The right first kiss - what is it?

In the life of every person there are many different events important to the heart. One of these is the first kiss. What should it be and what generally needs to be done? Often this question is asked by a huge number of young people. It is worth understanding some of the nuances.


The most important thing in the first, in principle, as in all the others, a kiss is attraction, the desire to kiss this particular person. Only in this way, at the peak of your emotions, you can get the greatest pleasure in the world. Only in this case, everything will surely work out, and only the most pleasant and fond memories will remain of the first kiss. And this is very important for all subsequent relationships with the opposite sex in the life of any person.

Moment of surprise

An important recommendation when figuring out what the first kiss should be, is the advice that it should be spontaneous, unexpected. Do not pre-ask your object of adoration, β€œcan I kiss you?”. Everything must come from the heart. There are a lot of moments for such an action. Any romantic atmosphere can contribute to this: a date in a cafe, a walk in the night city, farewell at the door of the entrance ... These are cases when a kiss is not only necessary, but also very important. You can also kiss the girl in an unusual or unexpected environment for her. For example, during a game: the first kiss during entertainment will be not only a surprise, but also a pleasant event. Also memorable will be kissing during bickering or arguing in a pair. This will surprise the girl . By the way, this is a great way to close your lady’s mouth if she parted in earnest.

Kinds of Kisses

Probably everyone knows that there are quite a few different types of kisses. So what is the best place to start? Certainly not from French. The first kiss should be gentle, soft, affectionate. Do not rush at your companion with the desire to cause him (or her) to suck, this will be inappropriate. A light touch of lips is the perfect first kiss in the history of each couple. And then events can develop according to a different scenario.

Important points

Everyone knows that in exciting moments a person's hands sweat, breathing may be interrupted, and even dizzy. This is normal, but such behavior can raise questions or even scare a partner. Therefore, you need to control yourself as best as possible in order to avoid such excesses. Do not panic or be too nervous, there is nothing wrong with the first kiss, moreover, it is a pleasant experience. You also need to take care of body aromas. It may be unpleasant to think about, but the smell of sweat or bad breath from the mouth can scare a person away once and for all. And such a first kiss can be the last in a couple’s relationship.


It is also worth thinking about where to put your hands at the first kiss. Scouring the whole body in search of where to catch is not an option. The situation would be ideal if a girl hugs a guy by the neck, and a man puts his hands on the lady's waist. Trying to grab a girl by the ass or chest is not the best option, so you can only scare away your sweetheart.


If it’s completely incomprehensible how the first kiss should go, you can practice the art of kissing the opposite sex at home. The old way of learning on tomatoes can also help. But it’s better to watch some video or ask friends about it. By the way, they perfectly explain the first kiss of history from life. You can talk about it with couples in love.


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