How to declare love to a classmate (or any other female person)

How to declare love to a classmate? Do you want to know several answers to this question? Then to you here!

Most likely, each representative of the stronger sex at least once in his life was overcome by the question of how to confess love to a classmate. And if not this question, so are its varieties. Quite often, young people ask themselves: "How to declare a girl love?". As a matter of fact, the answers to these questions are somewhat similar, but somewhat more or less substantially different. But first things first!

First of all, it is worth deciding who you have the subject of romantic feelings. The female person you sympathize with can be a classmate (well, or a classmate), just a girl (for example, a neighbor with whom you live in the same porch) or a friend (with whom you have long and pretty close friends).

In each case, the declaration of love has its “pitfalls." If you study together, you may be concerned that in the absence of reciprocity, the girl may ring out your feelings to all fellow practitioners. And this, it is worth noting, is unpleasant. If you want to make a declaration of love to a friend, and you are tormented by the question: “How to make a declaration of love to a friend?”, Here, too, is not so simple. After all, if the feelings are mutual, then everything, of course, is good and even more than that. But if the girl is not ready to answer your feelings, then friendship may be at risk ... But you should not despair! You just need to think through your behavior.

So, if you are considering how to confess your love to a classmate, then it’s definitely worth saying that you don’t need to do this right at school at the break between physical education and history! There will definitely not be any sense from such recognition! Haste and a lot of people around are not the best allies in such an important and delicate matter. Many people consider various notes as a way of declaring their love to a classmate. In general, this is not a bad option. Especially if the note is written in legible handwriting and not on a leaf crookedly torn from a notebook. Yes, the note should definitely be signed! Because the signature "your Harry Potter" or "your Edward Calen" is not too informative. True, in the case of choosing this method, a girl may find this just a joke. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that it is better to confess in personal conversation. Even if you are going to confess at school. You can, for example, volunteer to help the lady of your heart clean the class. Or draw a wall newspaper with her. In a word, try to stay alone with her in an empty classroom.

But here one more difficulty arises in how to confess love to a classmate. This is the text of recognition itself. Obviously, you should not copy the behavior of the idol of schoolgirls Edward Cullen. But even a memorized letter from Yevgeny Onegin to Tatyana Larina will most likely not bring much success. So what to do? If you can’t come up with anything on your own, then it’s better to watch the film “Real Love” and repeat the episode of recognition with tablets and a tape recorder. A good example to follow is the film "When Harry Met Sally." Or you can just talk. And in simple words, to say that the girl is very dear to you and you really want to be with her. And even if you blush and stutter - it's okay. So your beautiful lady will be convinced that you speak with all my heart.

And after classes, you can invite a girl for a walk and confess her feelings there.

Yes, your chances of success will be enhanced by a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates presented with recognition. A neat appearance will also be an additional "plus".

As a matter of fact, all of the above tips can rightfully be applied in case of recognition to any girl who caused you a hurricane of feelings. The main thing is a romantic atmosphere, your sincerity and a little luck!


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