Punch: an alcoholic recipe at home

It may seem strange to us that the etymology of the word “punch” originates from Hindi. Everything becomes clear if you look at the history of this drink. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Great Britain captured India. So the British military met with the "chips" of local cuisine. Among them was a punch. In Indian, this word means "five." So many ingredients make up this drink: water, alcohol, fruit juice, sweetener (sugar or honey) and spices. The English remade the word “punch” into “punch”, but also brought something of their own into this ancient Indian drink. At first, the alcohol component was ale, brandy, less often wine. But since 1655, after the British capture of Jamaica, rum became the main ingredient (in the classic recipe). The British popularized the drink in the rest of Europe. Thanks to immigrants, he became famous in North America. Below you will read some tips on how to make punch at home. An alcoholic recipe is not limited to one classic. By changing the ingredients, you can endlessly enjoy various tastes.

Alcoholic Punch Recipe

Basic rules for making punch

Today, this name means a cocktail in which fruit juice is involved. Moreover, the drink can be with and without alcohol, hot and cold. Instead of water, you can use tea (which makes it similar to grog), milk or coffee. The strength of the drink is regulated by the addition of cognac, rum or, as a “light option”, champagne or dry wine. We put ice cubes in a summer cold punch. The classic recipe suggests a high degree of not only alcohol, but also the temperature of the drink. But it should be borne in mind that when heated above sixty degrees, the taste of rum or cognac may not change for the better.

Punch Cold Alcohol Recipe

But spices more fully reveal their qualities in a hot environment. Therefore, in summer punches they are added more, in winter - less. This should be especially taken into account with cloves, whose pungent aroma can drown out the delicate taste of the cocktail.

Classic Punch: Recipe for Dark Jamaican Rum

First make syrup. It is better to boil it in a small amount of water, then to adjust the desired strength and sweetness of the drink. When sugar or honey is completely dissolved in water, and the syrup reaches a boiling point, add spices. In the classic version, this is a pinch of cinnamon, one clove and nutmeg - on the tip of a knife. Hold the saucepan on the fire for another minute, so that the spices “open”. We dilute dark Jamaican or Barbados rum (one hundred milliliters) with half lime juice. Top up flavored syrup - as much as you see fit. Pour hot punch into glasses with thick walls so as not to burn your hands. You can decorate glasses with slices of any cocktail fruit - pineapple, orange or lemon.

Homemade Punch Recipe

Chocolate punch

Making it simple. A bar of chocolate (dark and without fillers) is broken into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan and pour boiled water (half a liter). Pour sugar - about 200 grams. Heat on low heat. When the sugar crystals dissolve and the chocolate melts, pour in a liter of red table wine (or sangria) and a glass of cognac. Stirring, bring to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. Pour the punch into porcelain mugs. The recipe is alcoholic, and even very, because we use red wine or sangria instead of juice in it. The role of spices is chocolate. To slightly refresh the warm and cozy taste of the cocktail, you can add cognac cherry or a slice of orange.

A close relative of the grog

This is a low alcohol punch. Roma goes there with only a quarter glass. It is difficult to distinguish between punch and grog - a drink, the main component of which is tea. Such cocktails perfectly warm, tone and quench your thirst. And the hot punch, the recipe of which is given here, also saturates - because it will require 2-3 egg yolks. Making tea leaves - half a liter. Meanwhile, we cut into small pieces half the peeled lemon, simultaneously removing the seeds. Put the pulp in a saucepan, pour the tea leaves, add a bag of vanilla sugar and (optionally) a pinch of cinnamon. Bring the tea to a boil under the lid, and then filter through a strainer. Rub the yolks with 150 grams of granulated sugar. Cool the tea a little and mix with the egg mass. We put the saucepan in a water bath and, stirring, cook until thickened. Cool again to 70 degrees and pour in the rum.

Punch classic recipe

Fiery punch

An alcoholic recipe suggests that you will make this drink directly at guests. The cooking process is entertaining, and the spectacle is spectacular. As a container, you can use a fondue saucepan. We pour there a bottle of wine, a glass of water, a glass of cognac and vodka. Pour another 50 grams of granulated sugar. We put all this infernal mixture on fire and heat up to about 70 degrees. In a deep plate, spread the cubes of refined sugar - one hundred grams. Pour them with a small amount of vodka and set fire. As soon as the cubes turn brown, knock over a plate of burning sugar into the fondue bowl. Then pour the punch into circles.

Punch hot recipe

"Black cat"

This punch recipe at home can be done in five minutes. We put in a cezve natural coffee (in two small cups). You can add a pinch of cardamom or nutmeg to it - which anyone likes. In a cup, rub two egg yolks with a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Add dark rum - 70 milliliters. When the coffee is prepared, immediately mix it with the egg mass. Pour the punch into the cups. Savor hot, preferably jamming some dessert.

Apple Punch Recipe

Citrus punch

Squeeze citrus juice into a bottle of white dry wine. It can be one grapefruit and four tangerines or two pieces of orange and lemon. In short, a mixture of sour and sweet fruits. We pour in a liquid and 250 grams of sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. As a spice that should flavor punch, an alcoholic recipe recommends using one or two cloves. You can also put lemon peel on the bottom. Let this liquid brew for about an hour. After that we take out the zest and cloves, and heat the drink to 70 ° C. Remove from heat and add a liter of hot water and a bottle (0.5 l) of rum.

Rum Punch Recipe

Milk Punch

We boil a liter of milk, add 120 grams of granulated sugar to it. Stir until the crystals are dissolved. When the milk cools down a little - up to 70 degrees - it's time to pour alcohol. This punch is with rum. The recipe recommends combining it with cognac. It is best to take half a glass of both alcoholic beverages. Stir and pour into tall glasses. Each glass must be “powdered” with grated nutmeg.


We have already described how to make coffee punch. The recipe “Alcoholic cold glass” is its summer version. It needs to be cooked longer than hot. We make sweet coffee with grated zest of orange or lemon and cool it. Then we bred arabica with citrus juice to taste. Add alcohol. It can be liquor (in the ladies' version), cognac or rum (in the men's). Filter the drink into tall glasses. Beat in a mixer three to four chilled egg whites. Put a spoonful of lush foam on top of the drink.

Folk punch

Although this drink became known in Europe thanks to the British, ordinary people in Russia have long spoiled themselves with something similar. At Shrovetide, during festivities, apple cider was cooked in huge cauldrons , adding honey, cranberry or raspberry fruit drinks to it. But this "apple punch" recipe recommends drinking chilled. The basis for it may be cider. Then the drink will be stronger. But delicious also comes punch based on apple juice without pulp. We take a liter of cider, mix it with half a glass of any liquor or cognac, add sugar to taste. Mix until crystals disappear and cool.

New Year punch

We celebrate this holiday with champagne. But after drinking a glass under the chiming clock, we rack our brains on what to do with an unfinished bottle. Or you can make a punch with champagne. The recipe gives us two options for the drink - hot and cold. But champagne must not be heated. Therefore, we do this: pour large rings of lemon with cognac and set aside for a while. Pour one hundred grams of sugar with mineral water and bring to a boil. Pour in three hundred and fifty grams of white dry wine, add lemons. Again we put on a slow fire. Heat to 70 degrees and pour into glasses. Glasses should be filled in two-thirds. And for the rest, pour champagne at room temperature.

“New Year with strawberries”

Cold champagne can also be prepared with champagne. The recipe prescribes boiling for four minutes four hundred grams of frozen strawberries, three teaspoons of grated zest and 50 ml of lemon juice. After this, the mass should be cooled and wiped through a sieve. Before serving, fill the jug or bowl for the punch for a quarter with ice cubes. We spread strawberry puree there, pour two hundred milliliters of champagne, white dry and semi-sweet red wine. All alcoholic beverages should be highly chilled.

Bloody punch

It's good to use this Halloween punch recipe . Cranberry juice, added but not mixed with alcohol, due to the different density of liquids gives “bloody” streaks, which makes the drink look gothic. To increase the intimidation, you can stick a jug with a punch of jelly spiders and worms (marmalades of the Haribo company). So, mix half a liter of Pinot Gris wine and apple cider and half a glass of brandy or cognac in a bowl. We put sliced ​​fruit slices - apples, pears, peaches, pineapple slices. We stand at least an hour in the refrigerator. Then add 0.75 liters of cranberry juice and serve. The jug can be diced on all sides with dry ice cubes - then there will be the effect of hellish smoke.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6633/

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