How to measure a member correctly?

how to measure a member
A sufficiently large number of men are dissatisfied with the size of their penis. Moreover, this dissatisfaction is far from always justified, and it has purely psychological reasons. The stronger sex has very developed competition, men want to be better than their rivals in everything. Often, the small size of male dignity or the eternal spirit of competition encourages them to look for ways to enlarge their penis.

Before resorting to methods of increase, you need to understand how to measure a member. Speaking of its length, it must be borne in mind that it differs in an erect and relaxed state. The size of the erect penis is of practical importance. There are two ways to measure a member. Both involve the use of a ruler and measuring the length from the pubic bone to the tip without taking into account the individual structural features. Only in the first case, the line is β€œpressed” into the fat layer, and in the second case it is applied freely. A more accurate method, showing how to measure a member, is the second method. It shows the value of the stimulating length, which can change with weight.

penis enlargement methods

Urologists measure a member in a relaxed state, stretching it to the maximum length. In this case, the results will be the same as in the erect state. But at home, it is better to measure an excited genital organ.

If you still need to determine the length of a relaxed penis, then you need to measure several times a day under various conditions, for example, after waking up, after a shower, training. The fact is that this part of the body is subject to changes depending on many factors. Therefore, for the length you need to take the arithmetic average of all these values.

In addition to the length of the penis, representatives of both sexes are also interested in its volume. It is measured on an excited member. For this, a centimeter tape tightly, but without stretching, wraps around the penis.

Having decided on how to measure the penis, and having performed these simple manipulations, we can already talk about increasing male dignity. If it is really necessary. Penis enlargement methods can be surgical or conservative. Experts advise to resort to plastic surgery only as a last resort. Of course, modern medicine is able to lengthen the penis by two and a half centimeters, and the increase in circumference can reach 6 centimeters. However, in practice, the results may be less. Moreover, any operation can lead to undesirable complications.

penis enlargement methods

To avoid unnecessary risk, but at the same time get the desired result, you can resort to exercise. Before starting classes, the member must be warmed up to ensure the flow of blood to it. To do this, a terry towel should be wetted with hot water and wrap the penis with it. Hold such a compress for about three minutes. After that you can proceed directly to the training. The main exercises are stretching and jelk. In the first case, the penis grasps slightly below the head and stretches away from itself. Exercise promotes sprain and gradual lengthening of the penis. Only you need to do this not too much and without squeezing the vessels, so that instead of a positive effect you will not get injured. Jelk can be translated as "milking." The movements will be corresponding. You need to perform the exercise on a half-raised genital organ using grease.

To achieve positive results, exercises need to be done regularly. But in no case can you bring yourself to painful sensations. Otherwise, instead of benefit, there will only be harm.


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