How to drink sambuca

Sambuca, which came to us from Italy, is an anise liqueur, in which spices, elderberry extracts and aromatic herbs are added. She is 35-42% of the fortress. Depending on the components included in it, it can have a transparent, brown or red color and even black. At the same time, black sambuca has a rich dark color due to the addition of licorice and licorice extract, and its taste is somewhat different.

There are many ways to drink sambuca. Let's consider some of them.

1. Con mosca (traditional Italian way). The drink is consumed in its pure form as an aperitif. At the same time, three coffee beans are added to it , symbolizing wealth, health and happiness, which are cracked after the drink is drunk. It is worth remembering that the drink is quite strong.

2. Sambuca with champagne (1: 3). Ignited sambuca is added to heated champagne. A person inhales a pair of drink and drinks it with the resulting mixture.

3. How to drink Extreme sambuca. The liquor is put into the mouth, but not swallowed, while the lips are wiped dry. The head must be thrown back, open your mouth and bring a lit match to it. When fever is felt, the mouth is closed and the drink is swallowed.

4. The fiery cocktail. Several alcoholic drinks are poured into the glass according to their strength: liquor, then champagne, then sambuca, vodka and absinthe. Everything is set on fire and consumed through a tube. Before drinking sambuca, you must stock up on lemon juice.

5. Sambuca with a strong effect. To prepare it, you will need two glasses. Thirty grams of sambuca is poured into one of them, set on fire and rotated along the axis so that the glass does not burst. Then the drink is poured into another glass, and the first is turned over and placed on a napkin, through which a tube is inserted. Sambuca is drunk and inhaled by its vapor through a tube from the second glass.

6. How to drink sambuca at home. A small ceramic teapot is heated with boiling water and fifty grams of sambuca is immediately poured. Shake, pour into a glass and drink. In this case, it is necessary to exhale air and take a breath through the spout of the teapot where the drink was.

7. The Hiroshima Cocktail. To prepare it, you need to take twenty grams of sambuca, beilis, absinthe and five grams of grenadine and carefully pour layers into the glass. Then the top layer is set on fire, heats and drinks with a tube for half a minute, starting from the bottom layer.

8. How to drink sambuca in frozen form. The bottle with the drink must be frozen to ice and served with slices of orange or lemon.

In addition to the above methods of using this liquor, there are some more. For example, sambuca can be drunk, diluted with ice water. In this case, it becomes cloudy, since it contains insoluble essential oils, or with milk (washed down, not mixed).

You can also set fire to the sambuca in a glass, put out after a while and drink it right away until it has cooled, or add it to coffee instead of sugar. Interestingly, sambuca goes well with coffee. The latter sets off and softens its taste and aroma. Therefore, on the shelves of shops you can find liquor infused with coffee beans. At home, you can use coffee liquor instead of coffee beans , which is poured into a glass before pouring the set sambuca on fire.

Thus, now you have learned how to drink sambuca correctly and with what. It is only necessary to adhere to a few recommendations. For example, you should not drink liquor on an empty stomach, since it is quite strong. You should not drink a burning sambuca and carefully inhale its vapors so as not to get burns. And the most important thing is to know the measure, because only then you can enjoy this magnificent drink with a sweet taste, which has a delicate and light aroma that gives off a lemon.


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