Why do men flirt on the Internet? Why does a married man flirt with others?

The process of introducing the Internet into the life of modern society is gaining more and more momentum every year: children delve into the expanses of the network, young couples stop verbal exchanges, switching to the language of characters and pictures, women are increasingly turning to the inhabitants of forums and chat rooms for help, men are making “girlfriends” by correspondence. "


why do men flirt

The problem of the appearance of a lady in the husband’s Internet space makes any woman feel uncomfortable and seriously worried, because any emotional connection (and communication always implies one) can easily be transformed into a closer and more dangerous family for the well-being. Understanding why men flirt on the Internet can be quite simple. For example, a stranger may never see the real look of a partner (bald patches, a piercing tummy or eternal sloppiness - all this is hidden), which gives him the opportunity to taste female attention and inspiration.

Many argue that men most often use access to the global network as a way of entertainment - colorful online games, intense battles on chat sites, streams of the most advanced gamers. Such entertainments make it possible not only to communicate with an ardent like-minded person, but also to gain in the chosen field of experience and tricks. But a lot of guys are active users of social networks, where you can easily enrich the social circle of the fairer sex.

Inner depression

why does a married man flirt

World-class experts are increasingly raising the question of why a man flirts with women online. Indeed, in essence, guys are attached to the visualization process - the more appetizing and well-groomed a girl looks, the more pleasant it is to listen to her sayings. The network completely cuts off this contact, because you can only see well-sifted photos of users. Men can exhibit the most diverse and not always artistically arranged photographs. And women, on the contrary, will never put up a photo card, to which there is at least one complaint.

Many people conclude from this that a man who is enthusiastically seeking connections on Internet resources suffers from internal depression, therefore, he is looking for a source of self-affirmation. Fighting such a turn of married life is a review of their own behavior. Having calmly analyzed all problematic situations and cues from their own lips, many women understand that in the last period they often expressed their discontent in a clear form and unambiguously lowered the status of the husband in conversations with friends, in the company of mutual friends or in communication with parents. Therefore, the question arose about why a married man flirts can be easily answered. In order to increase self-esteem.

Loss of emotional connection

Often women try not to raise the issue of virtual treason, trying to look modern and as advanced as possible in the matter of family life. But this reaction may lead to serious problems in the future. If a man who comes home first plunges into the world of the network and enthusiastically clicks the keyboard in an impulse to share daytime events with a computer girlfriend, and not with his wife, the problem has moved to a more complex level.

The emotional relationship between partners is rather fragile, because thanks to it, the body understands how pleasant the person is, and, accordingly, responds to his actions. In the case of a woman, this process is expressed much brighter and more colorful - after another quarrel, it is quite difficult for a woman to tune into intimacy. A storm of emotional discontent does not optimally relax, which, in turn, leads to a deterioration in mental state and depression.

Men who have lost an emotional connection try to drown out the formed background as much as possible: first “male days” appear, when it is completely absent for the spouse, then an acquaintance with a woman on the network may form. Driven by conjugal and civic duty, he does not dare to take radical measures, but tries to find a substitute.

Understand themselves

To understand why a man flirts with others, a woman should thoroughly understand herself. If the partner is not happy with something or infuriates with his habit, you should try to find a common ground and fight the problem together. If the spouse does not cause trepidation or pleasant excitement in the heart, it is worth starting to consider the option of continuing the family life.

why a married man flirts
Statistics say that most female audiences in such problems are advised to make the same virtual friend, thereby knocking out her husband for thought about a possible betrayal by her spouse. For the most part, none of them asks the question of why men flirt, but immediately go on to hostilities in the family. The problem is that the evoked feeling of jealousy only reinforces the process of disagreement between partners. If a man felt a lack of attention or the pressure of fierce criticism, and now sees clear evidence of a preference for some new friend, then the remoteness of the spouse will go into the plane of divorce.

Reassessing one's own contribution to family prosperity should be the right tactic for women. The question "why do men flirt" should be rephrased into "what is missing in our relationship." Reduced self-esteem or internal conflict of relations - all this can be resolved together.

why a man flirts with others

A separate case is when a pregnant wife or already a mother of a baby stops giving the lion's share of her attention to her spouse, and he plunges into the world of the Internet. In such a situation, it is worth taking the problem into your own hands. The chats are full of female tantrums and indignant screams about fatigue and chronic lack of sleep, they say, most of the care and troubles falls on the wife’s shoulders, and after that they still have to adapt to the hubby.


It’s worth considering why men flirt. For a male, flirting is a kind of hunt, because verbal training gives a life of romanticism and color together. Every man tries to get an intelligent, beautiful and bright woman into his possessions, domestic problems and fatigue often pass by his attention.

why a man flirts

A family where parental concerns are separated with a clear advantage in one direction or another, should find a possible compromise - give the wife a couple of hours daily to relax from the role of the mother or distribute the chores more fairly. The more time a woman has for relaxation, the more she is inspired by family life.

Distance partner idealization

A frequently asked question from psychologists about why men flirt has a fairly simple answer. Often they are simply afraid of any duties or restrictions of freedom. Family life involves a constant unwritten report of their actions and future plans, and Internet connection can develop completely at the request of a man. Over the past 10 years, European psychologists have come to stunning conclusions: more than a quarter of the male population under the age of 30 are actively using virtual chat rooms, afraid to switch to the level of real contact. The idealized image of a girl during correspondence may simply not pass the verification of everyday life, so most of them go to the stage of virtual intimate communication without touching real life.

why do men flirt online


Even being in the phase of an ideal relationship, women often ask the question of why men flirt with others. There are often cases when the groom or lover pays a lot of attention to conversations with clients or employees. The fact is that every man is primarily a male, in his essence the genetic memory of herd relationships still lives, when everyone had the opportunity to calmly replenish their female paradise. Now, not so much is assigned to everyone, and there is always a need to fill in the lack of attention.

If you start a conversation with your lover himself about why men flirt, you can get a rather confusing monologue in which there are 100% arguments for the innocence of such actions and the baselessness of any female claims. None of the guys are ready to discuss the tendency to constantly flirt with the fair sex with their own spouse or bride. Courtesy with the lady you like is the simplest reaction of the male subconscious, because touching the beautiful, everyone gets an emotional boost.

Pleasure from oneself

Psychologists in many countries are trying to answer the question as fully as possible why a married man is flirting. Each of them, in communication with a beautiful woman, first of all, takes pleasure in himself, because in a dialogue with a stranger who is close to the girl, you can paint your own shortcomings or advantages from a more favorable side and afterwards believe in the fiction told. The guys themselves rarely think about the cause of craving for flirting. Therefore, the conviction of his wife completely knocks the soil out from under their feet.

why do men flirt with others


Understanding why men flirt on the Internet is pretty easy - the virtual reality of the relationship initially rejects the continuation. Indeed, most often the correspondent is located far away, and it is not so easy to establish a tactful relationship with her, but the fact of regular communication should prompt thoughts of his real partner. The appearance of a different listener in the beloved man may indicate a breakdown in communication within the family, which gradually destroys marriage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6642/

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