Taxes on transport in Kazakhstan. How to check transport tax in Kazakhstan? Terms of payment of transport tax in Kazakhstan

In this article, we will be interested in transport taxes. He came to Kazakhstan and other regions a long time ago. And still worries many citizens. After all, untimely payment of all possible payments and taxes entails certain consequences. They without fail will attract the attention of the tax authorities. But what is it all about? What tax are we dealing with? How to calculate and pay it correctly? All this will be discussed later.

taxes on transport to Kazakhstan


What are transport taxes? He came to Kazakhstan and other regions a very long time ago. And fell on the heads of taxpayers. This payment does not suit many, but it is difficult to hide from it.

Why? The thing is that the transport tax is an annual payment that is levied on the owners of motor vehicles. It is paid by all citizens who have reached the age of 18. But it’s important - the transport tax is levied directly from the owner. If you do not have a car, you don’t have to worry about paying it.

We are dealing with a regional tax. It is established individually in each subject. There are some similarities, but nevertheless, payment for the same transport will differ in amount.

Not for all

There are some categories of citizens who are entitled to a partial or full exemption from this payment for one reason or another. Most often we are talking about beneficiaries. Each region has its own rules in this regard.

So, for example, transport tax in Kazakhstan may not be paid by veterans and Heroes of the Soviet Union. This also includes people with disabilities (groups 2 and 1), as well as companies that provide services to people (mainly transportation) with disabilities. Those involved in the creation and restoration of roads also do not pay transport taxes.

And pensioners and large families are entitled to a discount. In the amount of 10 to 90%, depending on the situation. Most often they are given 50% in the form of a discount for the transport tax. But this rule applies only to one car. Such rules are currently in force.

transport tax in Kazakhstan

Calculation components

But how to calculate transport tax in Kazakhstan and other regions? This is not so difficult to do. The main thing is to know exactly what data you need. And learn just a few formulas that will be remembered very quickly and simply.

To begin with about the components. What does the transport tax consist of? From the tax rate, as well as from the base. In some cases, the role is also played by the time you own your vehicle (if owned for less than a year) and the so-called up-conversion factor (for passenger luxury cars with a cost of 3 million rubles or more).

The tax rate is the cost of one horsepower in the engine. This indicator is established individually on an annual basis in all regions. There are special tables in which you can see the latest information for your area. Take an interest in it immediately before the calculations.

Base is the amount of horsepower in a vehicle engine. These data can be taken from the data sheet to the vehicle. They usually do not cause problems.

The increase factor is a special factor that appears in luxury vehicles. It serves for passenger cars, if their cost is from 3 million rubles. In all regions, the coefficient remains the same, but it can change in a given time period. You can usually find it along with tax rates in your area.


Need to calculate transport taxes? In Kazakhstan, there are several formulas that will help to quickly resolve the issue posed to us. There are 4 in total, but perhaps only one needs to be remembered. The rest are modifications.

The standard calculation formula is that the tax base is multiplied by the tax rate in your region in a given year. And you get the amount due. The second option will come in handy if you own transport for less than a year. Then the standard formula is additionally multiplied by the figure obtained by dividing the months in which you dispose of the car by 12.

to know the tax on transport in Kazakhstan

For luxury cars, there are also two layouts. If you have owned the transport for more than a year, then it’s enough to multiply the standard formula by an increasing factor. As a result, the amount due is payable. When you drive a car for less than 12 months, you have to multiply the second calculation option by a factor. That's all - nothing difficult.

The timing

What are the deadlines for paying transport tax in Kazakhstan? Here you can divide the case into 2 parts. The first is direct reporting. It is expressed in the form of a declaration to the tax authorities. It is necessary to report to the state before April 30 of each year. With all this, a declaration is filed for the previous year. That is, in 2014 for 2013, and in 2015 for 2014 and so on.

The second part is the direct payment of tax. It is paid until December 31 of the year following the one for which reporting is available. Most often, taxpayers make advance payments - until 30.04 (along with the submission of the declaration).


You can find out the transport tax in Kazakhstan and other regions in several ways. Everyone has the right to choose what he likes. The first scenario is a direct appeal to the tax authorities. There you will be provided with information about all your debts.

The second option is the use of the State Services portal. How to check the transport tax in Kazakhstan in this situation? Register on this site, and then in the search bar after authorization type: "Transport tax". Select: "Search by TIN" and enter your individual number there. You can click on "Search". Done - information about your debt will appear on the screen.

terms of payment of transport tax in Kazakhstan

Still wondering how to check your vehicle tax in Kazakhstan? Then use the service "Payment of public services." Registration is not required, just look for the debtor by TIN. In an electronic wallet with a similar request, you will see debts.

How to pay

So, you have learned the taxes on transport. Many payment methods have already come to Kazakhstan and Russia. Among them, one can consider both cash and cashless payments. The second is in great demand. You can pay taxes (not only for transport) using:

  • bank (visit with a payment, passport and money);
  • directly to the tax office (there are often either special terminals or cash desks);
  • ATMs and payment terminals;
  • portal "State services";
  • site "Payment of public services";
  • Internet banking
  • electronic wallets.

how to check transport tax in Kazakhstan

It is enough to know the details of the tax, the amount of tax, as well as present your passport data. Most often, Internet banking is a success, as well as working with ATMs. We hope that now the conditions of the transport tax in Kazakhstan will not cause you any questions.


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