Anti-terrorism safety at school: instructions. School Anti-Terrorism Security Order

A few decades ago, the word "terrorism" seemed distant and not related to ordinary people, especially to children. Today, this word has firmly entered the lexicon, and the terrorist threat has become an everyday reality. The state faced an urgent task - to protect the younger generation from this terrible danger.

School security

Anti-terrorist security at the school is ensured through a set of measures carried out jointly with the administration, municipal authorities, and law enforcement agencies. These activities can be divided into several groups.

1. The protection of the school, together with the forces of private security or private security companies, whose functions include:

  • ensuring the safety of the school and the entire territory, as well as the prevention of dangerous situations;
  • establishment of access control and a ban on the free passage of strangers;
  • protection of personnel and children from any violent acts in the protected area.

2. Strengthening the facility in engineering terms:

  • establishing reliable window grilles;
  • replacement of doors with metal with constipation.

3. Equipment of the facility with technical protection:

  • alarm system;
  • panic button
  • surveillance cameras;
  • control systems for radiation, chemical state of the environment.

4. Preparation of an anti-terrorism security passport.

5. Organization of fire and electrical safety.

6. Training in civil defense measures:

  • the formation of a safety culture among the teaching staff and students;
  • control of all activities that ensure anti-terrorism security in the school;
  • improving the material and technical base in terms of protecting the school institution.

7. Financial support for events.

school anti-terrorism security

Anti-Terrorism Security Document

All objects of mass visits to people are required to develop a passport for counter-terrorism protection. These include schools. This document reflects information on how anti-terrorism security is organized in schools. The need for the introduction of anti-terror passports is explained by their purpose and objectives. The development of this document is necessary in order to be able to evaluate this object in terms of preventing terrorist acts or minimizing their consequences for the health and life of people in the territory of the object. The Passport presents possible scenarios for the development of crisis events, identifies weaknesses in the sense of security of the facility and options for their protection and overcoming the crisis.

Executive functions

Responsible for anti-terrorism security in the school is the head, that is, the director of the school. Its main functions are the organization of joint events with law enforcement agencies and control over actions to ensure security throughout the educational institution. The standing body that manages the safety of the institution is the anti-terrorism commission. It includes the deputy director, chief of staff of the civil defense, mechanic, electrician and other persons at the discretion of the head. The basis for the creation of the commission is an order to ensure anti-terrorism security at school.

school anti-terrorism safety instructions

Commission activity

The Anti-Terrorism Commission draws up a plan of work and joint activities with law enforcement agencies. A complete inventory is being carried out to examine the available entrances and exits and ensure their protection and control by all persons entering the territory of the educational institution. During the inventory, the commission determines the minimum number of entries that must be left open, the rest are closed and sealed.

The commission also develops instructions on anti-terrorism security at the school, they detail the actions of staff and children in case of a threat to the safety of people present in the school. The preventive measures include:

  • daily tour of the territory, inspection of all places in which the laying of an explosive device is possible;
  • regular inspection of storage facilities, especially after receipt of any materials;
  • careful control over the selection of personnel;
  • systematic verification of premises leased;
  • the employees walk around the school building in the evenings to check the integrity of windows, bars, doors;
  • briefing on anti-terrorism security at the school together with law enforcement officials.

Actions for suspecting the likelihood of a terrorist attack

If there is suspicion of the possibility of a terrorist attack, vigilance should be increased and the director should immediately be informed of the following suspicious signs:

  • attempted entry of strangers into the school;
  • the desire of strangers to make contact with guards or children;
  • conducting monitoring of the school territory - visual or using technical means;
  • the study of utility rooms by strangers;
  • arrival at the school address of unordered goods or the appearance on the territory of unfamiliar objects;
  • failure of an alarm, telephone or electricity.

school anti-terrorism safety briefing

Actions when foreign objects appear

The anti-terrorism safety instructions at the school include the following actions that the commission should take when unfamiliar objects appear:

  • record the time of detection and notify the principal;
  • evacuate all people currently on the school grounds;
  • urgently notify all services and law enforcement agencies and ensure control over their unhindered access to the location of the subject;
  • All persons arriving at the scene should be allowed to pass after a thorough check and with the permission of the director.

ensuring anti-terrorism security at school

Work with students

Regular briefing on anti-terrorism security at school should be carried out with schoolchildren. They need to explain the danger and inadmissibility of the following actions:

  • touch or use packages or objects found on the street;
  • to take any things or toys from strangers;
  • Do not touch the wire or cord stretched in any place.

Ensuring anti-terrorism security in the school determines the procedure for receiving threats by telephone:

  • try to remember the whole conversation and immediately write on paper;
  • if possible, record the caller's number;
  • during the conversation try to determine the gender or age of the caller, some features of speech;
  • remember the features of the sound background during the call - the noise of the train, the voices of people, etc .;
  • record the time of the conversation;
  • immediately after the call, inform about it only to the principal or his deputy;
  • no need to hang up the phone after the call.

order to strengthen anti-terrorism security at school

Holidays Security

To prevent terrorist threats, two weeks before the holidays, the director issues an order to strengthen anti-terrorism security at the school, which regulates additional measures taken to ensure the safe conduct of holiday events. These actions include:

  • unscheduled instruction of teachers, other staff, school students;
  • Strengthening security and tightening the access system;
  • the duty of teachers, students on floors, stairs, in the dining room;
  • daily check of all rooms, entrances and exits;
  • control over the work of security guards ;
  • timely garbage disposal, ensuring proper sanitary condition of the territory.

Control over the execution of the order lies with the principal. For each case of violation of the order, an internal investigation should be conducted with the prosecution of those responsible.

responsible for anti-terrorism security at school

Forms of work with children

To ensure effective protection of the school from the terrorist threat, working with children - primary school students is of great importance. Of course, it is difficult to explain to the child the need to follow safety rules without scaring him. You need to try to do it in a soft way or with the help of game situations. The child must learn to behave correctly in unusual situations. Unfortunately, terrorism is a reality, and the child must be ready for it in order to save his life. Anti-terrorism security at a school may also include additional activities, depending on the specific conditions in which it operates.

an order to ensure anti-terrorism security at school

Terrorism is a dangerous phenomenon in modern life, which affects all sectors of society. Knowledge of the rules of conduct in case of a terrorist attack threat will protect yourself and others from its consequences.


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