Rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act: instruction

Terrorism, which decades ago few people thought seriously, unfortunately, in the modern world is an integral part of it.

Terrorism strides the planet

Almost every issue of broadcast news does not bypass this malicious topic, describing the manifestations of organized terror in almost all corners of the planet.

threat code of conduct
Terrorism is a method of forceful influence of a formed group of people or a certain party, using systematic attempts of violence in order to achieve the declared goals in any way. For intimidation, arson and bombings of shops, administrative and residential buildings, hostage-taking, armed attacks, hijacking of aircraft and others are used. Therefore, there are rules of conduct under the threat of a terrorist act, knowledge and compliance with which will help to the maximum in a threatening situation.

Terrorism is a manifestation of human grief and pain

The manifestation of the facts of terrorism, recorded in different parts of the planet, is always unexpected, collapsing suddenly, bearing an avalanche of human pain and suffering.

threat instruction
The rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act recommend being psychologically prepared for self-defense in the event of a possible danger and always observing safety measures, especially in public places.

Instructions for the threat of a terrorist act of a general nature:

- It is required to pay attention to the behavior of people around. Suspicious persons should be reported immediately to law enforcement.

- Do not leave your things unattended and do not accept strangers from strangers.

- To organize the duty of the residents of the house, consisting in regular walks around the building and monitoring the behavior of others.

- Have a well-thought-out and spoken action plan for family members if there is a threat of terrorist attacks. Relatives should know each other's phone numbers and email addresses. Be sure to pre-discuss the meeting place in an emergency.

- It is necessary to strengthen the basement in the house, to free the stairwells from things in order to quickly evacuate with a possible threat of terrorist attack.

- In case of a possible fire, explosion, earthquake, in no case use the elevator.

Threat Response

It is very important to be vigilant as much as possible, be wary of ownerless things anywhere, whether it be a train car, a house entrance, a market, or another point of crowding. The appearance of the left object can be deceiving and mask the inner contents under a harmless box, toy, discreet bundle or ordinary bag. An awareness-raising campaign on the danger of abandoned or “forgotten” objects among children and adolescents takes place.

Without touching the stuff of others (in order to avoid numerous casualties and destruction in case of a possible explosion), you should isolate nearby people from them, trying to ensure their departure to a safe distance. At the same time, it is required to obtain as much as possible information from others about the suspicious object, fixing the time of detection of the latter, and find out any data about the person who left him. If the owner is not identified, it is necessary to inform the law enforcement officer about the find, as well as wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team. Timely manifested promptness in this case can save more than one human life and ensure security against the threat of a terrorist act.

terrorist threat rules

On the street with the activation of law enforcement agencies, one should not show excessive curiosity. The rules of conduct under the threat of a terrorist act stipulate that the most correct action will be to switch to the opposite side of the street and move (calm, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy) in the opposite direction.

Rules of conduct during evacuation

In case of receipt of information on evacuation, the instruction in case of threat of a terrorist act provides for the following actions:

1. Prepare money, documents and valuables.

2. Disconnect the apartment (house) from the energy, gas, and water supply.

3. When leaving, close the front door to the lock to protect the home from looting.

4. To assist in the evacuation of elderly and seriously ill people.

terrorist behavior

Fees should be organized in an organized manner, without the presence of panic. You can return to the premises only after the permission of the persons responsible for the evacuation, when the threat of a terrorist act has passed. The coherence and clarity of each person’s actions directly affect saving lives and maintaining the health of many people.

How to behave when caught in a street shootout

Being in public places carries a certain risk of getting into a shootout. If a person is a victim of the circumstances and falls into this situation, he needs to lie on the floor, look around and try to get to the nearest shelter, not rising to his full height. As a temporary shelter, you can choose concrete poles, monuments, ledges of buildings, ditches, curbs. When the first opportunity appears, you need to hide in the underpass or entrance of the house, where to wait for the end of the shootout.

The presence of a child nearby obliges first of all to take measures to ensure his safety, if necessary, you need to cover the baby with his own body. If the shooting is found while you are at home, you need to take cover in the bathroom (to avoid rebounding) and, laying down on the floor, covering your head with your hands for greater security, wait for the shooting to end.

Crowd Behavior

The behavior under the threat of a terrorist act should be calm, you can not give in to a general panic that covers most people. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid significant crowds, ignoring in this case their own curiosity. It is not recommended to join the protesters. If riots and hustle and bustle have just begun, you need to let the crowd carry themselves, slowly trying to get out of the trap. It is important in this situation to stand on your feet and move, putting your foot as high as possible and on your full foot. To increase the surrounding space will help a deep breath and arms spread apart, slightly bent at the elbows. This is done to avoid squeezing the chest. Actions in case of threat of a terrorist act should be coordinated, clear, aimed at saving one’s own life and maintaining the safety of others.

Crush action

If the crush is threatening, you need to free yourself from any burden (if any). If you fall, you need to get to your feet as quickly as possible, so as not to be crushed by the crowd. You shouldn’t lean on your hands, it’s better to try to stand on your toes for a moment and, having suddenly pushed off the ground, “emerge”. If you can’t get up, the rules of conduct under the threat of a terrorist act recommend curling up, protecting your head with your forearms and covering the back of your head with your hands.

If hostage taking

Hostage-taking can occur anywhere: transport, street, premises. In this situation, as the memo teaches under the threat of a terrorist act, it is important not to attract attention and not look aggressors in the eye. In parallel with this, you need to try to quietly remove all the jewelry, and for women in short skirts it is advisable to cover the bare parts of the legs.

You can try to distract from what is happening, for example, by reading or solving crosswords. The behavior under the threat of a terrorist act should be deliberate, each movement well-balanced. The unnecessary manifestation of courage and heroism aimed at disarming bandits and trying to get out of the trap will be superfluous. This can only make them angry and provoke negative actions.

When capturing vehicles is not recommended:

  • move around the cabin;
  • open bags without the permission of terrorists;
  • respond to defiant behavior of aggressors.

When trying to storm the special services, it is required to lie on the floor between the seats and remain in this position until the end of the operation. After release, it is advisable to immediately leave the bus, as there is the possibility of mining and exploding.

How to behave one on one with the invaders

The memo under the threat of a terrorist act says: if a person is taken hostage, then he must remain calm, eliminate panic and hysteria in order to avoid aggravating the already tense situation that could provoke terrorists to use weapons. You cannot argue with the invaders, object to them, it is better to calmly fulfill all their requirements, trying not to look aggressors in the eye - nervous individuals perceive this as a challenge.

threat of terrorist act
You need to be configured to use criminals face dressings, gags, handcuffs and ropes. Any action (drink, go to the toilet, get up or sit down) must be coordinated with the aggressors. This will reduce the threat to life for oneself and others. Any humiliation, insult and deprivation in this situation is best endured. In case of possible injury, it is required to limit oneself to movement as much as possible to avoid blood loss. You need to be careful, trying to remember the signs of the invaders, names, nicknames, tattoos and scars, especially behaviors. The rules under the threat of a terrorist act recommend paying attention to the smallest details, since any little thing can help the investigation.

When the special services for the release are required to remain on the floor, covering their heads with their hands, and stay as far away from doors and windows as possible.

terrorist threat security
You can’t run out to meet the special services, which may mistakenly take the person running for the criminal.

The behavior of a man who has become a hostage to terrorists

By coincidence, any person can become a hostage, turning into a means to achieve criminal goals: it can be political demands or a ransom.

In this case, human life is at stake, becoming the subject of increased bargaining. When taking hostages, it is important to remember that the treatment of a prisoner depends on the behavior of the prisoner. Therefore, you need:

  • to control oneself, trying to maintain composure;
  • not to resist, so as not to cause cruelty to oneself;
  • be wary of trying to focus on sounds, movements;
  • engage in mental exercises, so as not to weaken the consciousness: constantly train your memory, remembering historical dates, phone numbers, names and surnames of friends;
  • engage in physical exercise, if space and condition allow;
  • be prepared for inconvenience: lack of toilet, lack of water and food, poor living conditions;
  • monitor personal hygiene, yourself and do not give up on impotence;
  • Be prepared to explain the availability of documents and phone numbers.

If the hostage has health problems, it is necessary to inform the guards about this and, if necessary, ask for medical assistance, as well as medications.

Just do not panic! There is always hope for salvation

In the case of the possibility of a telephone conversation with relatives, do not cry, do not scream, do not hysteria! Try to speak calmly and on business. You need to try to establish contact with the guards, explaining that you are the same person as they are, having children and a family.

terrorist threat
If the guards do not make contact, you need to talk to yourself, as if singing in an undertone or reading out loud. You can’t get lost in time, so it’s advisable to keep track of it, marking with the help of improvised objects (such as matches or pebbles) on the wall the past days.

In no case should you lose heart and lose hope: the more time passes, the more likely it is to be saved.


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