Where and how do lips grow? Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

The most important issues that a woman usually seeks to solve with regard to her lips are to give them maximum volume and to moisturize for a long time. Actually, puffy, supple and moisturized lips are not only a woman's dream. This is exactly what they want and feel when men kiss their partner. The cost of lip augmentation depends on the method chosen. The cost of the procedure is in the range of 5-25 thousand rubles. It all depends on the clinic and the chosen method. But in most institutions, the procedure costs 16 thousand rubles.

lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

The desired double effect can be achieved by resorting to the procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body, this is a normal physiological process provided for by nature. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that one molecule of such an acid allows you to retain a thousand molecules of liquid. That is why even its small volume significantly increases the level of moisture. The only negative is that the molecule of hyaluronic acid is very large, so it can only be injected into the lips (as well as under the skin). The risk of rejection is minimal.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is performed by a doctor using local anesthesia. The effect is detected immediately. The lips become more voluminous. Moreover, hyaluronic acid provides the lips with natural moisture constantly, and therefore wrinkles in their area will form more slowly.

Immediately after the administration of the drug, redness and a decrease in sensitivity are possible, but after a short time everything passes. The presence of hyaluronic acid can give the lips a more attractive shade, as well as restore the contour. These lips look natural.

Hyaluronic acid also stimulates the formation of collagen in the skin and prevents the destruction of its existing fibers. In relation to the lips, this is important, because their firmness and elasticity directly depend on the amount of collagen fibers that they contain.

The effect of the procedure can last up to about one and a half years. Then the natural process of its decomposition and removal from the body occurs, and the procedure should be repeated. It is important that in principle there can not be an overdose of such a substance, since it is natural for the body, and it takes it completely in the volumes in which it is administered.

After the procedure, lip augmentation should refrain:

  • from applying cosmetics to lips for a whole day;
  • from the use of hot and alcoholic drinks, as well as from smoking;
  • from visiting the baths and saunas.
how to increase lips by injection

Lip lipofilling

Itโ€™s no longer fashionable to pump silicone into the lips. Now the trend is lipofilling lip. In the place of accumulation (stomach, thighs), 1-2 ml of own adipose tissue is taken. Further, such material is processed with a special solution and injected into the lips in order to improve their shape or correct the contour. Helps to make lips more voluminous, as well as reduce wrinkles in the area around them, correct lip asymmetry or soften the line of their contour.

The benefits of this procedure include:

  1. The minimum risk that the introduced tissue does not take root. Since own tissue is introduced into the lips, which was already in the body, but only in its other part, the risk that it does not take root in the lips is minimal. Moreover, due to the naturalness of its origin, it does not cause any allergic reactions.
  2. Painlessness.

The procedure lasts only 30 minutes, a maximum of an hour. It is carried out strictly by specialist surgeons in clinics, since it is still considered an operation. Local anesthesia is used, so after an hour the patient can go home. Fast recovery period. Possible bruising and swelling subside after 7-14 days. Puncture sites must be processed in just three days. No repetition required. It has a long action.


  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • skin pathologies.
lip augmentation

How to increase lips by injection?

Injections of biopolymer lip gels are the administration of sterile liquid silicone. Due to which it is possible to increase the volume of the lips.

The procedure for the introduction of biopolymer gels

The introduction is carried out using anesthesia. An incision is made in the corner of the mouth, and the drug is injected into the lips. Further, in order for the gel to be evenly distributed, a massage is performed. Immediately after the injection, swelling and bruising can occur.

Restrictions on the day of the injection:

  • tanning in the solarium is prohibited;
  • mouth articulation is not recommended;
  • you should sleep on your stomach.


  • achievement of a quick effect;
  • quick recovery


  • hemophilia;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases.

Lip correction in this way is popular among women, because it gives a tangible effect and leaves no scars. Nevertheless, complications can occur, such as an allergic reaction or the gel moving from the injection zone to another area. Removing it can be difficult.

how to increase lips

Lip augmentation with threads

If you are looking for a way to enlarge your lips without serious surgery, then thread lifting is what you need. This is a new way to increase lip volume with mesothreads.

What are the benefits of threadlifting?

  1. The absence of complications and age restrictions.
  2. Long lasting effect.
  3. The lips look very natural.
  4. Fast rehabilitation period.
  5. Allergic reactions are excluded.

How is the procedure?

A special anesthetic ointment is applied to the skin of the face. The doctor makes the smallest punctures in the lips. Using punctures, mesothreads are introduced into the lips.

As a result of this procedure, a voluminous skeleton is formed under the skin. Subsequently, this frame is overgrown with fibrous tissue. That is how the lips appear and the volume, while maintaining the contour and the previous shape. The threads dissolve in the interval from six months to a year and a half. However, collagen fibers form in the tissues, and thanks to them, the effect of the procedure persists for many more years.

how to increase lips

Lip implants

The procedure for increasing the volume of lips with implants is very popular. The results have a maximum duration in comparison with other methods of increasing. Cosmetic surgery offers several types of implants.

  • Synthetic. Implants are introduced under the lip surface in the form of solid strips of polytetrafluoroethylene. Incisions are made in the corners of the lips, after which an implant is stretched across the entire lip. If desired, in the future it can be deleted.
  • From human tissues. From the donated tissues that have undergone processing, strips and sheets are made that are inserted into the labial tissue. Such implants have the property to dissolve. The average period of use is up to a year.
  • Microimplants. For the manufacture of various materials are used. The disadvantage is that not all of them are approved for use. However, the result of such an operation will last longer than when using synthetic or biomaterials.

After a few days after the swelling subsides, the result will be noticeable.

lip augmentation cost

"VY" plastic

โ€œVYโ€ plastic is a plastic operation to create a beautiful and regular lip shape, which is performed by redistributing the tissues on the lips. Such plastic can significantly change the shape of the lips for a constant period. Indications for "VY" -plasty:

  • Asymmetry of the lips.
  • Aesthetic non-compliance.
  • Birth defects.
  • Traumatic consequences.
  • Age-related changes.

"VY" -plastic creates the volume and shape of the lips with a bow. You can adjust the shape in the necessary areas of the lips at the request of the patient: in the central part, only in the outer parts or along the entire length. Operation by the VY method involves the displacement of the mucous membrane of the lip forward on the outer surface. An incision in the shape of โ€œVโ€ is made on the lower or upper lip, which is fixed with a suture in the shape of โ€œYโ€ using an absorbable thread. After surgery, a slight swelling appears on the lips, the final result is achieved 2 months after the plastic surgery.

Operation liphorn for lips

Another way to increase lips - bulhorn - is divided into two types:

  1. Reconstructive. Helps to remove birth defects - cleft lip, cleft palate - or acquired defect. The main task is considered not only to return the aesthetics of the lips, but also to provide the correct functioning.
  2. Aesthetic. This is a whole list of operations that is aimed directly at adjusting the appearance. The Bulhorn technique is a minimally invasive technique, since a small area is used and there is no need to exfoliate the skin. But the incision is nevertheless made, and there is a slight loss of blood, it is for these reasons that Bulhorn is still a surgical technique.

There are two methods:

  1. External - an incision is made directly under the nose. A scar may remain.
  2. Internal - make an excision of the mucous area on the inside. After the operation, everything heals very well. There are no scars. The most important advantage - helps to eliminate the appearance of lip protrusion, which happens with injections.
where to enlarge lips

Contraindications lip augmentation

There are a number of contraindications. The specialists of the clinic, where lips are enlarged, will tell in detail about each of them:

  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation, the effect of the drug on the fetus has not yet been studied well enough, and the hormonal changes that occur with the womanโ€™s body during this period cannot give a guaranteed result from the procedure;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • damage to the skin at the injection site;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • dermatological contraindications;

Complications after lip augmentation

Thinking about changing the shape of the lips, you should remember about possible complications. A popular cosmetic procedure can lead to various complications. It is worth to know reviews about lip augmentation in order to avoid negative consequences.

  • Swelling of the tissues. It occurs in all patients who have undergone lip augmentation surgery. There are cases when the edema does not go away on its own. Reasons may include: administering too much of the drug; infection introduced during the procedure; non-observance of precautionary rules in the postoperative period.
  • Pain in the lips. Pain is associated with a deep penetration of the needle into the lips.
  • Hematomas. May appear as a result of rupture of blood vessels. Therefore, before the procedure, the doctor should recommend taking a course of taking drugs that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Fibrosis. The drug is administered in small doses, resulting in the formation of small โ€œlumpsโ€ and โ€œballsโ€. It is possible to prevent such consequences with the help of massage. If the nodes do not resolve within 7 days, you need to seek help from a specialist. If left to chance, the seal may expand.
  • Allergic reactions. They are extremely rare. In case of allergy, it is necessary to quickly take action and provide assistance.
  • Herpes. It can occur if you do not drink a course of antibiotics before the procedure.

Women who are afraid to have lip augmentation will benefit from reviews. They say that these procedures are completely safe and will make their lips even more beautiful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6630/

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