Kvass at home: recipe and ingredients

How to make kvass at home? Nothing is easier! Use our tips and you will get a refreshing drink that can quench your thirst at the hottest noon. The best kvass recipes are in front of you.

kvass at home

A bit of history

Our distant ancestors learned how to cook kvass from bread at home. The first records of him were found in The Tale of Bygone Years, written in 988. In the annals there is a mention of the order of Prince Vladimir on the occasion of the Baptism of Russia. He ordered on the occasion of the holiday to distribute to the compatriots a drunken drink and bread kvass.

In the mid-15th century, brewing was created thanks to kvass. The name of the drink itself is translated from Old Russian as "feast" or "walk". This proves that he was a leading drunken drink at folk festivals. In Russia, kvass from bread was an everyday treat. Its presence in the house indicated wealth and prosperity.

how to make kvass at home

Beneficial features

Everyone who cares about their own health is recommended to cook kvass at home. It contains great nutritional value. The drink is rich in vitamins, amino acids, lactic acid and enzymes. It invigorates, tones, refreshes, quenches thirst, stimulates metabolism, relieves fatigue, improves performance, etc. The beneficial effect of kvass on the functioning of the internal organs of a person is noted. It increases immunity, improves the microflora of the stomach, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The constant use of this drink helps to cope with alcohol addiction. It also contains alcohol, but in a minimal amount. However, kvass has not only positive, but also negative properties.

kvass recipe at home

Possible harm

What do people who want to cook kvass at home need to know? First of all, it should not be given to children under the age of three years. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also refrain from using it. Sour drink is contraindicated in people with chronic gastric ulcer, gastritis and high acidity. It is necessary to forget about kvass for those who suffer from liver pathologies or gout. Everyone else can drink it in moderation daily.

kvass without yeast at home

Cooking rules

  • Kvass recipe at home involves the use of fresh yeast. Carefully monitor the expiration date of the product. Spoiled yeast at the root can ruin your undertaking.
  • The best bread for making a drink is rye. It must first be dried in the oven. From browned bread turns kvass with a bright taste, pleasant aroma and rich color.
  • Before cooking, boil the water and cool.
  • Wort for a drink should be infused in a glass or enameled container. Aluminum is not suitable, as it can react with the contents and oxidize it.
  • The wort is infused at room temperature, and the kvass is kept in the refrigerator. Moreover, he can stand no more than two days, otherwise he will lose all his useful properties.

How to cook kvass at home. Simple recipe


  • boiled water - three liters;
  • rye bread - 300 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 30 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to dilute the yeast in warm water.
  2. Then you need to cut the toasted bread into small pieces.
  3. After that, mix yeast, bread, water and sugar in a glass jar or a large bottle.
  4. Then the kvass recipe at home recommends covering the container with gauze and insisting at room temperature. The process can take several days.
  5. After the kvass has matured at home, it must be filtered.
  6. Next, the drink should be stored in a cold place.

This is the easiest recipe for kvass. There is nothing superfluous in it, and traditional ingredients are used. However, an ancient treat can be prepared not only from bread. Often vegetables and cereals are used - beets, oats, rhubarb, etc.

kvass from bread at home

Oat kvass: manufacturing instructions

Oat kvass is not at all difficult to cook . To do this, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • oats - half a kilogram;
  • water - three liters;
  • sugar - six tablespoons.


  • three-liter jar;
  • half a meter of gauze.


  1. First you need to pour oats into a glass container and fill it with water.
  2. Then the neck of the jar must be wrapped with gauze.
  3. Then the container should be placed in a warm place for two days in order to form a wort.
  4. As soon as a film appears on the surface, the liquid must be drained, and the swollen grains to be filled with fresh water.
  5. Next, pour the remaining sugar into the jar and make sure that it dissolves.
  6. After 15 hours, the drink will be ready. Help yourself to your health!

Kvass from oats at home is done relatively quickly. It can be drunk immediately, but it is better to drink it chilled.

how to make kvass at home

Beet Kvass: a storehouse of vitamins

This drink is able to compete with any other kvass. By the number of vitamins and nutrients, it is simply irreplaceable. It is recommended to drink it to people with serious health problems. Specialists point out that in beetroot kvass there are unique elements. For example, rubidium and cesium, which help with hypertension. Our grandmothers noted the anti-aging effect of this drink. In short, the recipe for kvass from beets at home is useful to everyone.


  • beets - one piece;
  • water - two liters;
  • sugar - four tablespoons;
  • one stale crust of bread.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to clean and thoroughly wash the root crop. Then it must be cut into small pieces.
  2. Next, you should fill a three-liter jar with beets to half and pour water with sugar to the very top.
  3. Then you need to throw the rye crust to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. After that, cover the glass container with gauze. Then it needs to be kept in a warm place for three days.
  5. Now the drink can be filtered, bottled in clean bottles and tightly corked.

According to reviews, this recipe produces excellent kvass. Inventive housewives have found another use for this drink. They add it to mouth-watering cold soups.

oats kvass at home

Yeast-Free Kvass Recipe


  • bread (rye or wheat) - 300 grams;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • sugar - one tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to take a few slices of bread and crumble it into a one and a half liter jar.
  2. From above it is necessary to pour sugar and fill the container with water almost to the neck.
  3. The next step is to close the jar with a glass (not polyethylene!) Lid. Then you need to put it in a warm place.
  4. In two to three days, the kvass will be ready. However, this option is more suitable for marinade. It is good to hold meat, fish or chicken before cooking.

If you want to get a truly tasty kvass without yeast at home, do not throw the thick from the container. It can be again filled with water and sugar and the very next day, enjoy a refreshing drink.

beet kvass at home

Rhubarb kvass

Compared to previous recipes, this can be called unusual. Rhubarb kvass is a great alternative to store soda. The juicier the plant, the tastier the drink. Therefore, select only quality ingredients from the following list:

  • stalk of rhubarb - 350 grams;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • sugar - 50-100 grams;
  • raisins (unwashed) - 10 grams;
  • wine yeast (if there is no raisin) - 10 grams;
  • mint (dry or fresh) - 15 grams;
  • ground cinnamon - 3-5 grams (optional);
  • cloves - two buds (optional);
  • lemon juice - as much as you can squeeze from one fruit.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to make raisin yeast. To do this, put unwashed raisins in a glass container, pour it with 100 milliliters of water and a half teaspoon of sugar.
  2. Then the neck of the jar should be tightly wrapped with gauze. After this, the workpiece must be put for two to three days in a warm, darkened place. As soon as a slight smell of fermentation is felt and foam appears on the surface, the leaven can be considered ready.
  3. Next, you need to clean and wash the stems of rhubarb. Then it needs to be cut into small sticks 2-2.5 centimeters long.
  4. After this, the plant must be folded into a pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes under a closed lid.
  5. Then pour sugar and spices into the mixture and boil it again for five minutes. The resulting foam must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  6. Now the wort must be removed from the stove, cool slightly and strain.
  7. In the liquid part you need to add mint, cover and leave to cool to room temperature. Then the leaves should be removed with a slotted spoon.
  8. Next, in a cold wort, squeeze lemon juice and add raisin yeast. After that, everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and transferred to a fermentation tank.
  9. Then the vessel must be covered with a napkin and taken to a dark room. The liquid should be infused at a temperature of 18-28 degrees for 15 hours.
  10. In conclusion, you need to pour the drink into bottles, leaving 4-5 centimeters to the top, and tightly close them with lids.
  11. After that, you need to stand the bottle for one hour at room temperature to form gas, and then transfer it to the refrigerator for a day for cooling.

Now you know how to make kvass at home. Bon Appetit!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6601/

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