers indicate the conduct of fraudulent activities. This is actually not the case. All charges are not proven. There is no evidence of negativity.

If necessary, make sure that Energogarant is a real company, you can simply find out the address of the nearest branch in the city and go to the organization’s office. Distribution throughout Russia gives customers confidence that they are turning to a truly conscientious corporation for help. Exact addresses can be viewed on the interactive map on the official website of Energogarant.


Now more specifically about the services. What insurance company "Energogarant" receives reviews on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance or hull insurance ? Opinions about the organization and its services, as already mentioned, are mixed.

energy guarantor insurance company magnitogorsk reviews

Regarding the prices, many say that you will not have to pay too much. The basic insurance rate for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for ordinary cars will cost 4,118. In Moscow, the basic cost of car insurance is less than 3,604, in the Moscow and Novosibirsk regions - 3,775 rubles. In principle, not very expensive. And it pleases many.

It is noted that Energogarant offers very affordable prices for its services. It is recommended that you find out more accurate information at the company’s offices in a city. But obviously there is no need to overpay for insurance.

Conclusion of an agreement

Energogarant (insurance company, Magnitogorsk) receives positive reviews for concluding an agreement with the organization for the provision of certain services. Not necessarily hull or compulsory motor liability insurance. It doesn’t matter which region it is in question, everywhere the principles of work remain the same.

Many note that when concluding an agreement, employees explain all the features and nuances of cooperation in a clear language. And it pleases. If you have questions from the client they will be answered. The contract is drawn up in several copies, in compliance with all norms and rules. No scam!

Nevertheless, many clients recommend reading the text of the contract carefully so as not to accuse Energogarant of fraud. Pay particular attention to issues related to compensation. Some cases may not be covered by insurance. It is better to know about them in advance. Nevertheless, all this is spelled out in the text of the agreement. If you carefully study what you sign, you can easily understand what you have to agree to.

Insured events and surprises

The Energogarant insurance company does not receive the best reviews because some employees lure customers to themselves with incredible offers. There are opinions according to which the staff promises to paint the car upon receipt of scratches. But in reality, everything turns out differently.

How exactly? Neither CASCO nor MTPL do not pay for painting. Some indicate that when inspecting a vehicle, it turns out that they will have to make repairs at their own expense. Because of this, there are many negative opinions about the work of the company.

It has already been said that before concluding an agreement, you must carefully read the text of the contract. All insurance and non-insurance events are registered there. Accordingly, additional attractive offers do not need to be paid attention. Usually, Energogarant quickly calculates deceivers and fires them. But a negative imprint is still left on the organization’s reputation.

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Energogarant (Perm, insurance company) receives positive reviews for its sustainability. According to the results of the assessment, the company is very stable. It is noted that the population predominantly trusts the insurance company.

To date, the trust level is at A ++ (or AAA). This is the highest rating. With Energogarant, the population can be calm for themselves and the insured property. This company will not suddenly be closed, it will not go bankrupt. These nuances for some customers are quite important points. The Energogarant insurance company in Nizhny Novgorod also receives extremely positive reviews for its reliability.


What reviews does the Energogarant insurance company receive for customer service? This question interests many. And here, as in most cases, there is no consensus. Much depends on the particular branch and employees working in a particular branch.

For example, in Magnitogorsk they often complain about the service. It takes about half an hour to serve one client on any issue, while the organization works from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a lunch break. Some express dissatisfaction with the fact that often only a branch selling OSAGO policies is open. Workers serve slowly, some conditions of cooperation are not clear.

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Nevertheless, in some regions, on the contrary, they are only happy with how they work at Energogarant. Clients are not served too quickly, but everyone is given sufficient attention. Not a single question will go unanswered. Attentive employees communicate with the client politely and respectfully. Before you go to a particular office of the insurance company, it is recommended to clarify the schedule of its work. This will help to avoid surprises with a long wait for the start of functioning of a particular department.

Departure on business

What's next? What insurance company "Energogarant" receives reviews on compulsory motor liability insurance and on hull insurance? Most customers pay attention to such a nuance as calling an emergency commissioner. An important point in customer service.

For this feature, the organization receives mixed opinions. Someone indicates that it is impossible to wait for the emergency commissioner. And you have to try hard to get paid.

But the insurance company "Energogarant" reviews on hull or compulsory motor liability insurance still earns good. On various otzoviks you can find a large number of positive opinions regarding the departure of the emergency commissioner. The employee will arrive quickly, all further service also takes place without special incidents. Some say that cooperation with Energogarant is a matter of personal success. Will they treat the client for good or bad? If we get lucky. Nevertheless, on otzoviks you can meet an approximately equal number of positive and negative opinions.

Concerning the departure of the emergency commissioner, one can still see opinions indicating that with persistence the problem will be solved. The main thing is not to be afraid to claim your rights.

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Are additional services needed

Insurance company Energogarant in Astrakhan reviews making money as a very conscientious organization. But at the same time, potential and real customers indicate that office workers are imposing additional services. More precisely, they persistently offer them when buying CTP or CASCO.

What is it about? Energogarant is actively promoting life insurance. That is, with car insurance they begin to offer life insurance as well. The cost of an additional service depends directly on CASCO or CTP. Moreover, employees are persistent in offering their products.

You should not be surprised or scared. This is quite normal. Each organization is trying as much as possible to offer its services to the client for profit. That is why Energogarant (insurance company, Izhevsk) does not earn the best reviews in this area. Often, customers do not like this approach. They come to the insurance company, knowing exactly what they need.

Auto repair

Special attention is paid to car repair from the specified organization. What do customers think about this feature? The insurance company "Energogarant" receives various reviews in this area. Both positive and negative.

Some customers complain that the car had an accident or refused to repair, or the process could take several months. Along with this, there are a lot of reviews indicating that Energogarant is quickly doing its job - vehicles are repaired in the shortest possible time, and with high quality and without too much negative.

What to believe? As practice shows, most of all are positive opinions. And the population shows more confidence in them. It is better to believe that auto repair from an insurance company will pass quickly, but prepare for the process to drag out.

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"Energogarant" (insurance company) reviews of employees and customers earn different. There are good ones among them, and not so many. Nevertheless, this organization is very often in demand regarding insurance under CASCO and CTP insurance policies. These services have disadvantages, but no one is safe from them.

In general, the studied insurance company pleases. Reasonable prices, offices in most cities, friendly staff, clear terms of cooperation. But she also has flaws. For example, long service and long lines. But this is not a reason to refuse to cooperate. When choosing an insurance company for CTP or CASCO, you can consider Energogarant as an option.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6572/

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