Interesting facts about milk. Milk may turn sour during a thunderstorm. Frog in the milk. Invisible milk ink

From childhood, everyone knows that milk is an extremely useful product. In ancient times, it was even considered a cure for many diseases. People saw that both newborn babies and animal babies gained strength by eating milk.

It was used not only as a food product. It is known that many famous beauties, such as Cleopatra, took baths with milk to provide their skin with a flowering appearance.

The publication offers you the most interesting facts about milk, surprising and unexpected.

Milk powder production

Powdered milk

This product was first mentioned in 1792. Even ancient culinary specialists were able to turn the drink into powder in hot countries, for example, in the Middle East, since the main advantage of dried grains is long-term storage. The scope of milk powder is extensive. The dry product is added to baby food, in bakery and confectionery.

How is milk powder production organized? At the enterprises where it is made, specialists must carry out a number of analyzes. After that, the dairy product enters the bulk storage tanks. The temperature should not exceed +4 ° C. Every two hours, milk is mixed, its acidity is checked.

Then the raw materials are separated (separated into cream and non-fat portion). This process proceeds at a temperature of +55 ° C. Next is the disinfection process, which proceeds at a temperature of +86 ° C. This process is called pasteurization. But this is only when skim milk is being produced.

Further, the raw material enters the drying towers, where the temperature is maintained at +190 ° C. The drying towers are huge funnels, where in the upper part there is a disk where milk is sprayed. At the same time, hot air enters the lower part. This complex milk powder production process is controlled by a computer program.

The finished product settles on the walls of the structure and is blown through the side pipes. At the final stage, the powder is cooled to +20 ° C. After that, it is passed through a sieve. The amount of moisture in the product should not exceed 5%. Further, the product is packaged in multi-layer bags weighing 25 kilograms.

You may not know that the finished milk powder is checked with a metal detector. This is done to prevent metal dust from entering the milk. Such a product retains its beneficial properties for up to two years. This is one of the interesting facts about milk.

Frog in milk

How a frog helps keep milk

Perhaps none of our contemporaries will agree to place croaking amphibians in milk to increase its shelf life. Why is this necessary if almost everyone has a refrigerator? But before such units did not exist. Therefore, our ancestors willingly used the help of green tree frogs.

Is it really true that if you put a frog in milk, then it will not turn sour for a long time? A group of chemical scientists from Moscow State University Lomonosov checked this rumor and fully confirmed it. The fact is that frogs secrete peptides with antimicrobial and antibacterial effects on the surface of their skin. It is they who help the product to maintain freshness for a long time.

Invisible milk ink

Invisible ink

Today, it is no secret to anyone that there are invisible inks, which are the most common food product - milk. This method of transmitting secret information was known in ancient times.

One has only to write a letter on an ordinary sheet of paper, for example with a cotton swab, and give time for the "ink" to dry. A sheet of invisible milk ink should be held above the candle flame. In this case, the inscription begins to appear quickly.

Milk turns sour during a thunderstorm

Thunderstorm action

Many have heard that milk turns sour during a thunderstorm. One of the most real explanations for this phenomenon was given by Soviet scientists. In 1964, Professor Chizhevsky in his book “Earth in the Universe” wrote that during a thunderstorm, radio waves cause rapid precipitation of the solid phase of colloidal solutions. It was experimentally proven that milk coagulation is independent of bacterial processes. Only under the influence of radio waves in milk does the breakdown of the protein-colloidal system occur.

Thus, it has been proven that souring milk during a thunderstorm is a myth. With this natural phenomenon, it only collapses under the action of short electromagnetic waves. And milk does not turn sour due to the action of a thunderstorm, but when favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria appear. This is an increase in temperature, humidity, the participation of extraneous microorganisms.

Milk baths

Source of youthful skin

It has already been mentioned that Cleopatra liked to take milk baths to prolong her youth. After all, this product has in its composition a large number of vitamins and minerals. Milk nourishes and moisturizes the skin, which becomes more firm and elastic.

In Russia, it was also known about the benefits of milk baths. This is confirmed by Russian folk tales. One of them is the well-known Little Humpbacked Horse. Do you remember? There Ivanushka jumped into a cauldron with boiling milk and jumped out not only safe and sound, but also a handsome man.

To take such baths, you must follow some rules. Perhaps this is what folk wisdom warns about, because the tsar, who after Ivanushka jumped into the cauldron, was cooked alive. So, bath milk should be fresh. To enhance the action of this product, you should combine it with essential oils. If you use it as a scrub, you need to add oatmeal.

It should be remembered about the contraindications of milk baths, such as acute infectious diseases, dermatological and fungal skin lesions, pregnancy, heart or vascular ailments.

We will reveal to you the secrets of the Egyptian queen. To take Cleopatra’s bath you will need 4 tbsp. tablespoons of natural honey, which should be dissolved in two liters of hot milk. This mixture should be poured into water, the temperature of which should be about 40 degrees Celsius. The procedure should not exceed 25 minutes. Thanks to this care, your skin will look fresh and young.

Milk coupons

The law provides for a tasty and healthy bonus for citizens working in hazardous industries in the form of free milk. To get it, you must observe a number of conditions. For one working shift of milk, 0.5 liters are issued per employee. You cannot replace this bonus with money or other goods and products.

According to doctors, milk is a tool that increases the body's resistance to toxic harmful substances. This issue has been studied for a long time. As a result of research, scientists came to the conclusion that in some cases, for example, when poisoning with poisons, soluble in fats, the use of milk should be limited.

During the Soviet Union, hazardous industries kept strict records of the issuance of healthy drink to employees. Milk coupon forms had a certain level of protection; they were printed on special watermarked paper. Thus, this product came precisely to the one who needed it.

How much milk is needed for 1 kg of butter

Butter production

Talking about interesting facts about milk, one can not help but mention butter, because it can no doubt be added to the list of the most necessary products. In the assortment of this product there are many varieties and names. Do you know how much milk is needed for 1 kg of butter? This will require about 25 liters of milk! More precisely, one can know, knowing the percentage of fat content of the initial product and the produced oil. In any case, 10 liters of cream are first obtained from 25 liters of milk, and 1 kg of butter is knocked out of them already.

The most interesting facts

It is more correct to call milk not food, but food. This is a product of centenarians. However, in India it is rarely consumed in pure form. In this country, milk is mixed with turmeric or spices. Today, this product can be consumed by less than 50% of adults, since the rest have lactose intolerance of different intensities.

Milk perfectly fights insomnia. This product calms the human nervous system. One glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey an hour before bedtime is a wonderful remedy for insomnia.

Washing dishes from under the milk should first be cold, and then hot water. The fact is that milk protein under the influence of high temperatures becomes viscous and sticky, so it is poorly washed off the walls of dishes.

The fattest milk is among members of the seal and whale family. The milk of these animals contains more than 50% fat.

Milk can be used as a cleaning agent. For example, they can remove ink stains, wipe mirrors and gilded frames.

Milk contains about 80 mineral elements that our body needs for normal growth and development. These are calcium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zinc, lithium, silver, iodine, fluorine. The composition of milk includes fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and water-soluble vitamins, such as C, PP, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 6 , B 12 , N, as well as enzymes, hormones, and immune bodies.

Milk coupons


Interesting facts about milk show us how important this product is in our lives. Of course, he deserves attention and the most thorough study. This product is necessary in childhood for full development. We are talking about mother's milk, which contains enzymes that promote the hydrolysis of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the intestine. There is no such enzyme in cow's milk.

Every year for the past 15 years, at the beginning of June, World Milk Day has been celebrated.

Note that no living creature on the planet drinks milk throughout life. Only people (not all) do not part with him until old age. It should be noted that cow's milk is intended for the rapid growth of the skeleton and muscles, and an adult human body simply does not need such a concentration of calcium in the daily diet.


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