How to roll apple juice? Apple juice for the winter: a recipe

There are many different ways to preserve apples for the winter. From summer varieties you can make mashed potatoes, jam, they are also dried. Such fruits are not very suitable for juice, they are distinguished by a small amount of moisture. For this reason, for this purpose it is best to use late varieties, which are much juicier. And, of course, it is advisable to start processing your own homemade apples, although you can choose good store ones. Now we’ll look at how to roll apple juice on your own and how to save it for the winter.

general information

Many may recall how in the nineties of the last century they dragged apple bags from their summer cottages and stores into their apartments and turned them into canning shops for some time. Given that there was one variety of fruits on sale, they prepared, most often, juice of one variety - from 30-40 liters. Now the time has come that you can buy everything and inexpensively, but the habit of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the future has remained, perhaps not in such enormous quantities. After all, no in-store purchase will ever replace a genuine, self-made apple juice.

how to roll apple juice
This is a very useful product for the winter, both for children and adults - especially those who engage in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, the process of procuring juice is not fast and not the easiest, but it's worth it. Moreover, modern equipment will provide maximum assistance. We proceed directly to the story of how to roll apple juice.

The first option for making apple juice

We will need: a juicer, apples, lids, banks, a slotted spoon, gauze, a rolling machine, tweezers, a thermometer for preservation. We lay out a step-by-step recipe:

  1. Apples, previously prepared, pass through a juicer, expel natural juice. If the device used is large, then the fruit can be thrown whole without cutting the core and not cutting into pieces.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan and sterilize on the stove. In no case can you bring it to a boil, as this will significantly worsen the taste and die a lot of vitamins. To measure the temperature, you can use a special thermometer designed specifically for conservation. When the juice is heated, foam with cake will be released, it must be removed with a slotted spoon and discarded.
  3. When the temperature reaches 90 degrees, the juice must be poured to the top in boiled, sterile jars, filtered through gauze.
  4. Then we alternately cover the banks and roll up. That is, fill the first jar, close the lid, roll up, then the second and so on.
    how to roll freshly squeezed apple juice
  5. Turn the finished cans upside down and put on a cloth for cooling. No need to cover! In this example, we examined in sufficient detail how to roll freshly squeezed apple juice.
  6. Such conservation can be stored both in the cellar and at room temperature. It is not recommended to do this for more than three years, it is advisable to update the workpiece every one to two years.

Another option for making freshly squeezed apple juice

Modern cooking offers us more than one way to accomplish our task. The only thing they have in common is that you need to carefully choose the fruits: they must be undamaged and always ripe. The proportions and ingredients depend on the desired result and on the variety of apples. You can cook clarified juice with pulp. To get an unforgettable aroma of the drink, adjust, combine different varieties of fruits at your discretion. Thus, it is possible to get completely new tastes that could surprise even very demanding people with drinks.

apple juice for the winter
Experts in this industry argue that it is wrong to harvest juice using only slightly acidic apples, as the result of such work, among other things, will not meet the necessary quality requirements. The most favorable varieties for preparing the drink are: pear, anise, titovka and winter parmen. If you are interested in how to roll apple juice after a juicer in other ways, the information below is for you.


Squeeze the fruit into slices in a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into an enamel or glass dish. To prevent oxidation and further darkening, it is advisable to add a little lemon juice. We will need a large pot. After pressing the future drink from the dishes, pour without heating, into banks and cover with lids. We put them in a pan and pour warm water to the neck. We heat the water to a temperature of 85 degrees, reduce the fire and, maintaining the temperature, pasteurize the cans. Time depends on their size: 20 minutes for one and a half liters and 30 minutes for two to three liters. With the help of a towel folded several times or a thick potholder, we carefully take out alternately hot cans and roll them up right there. Another way of rolling apple juice has been mastered.

The recipe for apple juice without a juicer

A natural and tasty drink can be obtained without much effort and without a juicer. We need fruits with a light flesh and necessarily sour taste. In this case, sugar and water are not required. Cut the fruit into several parts and pass through a sugar cooker or meat grinder.

apple juice recipe
The resulting pulp is squeezed using gauze, the remaining pulp is sent to a pot filled with water (ratio of two liters per 10 kg), soaked for six hours, heated and squeezed again. Go to the next step. We make a drink: heat the liquid to 80-90 degrees, stand for five minutes and pour it into cans. Boil the lids in a water bath and roll the resulting nectar. At home, you can cook without pasteurization, slightly increasing the temperature of the water for boiling cans. In this case, for additional sterilization, they need to be rolled up, turned upside down. Apple juice is ready for the winter.

Sugar and pulp juice recipes

If you want to cook nectar with sugar, then the technology is similar to the previous one, only in the second stage take 70% sugar syrup and add it to the juice. A syrup can be obtained from either secondary juice or sugar. The proportion is as follows: for one liter you need one hundred grams of sugar and 150 ml of syrup. Now we describe another option for how apple juice is made. Recipe for a drink with pulp: pass fruit through a meat grinder two or three times, moreover, through a small cell. It is necessary to prevent darkening of the outgoing mass, for which we add ascorbic acid to it.

roll up apple juice after juicer
The ratio is as follows: 10 grams of fruit needs 10 grams of acid. You should already know well how to properly roll apple juice, do not forget to just pasteurize it. By the way, the more mass obtained will be more finely chopped and uniform, the juice will be tastier and its storage will be longer.

Another way to make an apple drink

Apple juice can also be made in a juicer, but since in this case you need to have good quality equipment and certain skills, we will not describe the process. Just clearly do everything according to the recipe and strictly maintain the temperature regime, and everything will work out. In our next method, we will use sour apples, and you will learn how to cook and how to roll freshly squeezed apple juice in this case. We will do it quickly and easily. To improve the taste and color, you can combine our drink with blueberry, grape or aronia juice. Foods needed: apples, optionally granulated sugar, and baking soda for washing cans. Necessary utensils: juicer, pan, colander, metal lids, glass jars, seaming machine.

Making juice

Cooking apple juice. The recipe is as follows. We wash the fruits, cut and pass through a juicer. Let the squeezed juice stand, then filter through two or three layers of gauze.

how to roll apple juice
The resulting drink is poured into a saucepan and brought to 95 degrees over high heat. At the same time, we constantly remove the foam, thus clarifying the juice. Filter the hot drink again through cheesecloth and bring it to a boil. Pour into cans and roll up. Then upside down - and to cool. Having well mastered how to roll apple juice, in winter we will get a very useful drink, which, thanks to the presence of potassium, normalizes cholesterol in the blood, and will contribute to the elimination of radionuclides. Apple fasting days will help with obesity.


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