Nalchik, sanatorium them. Kirova Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

One of the most beautiful cities in Kabardino-Balkaria is considered to be Nalchik. And the sanatorium them. Kirova, which opened here in 2000, is popular with vacationers, not only because of the treatment provided, but also because of the amazingly beautiful nature.

One of the main attractions of this unique area is the two-headed Elbrus volcano known to all climbers and mountain lovers. Climbing to its peak is possible both on foot and by cable car. However, the first way to conquer a long asleep volcano is available only to professionals. And tourists most often choose the rise with the help of technology.

City location

In Kabardino-Balkaria and in Nalchik, which is its capital, there is something to see and where to improve your health. The Great Caucasus Range stretches across the whole republic, blocking the way to cold winds. Therefore, the climate in this region promotes health: it is clean mountain air, and mineral springs, and the hospitality of local residents who are always happy to help visitors.

Arch in Nalchik

Kabardino-Balkaria has been part of Russia for about 500 years, and many architectural structures remind of this: in particular, the monument to Maria Temryukovna, the second wife of Ivan VI (Grozny), was erected in front of the musical theater in 1957.

The city itself is located in the valley of the Nalchik River, in honor of which the capital of the republic got its name. In clear weather, you can admire the chain of mountain peaks, on the slopes of which snow sparkles. The territory of Nalchik is small, but it was remembered by many vacationers for its unique layout and combination of natural landscape and architectural structures.

Sanatorium Profile

In Kabardino-Balkaria and its capital there are many medical institutions of various profiles. Some of them opened at the beginning of the last century, while others - at the crossroads of two centuries.

Winter in Nalchik

For about 20 years now working in Nalchik sanatorium them. Kirov, in which the healing process is carried out year-round. The health resort is designed for 204 places and you can come here with children. Prices range from 2900 to 4200 rubles per day.

The FSIN sanatorium works with problems of a very different profile: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, urological and gynecological disorders.

Prevention and treatment

The system of prevention and rehabilitation of almost all medical institutions in Nalchik and the sanatorium named after Kirov, including based on the use of unique natural resources of Kabardino-Balkaria:

  • mineral sources of a wide range of effects;
  • water procedures using iodine-bromine and nitrogen-thermal baths;
  • mud-paraffin treatment method, which is based on the use of therapeutic mud with a unique set of trace elements;
  • pool, classes in which will help to cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Another effective water treatment is hydrokinesia therapy. An underwater shower with a massage effect has been used for a long time, a standard set of procedures is also used: exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage.

Dining room in the FSIN

All of the above procedures are appointed by qualified professionals with extensive experience.

Unique nature pantry

It should be noted that the main part of the resort area is surrounded by a mixed forest, in which deciduous species are combined with conifers. Therefore, vacationers who come to this region immediately feel the purity of the air, and staying in these places helps to cure diseases of the respiratory organs.

But the main โ€œhighlightโ€ of the CBD and Nalchik are, of course, mineral springs, of which there are more than 20. These are a list of only a few of them:

  • source "Valley of Narzans";
  • Belorechenskaya water used for external exposure;
  • water from sources "Dolinsk No. 1" (with a high content of boric acid and bromine) and "Nartan" are appreciated by visitors with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Secrets of the Atazhukinsky Park

This corner of nature received its name in honor of the founder - Prince Atazhukin, who laid the garden in 1847. The beginning was very modest, but then began an intensive expansion of the park area. In 2007, the republic found funds for the reconstruction of the cityโ€™s green lungs. Today the park is the pride of the city residents and the subject of admiration for its guests, including from Europe.

Flower clock

Here you can admire the greenery from different countries, as well as the Floral Calendar. In addition, in the Atazhukinsky Park, located on Shogentsukov Street, you can find pump-rooms with mineral water and varieties of pools: from decorative to swimming, designed as early as the beginning of the 20th century.

Dolinsky resort

Today, few people know that back in the 60s of the last century, the territory of the city and the resort were separated by gates, which are still in the Atazhukinsky park. Nowadays, Nalchik and Dolinsk have become one. Passing through the gate and entering the former resort area, you can find a well from which water with different properties is extracted.

This is explained by the depth of water flows. In one of them, water has a low level of radioactivity, and in the second - a neutral level of total mineralization.

Comfort and infrastructure

Arrived for treatment and rest in the sanatorium them. Kirov in Nalchik guests are accommodated in rooms of varying degrees of comfort: from single to triple. The reviews available on the Web allow you to assess the situation on the spot without leaving your home.

Rest in the sanatorium. Kirov

So, many regular customers of the sanatorium them. Kirov in Nalchik noted the discrepancy between the declared level of comfort of the room stock with its actual condition. Cleaning is done formally and sometimes consists in the simple removal of garbage. Some vacationers mention a decrease in the quality of excursion services, as well as the lack of a Wi-Fi network.

There is a low level of service culture on the part of some senior canteen workers. However, this is offset by the attentive attitude of the waiters.

Concerning the treatment, the reviews are contradictory: from clearly negative to enthusiastic. Analyzing the dates of reviews, we can say that the quality of medical care gradually improved from 2015 to 2018. The bulk of negative impressions were in 2013.

View from the sanatorium UFSIN

In general, the FSIN sanatorium can be attributed to medical and preventive institutions that are undergoing restructuring, as a result of which some of its specialists did not have time to restructure their attitude towards clients.

Where to get a pleasant experience

Arriving for recreation, vacationers are counting not only on high-quality treatment, but also on obtaining pleasant new experiences. And Kabardino-Balkaria generously shares its wealth with guests. There are a lot of excursions here: everyone can find something suitable for themselves.

For many, the beauty of the Blue Lakes, located among the variety of flora of the Atazhukinsky Park, will be a discovery. With the advent of the Lower Lake, called Tserik-Kel or Rotten Lake, the myth of the battle of the hero of Batazar with a dragon is associated. Near this reservoir there is a clear smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The next point, where a pleasant experience awaits you, can be the 1957 Green Theater, which is located in the same Atazhukinsky Garden.

Three Chegemsky waterfalls are located 55 km from the capital of the KBR, but if you want to get an unforgettable experience, then you should definitely go on this excursion.

Where else can you improve your health

Treatment in the sanatoriums of Nalchik has certain specifics. Coming here, you are counting not only on improving your health, but also on getting new experiences. Heads and employees of medical institutions take this moment into account and even add it to the list of factors that have a beneficial effect on the well-being of clients.

The degree of comfort and, accordingly, the cost in health resorts may vary, but the list of diseases that work here is about the same.

Sanatorium "Seagull"

The sanatoriums "The Seagull", "Valley of Narzanov", "Pear Grove", "Mountain Spring", "Resort Nalchik" offer the whole range of methods necessary for restoring the body. In many reviews of vacationers, the friendliness of the staff and the competence of doctors are always noted.


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