How to make cranberry juice

Morse is a drink made from berry juice with water. How to cook a delicious and healthy fruit drink?

Most often, fruit drinks are prepared to quench thirst in the hot season or as a remedy. Fruit drinks from raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries are drunk during the cold to get rid of the temperature and restore strength. Berry fruit juice enriched with vitamin C helps to boost immunity and speed up recovery.

Cranberries - one of the most healthy berries, which contains many vitamins. Cranberries also have a large amount of acids, which help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Cranberry phytochemicals slow down the aging process, destroy cancer cells. If you care about your figure, then you will be pleased with the fact that acids emulsify fat deposits, contribute to weight loss and get rid of cellulite. Doctors say that children should drink one glass of fruit drink per day, while adults should drink two or three glasses. Of course, only freshly squeezed fruit benefits.

Cranberry juice is the most popular childhood drink for our mothers and grandmothers. Do you know how to make cranberry juice? At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in the recipe, but in fact, from time immemorial, there are many technologies for preparing delicious fruit drinks. What you like - decide for yourself.

How to make cranberries and honey juice? Recipe:

If you use frozen cranberries for a drink, you must first thaw it. After that, wash my cranberries and put them in a bowl for kneading. The crushing of the berries follows a crush of wood in a non-metallic bowl. After this, cranberries should be filtered through a sieve, pouring the juice into the bowl, leaving the pulp and seeds in the bowl (we need them for the decoction). Pour the remaining slurry in a pan with water (about a liter) and cook to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and add more fruit juice for another 5 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and filter. Add the remaining juice and a spoonful of honey to the finished fruit drink. Cranberries and honey juice is ready!

Fruit juice from frozen cranberries. Recipe:

Rinse cranberries thoroughly and transfer to a pan. Pour the berries with water and let it boil. During boiling over high heat, the berries will burst. At this moment, it is worth covering the pan with a lid in order to avoid an “explosion”. As soon as the berries begin to explode, the fire should be reduced to medium. After 10 minutes, when it will be clear that all the cranberries have burst, you can remove the pan from the stove and strain the fruit drink. For a more saturated taste of fruit drink, you can add a spoonful of honey. If desired, fruit juice can be cooled or drunk hot.

There are many answers to the question: “How to make cranberry juice?”, But do not worry, because all of them basically contain cranberries, water and sugar (or its natural and very useful substitute - honey). If you want to cook a more complex fruit drink, then we advise you to pay attention to the following recipe.

Cranberries and lingonberry fruit drinks. Recipe:

Ingredients: cranberries and lingonberries (200 g each), ginger root, sugar, water.

A delicious drink with a spicy taste of ginger, which is liked by both adults and children, is good for health and overall well-being. In order to prepare fruit drinks, you first need to unfreeze the berries, pass them through the juicer, or crush the crush manually. Cranberry and lingonberry juice should be left in the refrigerator, and the meal should be poured with 3 liters of hot water. Add a piece of ginger to the mixture and boil everything for 5 minutes. Let the mixture cool, then strain and add the juice of berries from the refrigerator to fruit juice.

Lingonberry or cranberry fruit drink does not happen much. This drink is like a drug, you want to drink it again and again. Learn about all the secrets of this drink and do not tell others how to make cranberry juice, let it remain your signature recipe!


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