Insurance company "Renaissance Life": reviews, conditions and features

Today, you can insure absolutely everything: real estate, vehicles, luggage, as well as health and life. Undoubtedly, having decided to protect his own property interests in the event of injury or death, a person does not receive any significant benefits, but not everything in this world is built around money.

As you know, demand creates supply, so today in our country there is a huge number of organizations that provide insurance services. In this case, the main difficulty is to choose a reliable IC, because not all of them work in the interests of their customers. One of the leaders is the insurance company Renaissance Life (reviews, conditions and benefits of cooperation with it will be discussed later). The organization practices an individual approach and offers many flexible programs, so consumers have something to choose from. Let's try to figure out how profitable they are and whether to trust this SC.

Information about the company

life insurance

Renaissance is an insurance company that was one of the first to work in Russia. It was founded in 2004 and today it occupies a leading position in the domestic market.

IC provides a wide range of insurance services, the main ones are:

  • life and health;
  • before a certain age;
  • pension;
  • from force majeure;
  • medical;
  • from serious illnesses;
  • programs involving periodic payments.

Renaissance is a member of various professional associations, and is also actively involved in the development and improvement of laws in the field of insurance. Representatives of the company can often be found at many thematic public events and promotions. Any decisions are made at collective meetings, so they are carefully thought out, balanced and rational. The insurer seeks to make the life of the population as good as possible, therefore he regularly makes substantial donations to charity. Thanks to her, tens and hundreds of thousands of Russians across the country received financial assistance in a situation where a large sum of money was needed for emergency treatment.

Main advantages

renaissance insurance

The first thing to note is that insurance is a product, not an investment, so you won’t be able to make money on it. Having decided to use this service, a person invests in the most valuable, namely in his life. Therefore, the main benefit here is quite obvious.

As for OOO SK "Renaissance Life" (reviews about the organization are mostly positive), it has an A + reliability class. The evaluation was carried out by an independent rating agency, so you can trust it. The high level of reliability is due to the fact that the company cooperates with many banks and institutions, and also conscientiously approaches the fulfillment of its obligations. In addition, the insurer has a large number of branches almost throughout the country.

If we talk about the benefits of life insurance, the main among them is that a person can return back their financial resources. This is made possible thanks to endowment insurance, as well as in the event that there is no case involving compensation. However, it is important to understand here that you can get money back only after the contract has ceased to have legal force. If the insured person has died for any reason, then members of his family will receive compensation.

The company "Renaissance Life" (reviews are very different) makes compensation payments within 14 days after the occurrence of the insured event. Moreover, according to Russian law, customer funds cannot be frozen or seized. In addition, the money cannot be divided in the event of a divorce of the couple and does not imply the payment of tax.

Main products

choice of insurance company

Let's dwell on this in more detail. As already mentioned, the Renaissance Life company (you can read the reviews of employees and real customers at the end of the article) offers a huge number of products with flexible conditions.

The following insurance programs are available today:

  • "Heritage".
  • "Children".
  • "Future".

Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages, as well as various features that must be taken into account when concluding a contract. Next, we will dwell on each product in more detail and find out what it includes.

Heritage Program

So what is she like? Having decided to invest in life insurance, Renaissance (reviews of the company confirm its high reliability) will first offer you this particular product, since it is standard and involves the payment of monetary compensation in certain cases.

The program covers the following types of risks:

  • death for the duration of the insurance;
  • the fact of human life after the termination of the contract;
  • injuries of varying severity;
  • all categories of disability;
  • other conditions agreed individually;
  • force majeure circumstances;
  • diagnosis of a disease accompanied by death;
  • financial assistance for malignant tumors.

This insurance "Renaissance Life" (product reviews claim that it is profitable) can be issued by any person aged 18 to 65 years.

Children Program

child insurance

What is its feature? As the name suggests, this product from the Renaissance Life insurance (reviews of dissatisfied customers are extremely rare) is aimed at people under the age of majority. It is especially relevant if the child is engaged in any kind of sport.

The program assumes the following:

  • full cost refund, if the insured event has not occurred for the period of the contract;
  • payment of compensation upon the death of the child;
  • Act of terrorism;
  • other factors specified in the contract.

Among the advantages of the product, one can single out that the client can independently determine the insurance amount that will be paid as a result of the occurrence of a force majeure event. In addition, a review of program terms is possible.

Future Program

This is perhaps the most profitable product from LLC SK Renaissance Life, which exists today. It is based on the principle of accumulation of funds, which is carried out through regular contributions.

Regarding risks, the following are covered:

  • refund after the expiration of the contract;
  • payment of compensation as a result of the death of the client;
  • disability of any category, regardless of the cause;
  • providing women with financial assistance in diagnosing cancer;
  • Act of terrorism;
  • definition of a pathology that can lead to death;
  • various force majeure situations.

This product is beneficial in that the insured person can independently control their finances. In addition, the money is subject to indexation, so in case of inflation, the client will not lose a penny. Age requirements are standard - from 18 to 55 years.

Do I need insurance when buying an apartment on a mortgage?

insurance program

Let's dwell on this in more detail. This question interests everyone who is planning to buy a home on credit. According to Russian law, banks do not have the right to force them to purchase related services, so entering into an insurance contract is not necessary. However, some financial institutions do not neglect the possibility of breaking the law. As for Renaissance Life, employee reviews claim that their organization works honestly and openly with its customers, and therefore does not resort to using any gray schemes.

Nevertheless, there are certain benefits from insurance when applying for a mortgage. Firstly, it allows you to get more favorable credit conditions, and secondly, if something happens to the borrower, the UK will pay off the debt for the apartment.

How is a mortgage paid?

If you take housing on credit and arrange insurance at the Renaissance Life LLC (company reviews fully confirm this), then certain requirements must be met in order to receive a compensation payment.

Among the main insurance events, the following can be distinguished:

  • death;
  • disability of 1 or 2 groups;
  • sick leave for one calendar month or more.

The first two cases involve full coverage of the debt, while the latter covers only 1/30 of the loan.

In what cases can compensation be refused?

how to choose an insurance company

This issue should be given special importance. The company Renaissance Life (customer reviews claim that this happens extremely rarely) can free itself from fulfilling obligations to the insured person. The conditions implying the refusal to repay the mortgage are specified in the contract.

These are:

  • the client did not notify the policyholder of the presence of HIV or AIDS during the registration of the policy;
  • suicide;
  • force majeure circumstances resulting from alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • in case of accident, if the insured person does not have a driver’s license;
  • the client has committed any criminal offense;
  • a hidden chronic disease resulting in disability or death.

It is important to understand that this list is standard. Any insurance company can form it at its discretion individually for each person individually.

How to terminate the contract?

Let's look at this issue in more detail. If you took out insurance in IC Renaissance Life (reviews about the organization in most cases are flattering) or in any other company, then you have the right to terminate cooperation with it.

However, this is only possible in a few cases:

  • during the first 14 weeks after signing the contract;
  • in case of early fulfillment of their obligations to the insured.

If your situation does not fall under any of the above, then most likely you will be denied the return of financial resources for the policy. In this case, nothing can be done, since the UK acts in accordance with Russian law and does not violate it.

How does the termination procedure

If you decide to abandon the purchased insurance product in the initial period, then there should not be any special difficulties, since in this case everything is under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, the following conditions must be met:

  • availability of the original completed insurance policy;
  • lack of compensation;
  • Among insured events, there is a loss of work, death or force majeure.

First of all, you must fill out the appropriate application of the established form by registered letter to the office of the UK, which you can download on the official website of the organization. That it will act as the legal basis for termination of insurance.

Early cancellation policy

In this case, you need to personally contact Renaissance Life (reviews about the company in most cases are positive than negative) and fill out an application. In addition, you should have the following package of documents with you:

  • passport;
  • the contract;
  • receipts confirming all payments.

After checking all the documents, you will be returned the full cost of the policy. As for the early repayment of the loan, termination is not possible here, since insurance ceases to operate simultaneously with the fulfillment by the debtor of all his obligations to the financial institution.

What do customers say about SK?

reliable insurance company

Many people used the services of the Renaissance Life company. Customer reviews are quite controversial, but most of them are positive. The insurer has been operating in the market for a long time and values ​​its reputation. All payments upon the occurrence of insured events are made in a strictly specified time and in full. There were no facts or complaints that the organization somehow incorrectly acted in relation to customers, which is the best evidence of its reliability. Take care of yourself in any situation!


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